No SystemD shit
No Poettering shit
No GNU shit
No RMS shit
No distro shit
No GPL commie shit
No Linus Torvalds shit
Shall I continue or are you already downloading?
No SystemD shit
No Poettering shit
No GNU shit
No RMS shit
No distro shit
No GPL commie shit
No Linus Torvalds shit
Shall I continue or are you already downloading?
Other urls found in this thread:
It is better to say what you are, than what you aren't.
No Hardware support shit
Works on my machine.
No Security
How do you keep proprietary developers from slapping a nonfree license on the code and giving nothing back?
You simply don't give a shit about proprietary idiots, let them do what they must do and live in that hell they create, they can't take away your system from you.
I shall stick to Linux on my phone, but this is a food for thought
You exercise this thing called 'freedom' where you don't force anyone to do anything. You can freely use their code for anything you want.
No hugs
And when your entire community becomes filled with proprietary developers?
But they are very likely forcing people to do something by making the code proprietary and nonfree.
No software
No software
No support
No software
No users
Sounds good
Based. I am only really missing a truly public domain OS that would show a huge middle finger to all that intellectual property BS (TempleOS is sadly not so usable).
It's already in my firewall.
>No SystemD shit
>No Poettering shit
>No GNU shit
>No RMS shit
>No distro shit
>No GPL commie shit
>No Linus Torvalds shit
I use macOS, so this applies to me as well.
>guys my version of the AUR totally means our project has software!
FreeBSD is a gift to the world from the developers for you to do with as you please. GPL commie fags think that's outrageous. You can't make this shit up.
>No SystemD shit
Feel free to to list differences in function between systemD and a standard bsd init configuration.
>No Poettering shit
Feel free to list bsd's alternative services..
>No GNU shit
A contributor of sorts is a bad thing now?
>No RMS shit
Yeaaaah, not at all..
>No distro shit
Open, Free, Net, Dragonfly..
>No GPL commie shit
Surely becoming a corporate dicksucker is the appropriate alternative.
>No Linus Torvalds shit
How's the current dicksucking session on what to implement in the current flavour of the month edition again?
>Shall I continue or are you already downloading?
Please go on and feel free to show your own BSD machine while you're at it. No creature would be miserable enough to shill an operating system it doesn't even use itself, right?
and yet macos is still a terrible opertaing system
omg what could this mean? its almost as if "no torvalds shit" isnt a real thing and its just OP trying to make his dead opertaing system sound more appealing to us sane people!
>and yet macos is still a terrible opertaing system
No, it is good.
the GPL commies have their reasons, and they are ideologically consistent but seem stupid to us because there are restrictions involved. If you get them to talk about it beyond their "freedumb" shit and they're not just mogs who follow along on trends the reason they want their GPL enforced is because many of them find it a way to sanctify and immortalize how they want their gift to be received in the world. Of course it means we have restrictions and the stretch to "free" software confuses us but it makes sense why they made when actually free software can replace theirs then be commercialized.
t. ISC fag
Looking at OpenBSD, seems better...
How bout it, lads?
if you want bsd for a server or an old laptop theres literally ZERO reason to go with anything besides openbsd
No protection against patent threats
No support from big corporations selling licenses for your modified work for billions of dollars, while mistreating users' freedom and powering surveillance machine
Dell Inspiron laptop, for everyday desktop use..?
The absolute scope of the active security in the OpenBSD project has killed the argument about patent protection several times, the latest was when Theo called side channel and spectre and the like and took the correct and recommended steps while all the embargoed OSes had to build secerit patches. They had better performance when the embargo was released but not for much longer and openbsd had better security throughout the whole ordeal.
Also they are forced to thank you, thats all free software users need, your requirement to connect with the great circle of communism software is not an outright good thing if you don't care how people use your stuff and jsut want to be thanked.
*hugs OP*
FreeBSD is CoC(kd), try OpenBSD
>don't care how people use your stuff and jsut want to be thanked.
Yeah, thanked, you mean by those giants forcing laws against free software generally, allowing shitty software patents
I love how angry CoC makes you guys. FreeBSD is based and doughy Jow Forums users can't handle it
what's wrong with Torvalds?
too much of a meanie for you trannies?
>lots of tranny / SJW shit
lol k
That's shit then. Can we fork it?
Do these words even mean anything anymore?
>No SystemD shit
>No Poettering shit
>No GNU shit
>No RMS shit
>No GPL commie shit
>No Linus Torvalds shit
All of these are good, especially Lennart "Just works" Poettering's shit
>I use macOS, so this applies to me as well.
>No GNU shit
OSX literally uses GNU software
More GNU software here.
>No RMS shit
RMS wrote Emacs.
>No distro shit
Yes, it's really convenient not to be able to change anything.
>OSX literally uses GNU software
In the same sense that FreeBSD does.
