"Redpill" me on California

"Redpill" me on California

I really want to go,drive down the route 101

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im in cali, what do you want to know?

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Is it as bad as this board claims?

Not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I would avoid LA though. Northern California is nice.

there are prettier areas than san francisco

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Is life there really glamorized like everyone says ?

Shit i really want to go on a roadtrip down the pacific highway

California is bad. I am a paramedic and deal with everything from the top tier member of society, to the lowest rungs of society. There is something rotten in this state for sure. Crime rates are increasing drastically. Air quality is getting worse. Frankly, when i finish school im taking my family out of here.

the pacfic coast highway or, PCH, is nice in some spots. It is beautiful south of San Francisco, like Big Sur, Cambria, San Luis Obispo . The Sierra Nevada Mountain range, like in the pics Ive posted is beutiful as well. Lake Tahoe is gorgeous.

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Rotten? As in corrupt? Or a degradation of morals?

California sucks balls to live if you belive in small government, individual liberty, and self preservation. Los Angeles is a dirty fucking shithole. The central valley, the I-5 / 99 corridor is a fucking disgusting pile of shit. All the white people have fled. Just filled with cartel beaners and MS13.

Do it, it’s a cool drive, California’s problems don’t matter if your on vacation only if you try to live there

All of the above. There is not culture here. There is corruption in every facet of govt. There are little spots where there are 'moderate' cities, like in orange county or like in Ventura County, I live in Thousand Oaks, which is in ventura county. But The schools suck and crime rates are under reported in all the big cities.

The lower left hand corner on your picture is baker beach, a nude beach where old homos fuck each other in the ass in front of kids.

swimming in urine and feces

CA may be a nice place to visit, if you avoid San Francisco and Los Angeles.

I get the impression that california is very nice only if you're visiting for vacation or if you're really wealthy and you can live in some highrise in LA or in orange county

heeeeeres cali

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All the posters in this thread are locals trying to keep tourists out of the state, I applaud it

Rich people in California don’t live in high rises. They have single family homes up in the hills.

yes. There are some great spot to visit, i get the feeling you would love Big Sur. Which is on PCH.


just stay out of the cities op, and visit all the naturey shit there is. From red woods to volcanoes.
It isnt fire season, so everything wont look like smoke

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If you have a performance car/truck, enjoy those curvy roads. One day I hope to do that.

Northern CA is geographically beautiful, as are Oregon and Washington. I can only speak to living in the Bay Area though, it's crowded and expensive. The South Bay is the worst. And it's chock full of brown people. Indian, Afghan + other sullen, hostile-looking bearded muslims. It was rare, but I saw a muslim couple where the woman was in a burka at Trader Joes. I'd get into a state of triggeredness ever time I went shopping. This was Fremont (east bay, about the cheapest place to live). Not to mention Hispanics, of course. Northeast Asians I don't mind so much, nor even the Hispanics, though they can be disgusting. One guy pissed against a store wall on the street in broad daylight - this, in San Mateo, one of the nicer parts of the Bay. I guess the 'meme' of shitting / pissing in the street has spread from San Francisco (which I've also seen).

We got colonized, boys.

Fellas what about nightlife and girls?

Norcalifag here. I live just outside the Capital in the suburbs. We are not as bad as Sanfran, but the homeless problem is big here. Still not leaving. It's frustrating politically, but fuck it. I'll fight.

>Los Angeles
Absolutely nothing of value. Hollywood is massively over rated too. Can't believe I wasted a day walking around looking at stars on concrete, and that's the height Hollywood has to offer unless you know someone that can get you on a lot.

Also, wait until summer and go north along the coast. See the redwoods and the northern pacific coast.

West coast girls are slutty but standoffish and stuck up.

Think like Italian girls but meaner.

Midwest and southern girls are the nicest but they also tend to be fatter/uglier

Northeastern women can be all over the map from hot and nice to ugly and raging bitch mode but usually they aren’t confirming to whatever the general expectation is and thus are quite genuine.

However in general Americans are very nice especially to foreign tourists

Honestly tho, i know there's not much to see really, im more interested in that california vibe, meeting people and hanging out with locals

SD here, I actually stepped in hobo shit last night at work. The only thing that makes me feel a litter better is the bums live the life they deserve, unfortunately they plague everyone else with their miser.

Fremont , Union City and Newark have a huge Muslim population now. I've lived over in East Bay for almost 10 years now, and suddenly in past few years me and my wife have noticed every time we are in the areas Muslim women everywhere.

There are great places you can visit. There are also dystopian hellholes you can visit. I recommend cities with lower population than LA or SF.

The California vibe died by the end of the 80's, now it's like a giant gypsy camp with mexicans instead of actual gypsies and tons of homeless now.

Yep, there is a huge Afghan population here. I really wish I understood how our immigration policy worked to let so many in, and how they somehow manage to afford living here.

Aww is that true?

