Fuck froot loops

>buy pack of froot loops
>oh it says something on the pack
>"Hi I'm Toucan Sam! There are 5 of me hidden in the pack, see if you can find me!"
>oh cool
>pour a cereal
>no toucan
>"ok, maybe tomorrow"
>it's tomorrow
>pour cereal
>no toucan
>next day
>pour cereal
>no toucan
>"seriously, come on"
>next day
>pour cereal
>still no toucan
>pour cereal
>still no fucking toucan
>few days later
>pour cereal
>no toucan
>box is now empty
>look inside
>no fucking toucan

There was never any fucking toucan.
Fuck froot loops and fuck Kellogs.
Do not buy from them Jow Forums, they will fuck you over.

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Your mom raped your dad.

it actually says "there are 5 of me hidden ON the pack", sperglord. they haven't included prizes inside the box since the panic around a child accidentally swallowing one in 1974.

Wrong board faggot, this isn't Jow Forumsrains

>eating food made for 4 year olds

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Jow Forums - Food & Cooking

Imagine not being a little girl

>he isn't a four year old

i'm 8, i'm a big girl

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Hey little lady would you mind posting pics of your feet and cute pantsu

You're beyond 30 and you're fucking pedo

user this is Jow Forums, we're only posting about fun roll loops here.

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I don't know what kind of technolo/g/y is required to vacuum pack a toucan, but I'm sure I want no part of it.

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you ate them, you fat fuck


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good thread

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>americlap cuisine

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>Optimized multi-threaded kernel

>TRANS fat

bruh look at the vitamins tho

Quality thread, we need more like this

>pixietoast faggot trying to talk

My breakfast is coffee and a cig

Nice, saved.

>smoking cancer sticks
bet your lungs are blacker than your coffee

lighten up dude

>150 calories with milk
lmao at these skinnyfats who think 2500 calories a day is too much

Not only are there NO trans-fats. trans-fats are illegal in America


size matters

you know some fucking retard bought them and called froot loops HQ complaining that they aren't as big as in the picture

Trannies btfo

I want to fuck that toucan

I miss my g4 :(

Don't fall for the meme, Sessler and tallarico was okay but that's all the channel had going for it since they bought ZDTV

Jow Forums threads have been becoming real based lately. What gives?

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I was talking about the LG phone. But I'm sure you knew that. Nice ref tho

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Did u activate your Toucan Sam vision?