>In the same sense that FreeBSD does.
So it uses and saying it doesn't is a lie.
GPLv3 is current GNU, has been for a long time. Get with it.
CoC makes the community care more about politics than quality code, just compare OpenBSD vs FreeBSD
Why would you ever do freebsd over openbsd
>GPLv3 is current GNU, has been for a long time. Get with it.
What? GNU is an operating system and GNU GPL, no matter what version, is a license made by the GNU Project. Not every package using GPL is a GNU package, GNU packages are listed here:
Shit performance and no video drivers.
You're clearly lost. Learn the terminology before you post, Lintoddler.
dragonfly bsd>netbsd>freebsd>openbsd
Who cares about proprietary developers, you don't get open source taken from you.
>forcing people
They agreed to the EULA. Everything is fine.
You're retarded, learn how to read before posting. I'm a GNU/Linux user. GPLv3 is the best version, but a GNU package using GPLv2 is still GNU software.
I just said OSX uses GNU software and saying otherwise is a lie.
>but a GNU package using GPLv2 is still GNU software
So arrogant, yet so misinformed.
>I just said OSX uses GNU software and saying otherwise is a lie.
OS 10 doesn't use any GPLv3 software.
>No drivers
>shitty filesystem layout
>buggy as living fuck for anything beyond simple headless server
Shall I continue or have you cancelled your download yet?
The Hurd uses GPLv2+ retard and I don't see it removed from the site of the GNU Project, there are many GNU packages still using GPLv2.
>But they are very likely forcing people to do something by making the code proprietary and nonfree.
Same as open source nobody audits. And 90% people download binaries anyway.
Sorry, not this post, meant for Also read about GNU packages, because you clearly don't seem to know what it is.
>* Licensing:
> Both the software itself *and all dependencies* (third-party
> libraries, etc.) must be free software in order to be included in
> GNU. In general, official GNU software should be released under the
> GNU GPL version 3 or any later version, and GNU documentation should
> be released under the GNU FDL version 1.3 or any later version.
Important word here is "SHOULD", meaning it doesn't have to be under GPLv3
>Also read about GNU packages, because you clearly don't seem to know what it is.
Don't try to dictate terminology because you're new. Get over it, Lintoddler.
>Don't try to dictate terminology because you're new. Get over it, Lintoddler.
Tell me about it then, tell me about the proper terminology. What is GPL and what is a GNU package?
We, in the Unix community, refer to the lastest GPL when we say GNU shit. Fucking dope.
>No SystemD shit
Means it relies on shell scripts for init. Even hurd has a better init.
>No Poettering shit
Means it's unusable in modern industry.
>No GNU shit
Means it's full of 70's UNIX brain damage (except where the developers deliberately copy GNU software)
>No RMS shit
The BSD license exists largely because of him because of how one of the great issues with legacy UNIX was that the source code was under copyright and not licensed. "Sold at the cost of media" means you'd buy UNIX like you would now buy 'defective' hard drives preloaded with cp, as in, every sysadmin reading the source was technically a criminal. realizing that just putting a free licence on the code would fix literally everything he got in touch with BSD's developers and this is the only reason BSD survives while IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX and other real unices don't.
>No distro shit
Even windows gets community distributions for different use cases.
>No GPL commie shit
Means there's no real development and every passing day there's less valid use cases.
>No Linus Torvalds shit
Means there isn't a real kernel with real hardware support.
>We, in the Unix community, refer to the lastest GPL when we say GNU shit.
Great, really good term, totally not confusing.
My turn:
What you do I call being a BSD cuck, whereas praising Unix is being a Unix weenie or having Unix brain damage. Anyway, keep using your Unix-certified OS X, spyware with backdoors and enjoy not using any GNU shit.
>70's UNIX brain damage
>real hardware support.
Yeah I sure love the nvidia support on linux. And sound card drivers from 2008.
>And when your entire community becomes filled with proprietary developers?
Like Linux?
>Means it's full of 70's UNIX brain damage (except where the developers deliberately copy GNU software)
Isn't this the other way around? Unix means you can avoid braindamaged GNU userland.
>Means it's full of 70's UNIX brain damage
The lawsuit happened for a reason, retard.
Politics *is* more important than code. You are just too naive to realize this.
>Means it's full of 70's UNIX brain damage
Didn't the lawsuit show that AT&T Unix was full of BSD brain damage? Which was all perfectly legal because of BSD's retarded license? And yet the BSDtards *still* defend that shit, after nearly being sued out of existence for copying their own damned code.
>Politics *is* more important than code
What the fuck do you mean
Again, compare the source code quality and simplicity of OpenBSD vs FreeBSD. See for example /usr/include/net80211/, ifconfig.c and unveil/pledge system calls
>No GNU shit
>No RMS shit
>No GPL commie shit
Plenty ports are GNU/GPL
>No distro shit
Well, there is FreeNAS and TrueOS.
