How bad would it be for Apple if China stopped them from making their stuff there?

How bad would it be for Apple if China stopped them from making their stuff there?

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It wouldn't be half as bad as forcing Apple to pay taxes.

apple(or amazon/microsoft/whatever) has paid more in taxes than you will make in your lifetime

What an irrelevant metric

They don't give a single fucking $ in taxes. That's the only reason they're rich. They haven't paid a tenth of what they should in their lifetime.

I can't believe people think Reddit is still a lefty safe space. Go read that top Jow Forumstechnology thread today. Trump is winning the trade war frankly.

Apple would probably move production to Taiwan or Vietnam instead. I heard they also manufacture iPhone 6s in India. The only losing side here would be China, hence why Huawei CEO said he would oppose Chinese government (as if haha) if they prevented Apple from outsourcing production to China.

They'll just find another cheap country and bring them up to speed. Other companies will then follow Apple once the manufacturing infrastructure is in place.

mhh. chinky

They also received infinitely more subsidies. Not that they actually pay the amount of taxes they should.
Not half as bad as it would be for China

>>It wouldn't be half as bad as forcing Apple to pay taxes.
>>They don't give a single fucking $ in taxes.
>Not that they actually pay the amount of taxes they should.

There is exactly one fair rate of tax and that's zero.

>There is exactly one fair rate of tax and that's zero.
I can't imagine someone would actually love being financially raped by big corps.

Apple can't force you to buy their product. As opposed to the government, who steals, under the threat of imprisonment, from both workers and corporations and spends the proceeds on gibs to the tune of well over a trillion dollars a year. The former is not being "financially raped", the latter is.

Apple was created purely by the government created and funded silicon valley. It received $700m in subsidies. It exploits people across the world and its entire marketing scheme is a con.
It doesn't deserve anything.

>the government created it
>also it exploits people across the world and its marketing is a con
That's wrong, but lets go with it for a minute here. if you really believe that, wouldn't it follow that maybe the government should stop stealing money from people to spend on setting up massive scams?

Also, $700 million? Spending on entitlement programs is literally two thousand times as much, every year.

Companies have to compete with each other, if you're getting financially raped then the rapist is your government. Governments are monopolies.

>t. bootlicker

Apple uses customs and immigration to enforce their distribition monopoly and their entire marketing strategy is to grotesquely overcharge for under-engineered devices made from high quality parts

stop trying to equivocate apple's bad behavior with some other entity's bad behavior, because regardless of any of it - it is not acceptable behavior. hold them accountable to their own standards and stop trying to make it seem like apple taking advantage of government subsidies for private profit is a good thing because it dwarfs government spending on socialist programs

the US spends 140 trillion dollars each year on entitlement programs? you do know the GDP is 20 trillion, right?

If I think iThings are poor value for money I can not buy one. Call me when I can tell the government that I'm opting out of this years taxes because I think I'm getting poor value for them.

2,000 times 700 million is 1.4 trillion, not 140 trillion. I see most education spending is apparently being wasted, too.

> be china
> tell apple no more manufacturing in china
> apple starts production in another asian country instead
you commie cock suckers just aren't very bright, are you? nobody gives a single fuck about china or its dog eating inhabitants.

ok retard

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>I don't understand percentages

>Apple can't force you to buy their product
the free market is too fucking retarded to trust with anything though, capitalism isn't a religion

>i want the world to be a lawless governmentless dystopian hellhole ruled by private militaries owned by megacorporations who don't have a single shred of concern for the average person besides the profit they can generate for themselves
iToddlers are brain dead zombie sheep as usual.

You do realize you're paying MORE taxes because Apple dodged paying theirs right?
You do realize you're getting LESS government benefits back because Apple dodged paying their share right?
You do realize you have a 30% annual tax on your head instead of 10% because Apple dodged all their taxes right?
At least here in Eurostan our 30% taxes gets us universal healthcare and free college for all. You cucks get the worst healthcare system on earth, no college assistance at all, and the privilege of paying Tim Cuck's taxes for him.

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>no tax
Kys, corporatist.