>I really wish I understood how our immigration policy worked to let so many in, and how they somehow manage to afford living here.
>Post a Reply

who can we import to America that is the most hostile to it and to come and give the most welfare dollars to so the load for us that sums it up in a nutshell

No California is still cool to visit

Have a good time

yes. My first year as a paramedic I had 8 murders that i pronounced dead and were all mexicans, or some type of bean.

good to visit. bad to live.

Your tax dollars nigger. Chain migration nigger. 100 live in 1 house nigger.

101 isn't the pch, 1 is.
And Big Sur is a bitch to drive because of all the tourists unless you go in the dead of winter, like right now. Then the road is fun.

I think that has something do to with your job too, smumbles

You should drive the Blue ridge parkway. It has much better roads. Not as good as some of those Tuscan roads, but the best in this nation.

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In high pop areas yeah. There are very nice places to go outside of cities.
Driving down or up the coast is probably still cool to see still. Visiting cities is a pretty iffy thing since most modern cities anywhere are the same hellholes.

Im torn fellas, and here's why: everyone is telling me that california is a shit place to live, but a nice place to visit; the problem is, i'd really like to experience life there and i know that being a tourist is not gonna cut it

drove down that road a couple of years back

>do it mang

user from LA. Some parts like Little Tokyo or The Center of LA aren’t that bad. Just stay away from Boyle Heights and Homeless areas. Compton is a shithole but that’s expected because of the Nigger infestation.

It's not really quite as stark (have never stepped in homeless shit) but it's more of a slow burn. I'm sort of used to the CA stupidity, but then I'm always shocked when I go out of state at how normal people can be.

In 2016 I drove from LA to Port Townsend via the coast highway. A good drive, relaxing. Don't count on going too fast. But very enjoyable.

First, PCH is the 1. Second, start up north (like Vancouver, BC). Make sure you see Tijuana.

Born and raised there except for 4 years out of state for school. It seems like within the past 5 years things noticeably got out of control. When I go for a walk on my break at work EVERYONE I walk past is speaking Spanish. Also traffic and population density seems to have gotten much worse. Homelessness is not as bad as LA/SF but it's no small problem. I am saved from traffic nightmares by living very close to my place of work, thankfully. I feel more isolated than ever in my home town. The left only cares about increasing its own power while feigning concern about equality bullshit, to the detriment of most citizens. Boomers in CA are isolated from this due to the skyrocketing of their property values over the past 50 years. Many even fell of the guilt meme because of it and end up pushing for more progressive politics. I really don't know why I am still here. I guess I am expecting accelerationism and collapse.

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t. Jersey.

>Union City and Newark

Wow. We have 2 cities with the same names in NJ, pretty much right next to each other. Absolute shitholes.

its a great.. rent a BMW and go.. Big Sur is gorgeous.. take your time here is a website that has photographed the coat from a Helicopter for decades.

I conceived my first son at place in picture.


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LA is shit. San fran is good for touristy sight seeing stuff. Everywhere else is kinda suburbia. Eastern part of the state is redpilled and based. Beautiful scenery all throughout the state.

Go to Boise, Austin, Salt Lake City, Portland Oregon if you want to experience the Californian lifestyle.

Sounds boring asf

Same in Folsom, not giving up yet.

Everything NJ that isn't South Jersey is a shithole.

Anyways, California is a beautiful place with the most gorgeous weather fathomable. I live in Ventura, very nice place. It’s a real beautiful drive from here to San Luis Obispo. Rolling hills, vineyards, the coast. Doesn’t get much better

Recommendations for driving up or down the coast. If you start in San Diego, get on the 5 until you get past San Onofre, then follow Camino Real to PCH, then stay on PCH till you get to the roundabout, then cut up the Lakewood Fwy to the 405 North, and stay on the 405 until you get to the 10, then follow the 10 West until it dumps you back out on PCH, then enjoy the rest of your drive.

the shallowness of the people in the state of california will reflect the beauty of the weather. it's all those fried pea-brains can articulate.

ask a californian about anything meaningful - you are met with a blank stare.

ask a californian about the weather - you are met with a braggadocios douchebag who claims he can ski and surf in the same day - but never actually does because he's too much of a druggie and traffic wouldn't allow that anyway

california - the fair-weather douche's paradise

California was the most prosperous state and that attracted all the fucking easterners came to this state and they shat it up and opened it up for immigration.
Then when things get bad they go back to their home state with the rest of their family and then tell us not to come to their state. Foreigners from other nation AND other states from this country.

The bay area has the best driving roads in the world.

Cool place to visit, hell to live in.

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Blue Ridge Parkway is okay if you want slow and scenic and lots of tourists. If you want a good drive though, find the 220 from Roanoke to Cumberland, which runs parallel to it but deeper in the mountains.

Public roads aren't meant to be fun.
Stop speeding like an asshole.

Niggers got ethnically cleansed from Compton. It's majority mexicans now.

Is your family from here?

Kek look at this angry little funless faggot.

The best racetracks are free :)

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>the city only fixes the infrastructure if there's swastikas carved on them.

