Is it a good idea to start a company in web development or is the market for web development completely saturated?
How many jobs are there posted for web development?
I know there's freelancers that make websites for 100 dollars but those are really simple websites right?
Anyone with their salt would get a proper website made worth upwards of 400 dollars right?
Web development
Are you making a web application as in a distributed client-server application with a web-based interface, or do you mean just making web sites? The latter isn't really web development.
Just thinking about the former
Do you have an idea for a specific application, or where you thinking about just freelancing/consulting?
Web development is like sucking cock or doing scat porn for money:
Of course its decent money and there is demand.
If you have no self esteem, go for it!
Just consulting and freelancing. But I want to hire cheap third world labour to do my work for me and then check their work before submitting.
A more viable approach would be to get into a specific niche or industry, make a framework that you can reuse with other clients and then start churning out customizations of that framework for your clients.
That's a great idea to innovate after I've started the company but at the start I just want to see if I can do this
The risk, at least if you're not being open about using third world shitters as your personal grunts, is that if you make contractual obligations and then said grunts don't deliver, you're fucked.
Yeah I understand. But my issue is more client side though because I have connections in the top third world universities, so I'm kind of confident that they can deliver.
>top third world universities
How are they going to deliver you cheap programming? You'd be better off asking a local company that specialises in outsourcing.
>my issue is more client side
I don't think this is the right board for that kind of question, have you tried ?
Jow Forums is shit. They're completely irrational and would ignore this thread or shit post it.
I basically want to compete with those outsourcing companies though by undercutting them.
What I wanted to know is if making web applications and websites is in demand or if its kind of worthless. I've heard a lot of students do it part time in Europe.
You already answered your own question if you think about it. You want to make your own business profitable by undercutting the already cheapest workforce you can get, wouldn't that imply that there is little money in it?
It's a great idea if the year is 2010
Everyone has a fucking website idiot. If they don't, they can literally pay some pajeet, or set up a wordpress website for free. There is nothing of value you can bring to the table.
I don't intend to stay in this though. I will move on to another model. I just want it to work. There aren't that many companies that I know of that special in outsourcing because I'm going to do this in a country that has few immigrants from countries with huge numbers of CS majors.
I want to churn out web applications that are worth more than just 100 dollars that a pajeet can make. I know the low end websites are easy to make, but people prefer to hire a local company over some random pajeet right? Especially if the local company can offer rates close to that of the pajeet.
>but people prefer to hire a local company
Not when they found out that the local company is just a middleman for hiring pajeets
But I can be held responsible and modify and maintain your website, pajeets can't. Pajeet can run away with your money.
There are already millions of companies out there that does exactly what you are proposing. Companies that operate both locally and in the country. What's going to separate you from any other outsourcing company, other than the fact that you'd only use even cheaper students with less experience?
Nothing really. I just want to see if this works for a while before I switch to something else. Does it work? You don't have to do something unique for it to work if there's enough demand.
>Does it work?
I don't know. I would personally rather hire local students than students from a third world country though.
But the amount you'd have to pay a local student for two hours of work is the same as the amount I have to pay a foreign student for a month's worth of work. Of course it gets more expensive the harder the project will be but my buddy overseas can find it and manage it.
>But the amount you'd have to pay a local student for two hours of work is the same as the amount I have to pay a foreign student for a month's worth of work
You're forgetting two things:
1. the risk that the student runs off without finishing (or even worse, with my IP)
2. the cost of having you in the equation
So I ask again, why would I use you and your army of pajeets, when I can hire someone else that is way more reputable and probably runs a well-oiled machinery whereas you will have some start-up overhead.
Also, you can promise local students internships instead which is basically just slavery, so I don't buy the cost of wages argument.
That's all true, but I'll offer a lower cost, maybe even half in exchange for shaky IP security and stuff. There's no worries about the pajeet running off without finishing, my friend overseas is a close friend and he'll be responsible for it, I trust him and he's getting proficient at web development.
>but I'll offer a lower cost
How? Are you planning on not getting paid anything yourself?
>There's no worries about the pajeet running off without finishing, my friend overseas is a close friend and he'll be responsible for it
What's stopping me with just making a deal with your overseas friend instead, cutting you entirely out of the picture? Maybe pay you some pesky commission for setting up the initial meeting or just going behind your back. What do you really bring to the table?
/biz has a very short fuse for bullshit and reading your posts tells me you are a complete moron. Don’t come and pollute /biz with that shit. Now fuck ooof
You are the same pajeet that keeps asking about this idea trying to exploit his brothers into doing his work for him
I'd still have profit but I care more about capturing the market.
You can cut me out if the picture but then you can't hold me responsible if he runs off with your money I guess.
>but I care more about capturing the market.
Then do this instead of just replicating what millions of other outsourcing companies already do and competing on their turf.
>You can cut me out if the picture but then you can't hold me responsible if he runs off with your money I guess.
Yeah that's a good idea then. Its probably good to do that. I'll look into integrating it into my idea.