The main reason why I use FreeBSD as my main desktop is that's is not an abomination when it comes down to its nuts and bolts.
Code quality is absolutely meaningless unless it has vulnerabilities in it. Go see how GNU coreutils thrash and bash openbsd in performance.
Politics is more important because without politics you have no code, it's that simple. Look at how structured and productive linux development is. Then look at all these amateurs making their own WMs in the chaos.
>Open, Free, Net, Dragonfly..
Those are not FreeBSD distributions but forks.
Nothing personal kid
>>buggy as living fuck for anything beyond simple headless server
FreeBSD can literally run anything Linux does and faster as well. kys.
>No SystemD shit
>No Linus Torvalds shit
>No Fedora shit
Linux is that bad with a license that actively tries to stop the problem. How is BSD not even worse?
>Politics is more important because without politics you have no code, it's that simple. Look at how structured and productive linux development is.
I agree they are very productive, in the last years they have developed a lot of non-sense bloatwares and complex softwares (which means more bugs)
Should I also remind you of all the retarded vulnerabilities that have been fixed for years on OpenBSD?
For example, OpenBSD fixed SACK (CVE-2019 Linux) in 2005
>cuck fetish thread
not technology
'Bloat' is a subjective, nonsensical term.
>complex softwares
The best software is complex. Whether it's to make specialised containers or import libraries. This problem is solved via thorough auditing - one that the open source community does not do anywhere. Even openBSD's security model is based on obscurity and eye-gauging.
>fixed SACK
I can't find a single report of an exploit on SACK on Linux. OpenBSD lacks drivers for popular hardware enough to not be called an operating system, because on those devices, it does not operate.
I remember when *nix users themselves had this love-hate relationship with the OS and not this faggy shit of "muh *nix is better than yours"
*nixes are a total load of shit that we cannot live without or replace.
>For example, OpenBSD fixed SACK (CVE-2019 Linux) in 2005
just because they both contain the same acronym doesn't mean they're the same bug, both kernels don't even share the same code
>just because they both contain the same acronym doesn't mean they're the same bug, both kernels don't even share the same code
Are you retarded?
Obs: Reyk is a OpenBSD's dev
>The best software is complex.
No, they have a high probability of retarded bugs and vulnerabilities
>Even openBSD's security model is based on obscurity and eye-gauging.
No, all the source code follow the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid ;P) and minimalism (you can't have a bug in code you don't have, only 3 mi lines of code) principles
>OpenBSD lacks drivers for popular hardware enough to not be called an operating system
You can't even start talking about security if you are using blobs (drivers/fw closed-source)
This shit has to die already.
by your logic:
>i use windows 8, so this applies to me as well
>high probability
Surely you can cite your logical reasoning, statistic tendencies, and some hard facts?
suckless surf is completely vulnerable to javascript-based CPU vulnerability attacks, at the very least.
>closed-source = insecure
Okay *rubs hands* watch this. Assume binary = insecure. OpenBSD is distributed in binary form, therefore it is insecure. You cannot build it outside OpenBSD itself following the official guides, so you require a binary bootstrap. q.e.d
I see literally zero reason to use FreeBSD, to be honest.
The only BSD that is actually worth using is OpenBSD, and even then, I see no use for it other than on internet-facing servers that need high security. It provides no advantage whatsoever on a desktop.
I love how zoomers like you think that linking to someone's twitter will somehow do anything other than make you look like a clueless idiot, Linux's SACK CVE was caused by a BUG_ON() being hit which ultimately leads to a kernel panic which is not even close to OpenBSD's bug
And SACK was just an example. There are a lot of bugs that have been fixed for years on OpenBSD (icmpv6 last year for example that was fixed in the 2000s)
No security, and no hugs
OpenBSD forked SSL and renamed it LibreSSL.
Gayest thing ever.
So what, bugs are bugs. 0.0000001% of harmless kernel panic for getting excellent software/driver support is a great tradeoff.
Alpine recently dropped it in favor of OpenSSL because they kept shitting out breaking changes, NIH syndrome has been one of BSD's most defining trait
Tell that to AT&T
*stops download
This is not a pro.
No it really isn't. Democracy is a lie and politicians are trained monkeys, the jew has convinced you that the right is your enemy and visa versa. Have fun wasting your time caring about bullshit like misgendering tho.
kek, underrated post
>no distro shit
openbsd is a netbsd distro
Wish I still had a Phenom or C2Q system laying around so I'd have hardware support in*BSD
maybe in 4-6 more years I can use my current desktop with FreeBSD
I'd really like to like BSD as well, used it for about 2 years back in 2009 and it was a great desktop for me.
>No GNU shit
>No GPL commie shit
Tranny means transgender. SJW means social justice warrior.
tranny garbage
install openbsd