Hes an iToddler, why would you assume he is smart?

it's funny how chinks are trying to give themselves white or hispanic features with plastic surgeries

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Big companies can afford taxes, is more difficult to pay them if you own a small business, so corporates likes the idea of increasing taxes, that removes possible competitors, also a big corporate is more likely to be rescued by father government if they find themselves broke, smaller business won't. To all of this adding the fact that big corporations always find a way (legally or illegally) to elude tax payment, the heavier tax carries on the common people.

But maybe this is too complex for your commie brain so sorry to bother.

>nobody gives a single fuck about china or its dog eating inhabitants.
GM sells more cars in China than the US. Stockholders in many companies give many fucks. Now crawl back in your trailer. Uncle Dad needs servicing.

hold on now, I don't think your statements necessarily follow:

1. it does not follow that no taxes would lead to a non government corporatism state - basic government services could still be sustained through things like tariffs, managing compulsory sovereign savings accounts like pension plans and licensing schemes

2. government is not a stopgap against corporate rule it is a methodology for greater corporate rule. Heck corporations are a creation of legislation - there is a law made by governments that shield rich people who own stock in corporations from having their personal accounts being subject to liability in case of corporate wrongdoing. Governments also heavily subsidize large corporations, give them bailouts and pass favorable legislation to make it harder to compete with them.

It's laughable to think that governments will limit corporate power when you look at who is funding government leaders through lobbying and campaign financing

Are you really comparing one of the biggest companies to an individual? No wonder everyone thinks americans are dumb.

This might be the most
>American education
post of all time. Congratulations.

Wrong Amazon never paid anything so I'm in front by 500

iphones would then be made in Malaysia or Africa. they'd explode less often, but you'd find more beetles in them.

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How can one possibly make less than $0?


this thread has confirmed my suspicions that Jow Forums is a bunch of poorfags and neets. Somehow people took issue with an entirely true statement and back a post with an entirely false implication . Apple, Microsoft, etc. pay taxes. Lots of them. They have the money to spare to pay more, and they do probably get around some taxes, but that doesn't negate the fact that they pay lots of taxes. Stop being butthurt about some people being successful.

Your mother being a slut is an entirely true statement that also has no meaningful bearing on the conversation.

guess I forgot to mention the hoardes of underage poorfags who try too hard to fit in with this shitty place

iOS useragents should just be outright banned.

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t. 99th percentile retard



>thinking it's that easy
If it were, they would've done it by now. The reality is no country or even feasible group of countries has the scale required.

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Something tells me the “bleeding heart” liberals at apple will be just fine.

apple uses a chinese slave colony in guangzhou to make their products

>How bad would it be for Apple if China stopped

it would be the equivalent of King Leopold losing the Congo and his rubber plantation empire.

Wow dude wow.
Nothing pro trump will ever touch their front page and that is intentional. The entire media conglomerate in the US is trying to kill trumps likely 2nd term. Why? Because hes America 1st which means less profit for the CEOs.

Shame a US country is turning a blind eye to its own people.

I meant to say a US COMPANY* (IE APPLE)

It would hurt now but they would survive

the real threat would be missing out on the future potential of the Chinese markets

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If Samsung wasn't getting held back by South Korea's current shitshow with Japan, it would basically be poised to completely wipe the board. Huawei is basically dead outside of China and Apple is about to get rekt by the tariffs.

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>tech companies game the taxpaying system but still pay some taxes
how's that boot tasting?

I don't think iOS means poorfag. I am a poorfag, with my Asus shittybook and an LG phone.
>this thread has confirmed my suspicions that Jow Forums is a bunch of poorfags and neets.
There are lots of poor people at Jow Forums, though I'm self employed (I revise dissertations written by people who are practicing for the national high school test, here in my corner of the Third World).
I'm tempted to believe that some people in would not be able to afford their gayman rigs on neetbux.

op's scenario is if China decided to cut them off. Easy or not, they'd have to seek a new location for manufacturing.

Either that, or develop a covert media campaign to side the world against China leading to armed invasion and victory, allowing Apple to have their way with the spoils.

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In 2017, the Brazilian Foxconn factory stopped making Apple phones, because the Chinese price to make an iPhone 7 in China was 3/4 of the Brazilian cost. That's why the number dropped from 3 to 2.
Source (in Portuguese):


You are retarded , there are 3 estates, the people,the government ,the corporation. The battle has been the government control, once corps weaken the government enough , they are in full control.

India could take over tomorrow. Cheaper. Bonus it will turn all Indians into iPhone