Glad to see the government has its priorities in order.

It’s fine to visit if you avoid most of San Francisco and Los Angeles

You don't want to drive down Highway 101, you want to drive down Highway 1.

Pic related is 101 about 25 miles south of San Francisco from a city called Belmont, which is the heart of Silicon Valley.

Pic related

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How long until the aids finishes you?

They got ethnically cleansed from most big cities actually... SF went from 15% to 5% in like 30 years. They're all spread out in the far-way shitty suburbs of SF and LA now... Coincidentally, white liberals flock to big cities they used to avoid now.

Lots of things about it are bad but then again there's good shit too
>the politics and people are terrible
>the nature and weather is wonderful
everything in life is balanced

These Muslims in the affluent areas like Los Gatos Palo Alto Los Altos etc are the biggest pieces of shit I have ever had to deal with in my entire life. I worked for a family for about 3 years running their business for them while they sat around and gobbled cookies and coffee and talked shit about everyone in farci

They lie to your face and act like you are family but it’s all a facade because as soon as you’re not serving their needs they cut and run

Got to sit around and listen to many of these families sit around and chat

Utter garbage

Get your kicks
on route

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Best post.
It's amazing how many idiots from CA use these as talking points (especially on reddit).
>oh you can surf and ski the same day, man!
Except nobody does because it's a fucking meme.
Also, the beach is for losers, and that's all you see out there. People who work for a living don't live near the beach.
San Francisco is a total dump filled with NIMBY boomers and tech assholes who have spent the last decade siphoning money from the new wave of ignorant internet users.
San Diego is an unbelievable shit hole with the weirdest dynamics. Part military (aka dumb fucks) part liberal part conservative.
Homeless all over down town. Mexicans everywhere.
Ugly as hell once you leave the beach. And the fucking traffic. Old people who grew up there and left said it's very different now. They paved over everything.
LA is LA. I hope you like even more traffic.
And everything in between is full of cancerous small town idiots.
Want a well paying job in CA? You have two options. Either a government job, which I include medical jobs (given the nature of insurance). Or, a job based on exploiting people (tech, finance, law, real estate, movies). The end.

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They all get money from overseas to start their businesses and somehow still qualify to get free rides in our schools they love to laugh about it

Just like the chinks

Drive the AlCan instead

Its comfy, Just stay out of the big cities(dont be there for more than 3 days). Its excellent nature

Based digits confirm kalifornia is the land of shit and sin

If some disease killed like 90% of the population, it would be a beautiful drive. It really is quite lovely, shame about the traffic though. I would recommend favoring 280 over 101 between San Francisco and San Jose, or even 1 if you have the time.

>be lefty
>always say you want to help improve the situation of blacks in America
>get them ethnically cleansed from their own neighborhoods instead

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It is profoundly tragic what was lost in California. It is a bellwether for the plight of post WWII America, demographically, culturally, physically, and more. It used to hold so much promise. Life was so easygoing, and yet people still kept themselves to high standards, challenged themselves, and pursued higher goals. The murder-suicide of White California, now the entire West Coast, at the hand of international jewery is tragic. It is like watching an elder, respected member of your family die of Alzheimer's, while also wishing to become a tranny, while also transforming into a Chinese-Afro-Honduran and commit suicide at the same time.

Drive through it, if you must.

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>mfw will never live in Beach Boys Nationalism of 60s California where Route 66 was actually worth driving on with things to do
Route 66 is literally a crumbling road now with abandoned hotels/gas stations/stores along the way

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Can’t you just walk around in turd piles at home?

I lived in SF for a year and thats about all I could take. Its not a place even for a moderately conservative midwesterner. Theres two things I learned by living in the bay

1. Pedophilia is latent in the homosexual community and its covered up by an intense media campaign
2. Large groups of minorities ruin everything. Including Chinese people. They have a colorful culture on the exterior but no soul, or whatever zest it is that Europeans and Americans have

101 sucks try state route 1, 2, 49 or 20. There is also way better drives in and around the state. 101 is only pretty in a couple places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Mendocino, or Humboldt. Otherwise its a seven lane nightmare

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Fuck off we're full. White girls only fuck mexicants and niggers

Then don't come here. Its garbage and everyone is a phony. The only vibe you'll get is herpes

these whites in your pic probably voted for this

Everybody knows gays are pedos. The bible even says so.

Same here. North or South?

I live pretty close to 101, drive down from L.A. to TJ a lot because of work.

Anyways, what do you wanna know?

You want to remove 100 and go down hwy 1 not hwy 101. Although the days may not be like when I traveled, I could drive until tired park, light bon fire and sleep on the beach. It was good times. The Marxist Socialst CommunistLEFT will need to be out before we get back to such times again. When I travelled it was "VALLEY GO HOME" that was the extent of the problems..

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Not all fun roads are fun solely when speeding. The 1 is quite bad during tourist season because it's so twisty with the sheer cliffs. The limit is 55, tourists drive it at around 20.