Ram audit

OPEN UP! Your ram is being audited! Show your ram performance!

Attached: timings.png (539x518, 114K)

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so... this is the power... of proprietary software

Attached: 1565540189090.jpg (5000x5000, 1.76M)

Point me to a better open source alternative that shows me read and latency and I'll jump this instant.

Just make it yourself lol that's the whole point with open source if it doesn't exist you make it yourself

sorry im busy expanding and creating my own internet

Oh fuck you're right, thanks user. I just threw together a better alternative in 1 minute. Can't believe I didn't think of that.

My shit RAM and lack of OC are obviously holding me back a bit, but not bad latency i guess.

Attached: 2019-08-30 23_25_01.png (537x507, 127K)

>shitty thread full of retards posting garbage no one cares about

fuck off op and take your spyware shit somewhere else while you're at it.

You sir are interfering with the audit and I must insist that you leave immediately.

It's a 32gb dual-rank kit, which is why the timings may seem high.

Attached: aida64.png (539x518, 123K)