Control panel

>control panel

Attached: 1542213951906.jpg (518x442, 76K)

> Edit -> Preferences

>crontab -e

Attached: ultra hd sonic.png (599x1000, 460K)


Attached: 2 control panels.png (1366x768, 72K)

>Edit > Preferences
>Tools > Options
>View > Settings

Attached: 461[1].png (680x680, 290K)

Me on the right

what the FUCK were they thinking?

why the FUCK is it like this.

This is among the top 3 reasons why I don't use Windows.


>mom found the sudoers file

Attached: sade.jpg (1019x767, 57K)

> grandma enabled cookies


When I stopped being a "gamer" and went to macOS I realized how much I was tolerating from Windows just because of my childish "hobby". You can dislike macOS or Apple all together, but you can't pretend like Windows is anywhere in the same league of design compared to macOS.

I don't understand why it's this bad. How is this even possible? Do they not have designers? It looks like they literally designed it in PowerPoint. How are they not conscience of this?

Attached: 1528428906119.gif (850x400, 2.07M)

Attached: x.gif (500x285, 1.45M)

It was almost expected at first that both would exist side by side but its fucking embarrassing that they haven't fully merged them yet. Fucking pajeets.


>merge folders
pick one

>"ncmpcpp: Connection refused"
>q/Q (exit)
>"Connected to localhost"

>echo "setting-i-need" > /etc/application-i-use/config

This. And almost every asshole does exactly the same mistake.
Didn't they realize to use A TOP LEVEL OPTIONS?

on one hand, they don't want to screw with people used to the control panel layout
on the other hand, there's an annoying amount of settings only on one side or the other

even though it doesn't really make sense at all, I'm partial to Edit > Preferences
an absolute fuckton of software uses this, and ultimately, keeping with common convention is a virtue in UI design
IIRC, this is where it used to be on pre-OSX Mac OS, but a lot of Windows software copied it.
Tools > Options makes perfect sense, but it's uncommon enough that I'll spend a few moments looking in the Edit menu for the settings anyway.
View > Settings is the worst of the lot.


>It looks like they literally designed it in PowerPoint.
user, when your retarded manager literally takes UI design into his own hands, makes a .pptx with what he wants, and there's no one stepping in to actually make a real, proper UI, that's what you get. Windows 10.

contrast Windows 95, where they did extensive UI testing with their QA team and mocked up things with Visual Basic

Its because windows was always about money and business. Apple was guided by Job's ego. Apple is a regular part of corporate america today though and it is slowly decaying unfortunately.

perfectly makes sense
/etc is for all users
~ is for multi users (/home/john, /home/doe)
same goes for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER, or %ProgramData% and %AppData% on windows

>god tier
>trash tier
>what the actual fuck tier

The worst thing is not even the two control panels with 7 different UI styles

It's the 'Help' thing that opens a browser and searches something in Bing that brings you back on the exact same fucking control panel page you clicked from.

You would not get away with crap like that in any small or medium software company, but Pajeet can get away with that at Microsoft because reasons (probably because it increases traffic to Bing)


Attached: 1FC9GHH7HypeFneMUKNHCoyw5kqH_zwiNwerzg_FaoQ.jpg (1300x4704, 871K)

>View > Settings is the worst of the lot.
File > Configuration is worst imo

>he uses a sudoers _file_ instead of a sssd-based solution in 2019

>error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root.

>when one fucking uses two of these
>they both have a different set of options
The absolute worst.

The only question is, does anything use all three?

Attached: ???.jpg (1280x600, 98K)

what is windows 8 like on a desktop ?
I have only used it on tablets and touch screen laptop

Attached: tfw obsolete.png (1594x1156, 307K)

Hello Sir, please delid dis.
We at MicroSoft are very skill-skilled and practice the good code practices.

Attached: MicroShaft Winblows '98.jpg (1000x1500, 203K)

It's so fucking bad

An ugly purgatory between Win7 and Win10. Looks and feels like a beta version of modern Win10 that's closer to Win7 in terms of features.

Dumb frogposter

what are the other two dear user?

Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea?

Attached: 228.jpg (624x705, 272K)