Why do cute anime girls write the best software?
Any software project with a mostly anime girl contributorship is guaranteed to be quality.
Why do cute anime girls write the best software?
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Because they are trying to impress their user-senpais. Never underestimate cute anime girls trying to impress their senpais.
>weebshit written by weebs
yes, very surprising
Because the autism concentration is at least 10x higher.
Fucking degenerates. Go neck yourselves
There's a lot of traps there.
Anime, Furry, or Pepe avatars are the top 3 type of users I try my best to avoid online.
jesus christ
I'm pretty sure this is a crossdressing repo.
>didn't bother to translate their chinkshit to international language
if i masturbate to this, will i be gay?
I'd argue that what you masturbate to does not define your sexuality much like playing video games doesn't make you a murderer.
>when the bully couldnt discover all the prospective victims
no idea, but I'm going to masturbate to this
because neets do it for passion, not for money
For me, it's
You're just pretending to be stupid for attention, isn't that so?
You have been visited by Laura Dyatlov.
This thread is currently reading 21 replies (not great, not terrible).
Who would've thought that a website designed to host repositories of open source projects would ever be used for such degeneracy?
LMFAO this is what I imagined /dpt/ to look like.
Nips and taiwanese are pervert pieces of shit.
this makes me really uncomfortable
>mfw no QT crossdressing programmer bf to sit on my lap and explain their project to me
shut up annnnoonnonoonnnnn aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
So this is where all the programmer socks posters go to when they aren't posting on Jow Forums.
>Why do cute anime girls write the best software?
Because they wear programming socks all the time, duh
Is this that program that fakes anime girl's voices in VR?
Degenerates use these types of avatars to seem cute and innocent when they're ugly goblins. They're compensating. Your peanut brain can't distinguish it so you think the avatar you see is a valid representation of that person and treat them as such. In reality, it's an ugly neckbeard in programming socks and a wig.
Have you seen their pics retard? Most of them are actually pretty cute IRL, the whole repo forces you to post pics of yourself.
I'd understand if you were talking about discord trannies but at least read the thread before speaking you retard.