/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Don't dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 1534439686982.png (600x600, 78K)

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What's the best way to learn bash scripting? i assume it's to actually script, what cool shit should i try to do?
also what's a good book for this shit

>What directory are the files in

>and are you running startx/KDE/Terminator as root?

>also what's a good book for this shit
>programming books
Do yourself a favour and look for online sites / courses instead user. They'll be up to date

Just try to automate stuff you do
I use a script to deal with changing resolutions and GPU scaling modes for my monitors

If you do lots of video work and convert with ffmpeg you can make a script that'll automate that process.
Learning is always best if you can apply it in a productive way

I learned a lot about text processing, termcaps and the /proc virtual filesystem by making my personal screenfetch clone. I think this is a nice first project for learning *more*, but you should start by simply automating some daily tasks and learn which programs can do which things.

Take these for your journey:




Look into your manpages, infopages (especially for GNU stuff theres sometimes more documentation here), mankier.com for online manuals and tl;Dr examples and cheat.sh.

Run everything through:

Whats the best way to rollback to 418 NVIDIA drivers. On Manjaro, GTX 1070. Thanks.

Attached: GNU is not Unix.jpg (2900x1790, 771K)

Man Stallman's upped his schtick

stop using nvidia
stop using manjaro

dual booting back and forth between windows and linux, I noticed the input, language pack and clock in windows all go awry. all 1 click easy fixes, resync the clock and reset the lang and input, but this is starting to irk me a bit. Is this a common problem, should I just learn to live with with or is there a fix? technically this windows sided, but maybe it's a common thing.

Stop dual booting. Man up and go balls deep.

Is there really any reason to use EndeavourOS over Manjaro if all you want is a GUI installer for Arch, as long as you use the unstable branch in Manjaro?

I used to use Antergos, then when it closed up shop I made the switch to Manjaro, and then EndeavourOS was announced a bit later which is a spiritual successor to Antergos.

But the only reason I can think of is wanting to get updates as fast as possible, which are faster on EndeavourOS since they're still being held back a few days on Manjaro even if you use the unstable branch, but is it honestly that big of a deal to get the updates as fast as possible?

And please don't respond if you're going to be a sperg over "hurr Manjaro isn't Arch, just install Arch"

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2nd time I saw this, getting scared. Not to mention I've always believed I was in a sim.

Bash scripting is a clusterfuck. Python libraries like 'os' and 'subprocess' are much easier to learn.

I've got a gaymen question

Think Age of Empires 2 Definitive edition is ever gonna be properly playable on GNU/Linux?

Manjaro is basically arch with a GUI installer :)

I think the clock is an issue with Windows and Linux setting the hrdware clock to two different values, because one uses UTC and the other uses your local time. I had the same problem but it was easy to fix with a single command I found with a quick internet search.
Never had any problem with language and input tho. Could you go more into detail?

Thanks for the help faggot.

Just learn to install arch, it's not hard and has better testing.

find the older package in your cache or online and pacman -U /path/to/nvidia-418.tar.xz
that simple.

while invoking a script in cronjob its access time does not get updated
is it normal?

Thanks man.

I know I should, but I've tried several times and there's always something that fucks up or I miss some step that isn't explained in the guide or shit like that.

I fell for the minimal linux meme and I'm trying to see how far I can get without accidentally installing all the dependencies for a full blown DE.
I need a gui file browser that also automatically mounts disks as they're plugged in but doesn't pull in all of the dependencies of the DE it's designed for.
Caja, thunar, dolphin, gnome files all do this.

why would a file browser also handle mounting? you don't know what minimal is

because the file browsers on all DEs handle mounting

i have win installed in english and a nip + my native language packs. input for specific keyboard layout. To reproduce, just boot into linux then into windows. Not many details, but they always change for some reason. It's an easy fix though, windows updates also tend to mess it up often and so I already have it all at the ready to fix (just enable it in the notifications area, nothing fancy)

No, they have an underlying dbus process that mounts them, each fileman simply uses that facility and does no mounting of their own.

If you must have windows, use PCI pass-through, it's far more convenient than dual booting,


Installing Kali on a VM atm. Anything i should know? I use Ubuntu on my laptop and just windows 7 on my desktop.

Attached: 1200px-Kali_Linux_2.0_wordmark.svg[1].png (1200x705, 38K)

It's ubuntu with a couple tools the repos couldn't get, for the most part they're either outdated or for offensive security so there's no reason to ship in ubuntu. Kali is for if you want offensive security only, if you want to secure your own system - look into general firewall and packet sniffing tools which are found in the ubuntu repos.

Also for your desktop if it can support it.

I'm installing it to play with CTFs and such.

Oh, then just look into ubuntu tools, in linux as with all software, the grass is not greener and if you are more comfortable in an environment or software just use that.

Thanks user. I will keep that in mind!

You mean like different keyboard layouts? Cause I have that too, and the one that gets choosen upon boot is the one that's at the top of the list. May be different in Win 10 tho, I use 7.

What distro would you recommend for someone that wants to try Linux out as a potential switch. I used to main Fedora from about 2006 to 2009 until Windows 7 came out, and lately been kinda missing it since microsoft keeps installing shit on my computer.

A variety in virtual machines. Try Fedora and Xubuntu if you want to get shit done. Try niche distros if you're a teentard edglord l33t gawd.

I thought programming books are the way to go? it's my way to go for stem books so i thought it's similar.
Oh yea i'll definitely try that.
Ok this is perfect thanks!
What about learning both?

You should get rid of Windows ASAP.

What are some cool ubuntu tools?

Whats the best platform for playing Win games on Linux? ProtonDb, Wine or Lutris?

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linux sucks

After a linux mint update my laptop screen turns off after booting, you can see the mint and kde logos and enter the bios normally also the hard drive and lights seem to work well. I installed ubuntu and didn't have this problem and tried to install manjaro kde but happened the same thing as with mint. So it's a kde problem? how could fix that i really like kde.
Sorry for the blog.

you sould be able to select your previous kernel when the grub boot screen comes up. Try the kernel you used before updating.

Embrace the DRM future

lutris is just a wine wrapper,
Proton is just wine.
The answer is wine.

Attached: wdytwa.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Proton is generally the best but lutris is a close number 2.

>shills in a freindly thread
Please dont do that.

what's the best distro if I want things to just work™? That is, don't give a fuck about free as in freedom, just make sure the best drivers are available and easy to install (and not their shit open-source reverse-engineered alternatives)?

Can websites see your real name?

Say I'm on terminal and I wget some site can they see my username?

$johnsmith wget somewebsite.com

Can they see that my name is john smith or is that only my local PC name? Do they only see my IP?

go back to windows

have sex

just lie about your name

Running ubuntu 18 i get a prompt “system policy prevents control of network connections” related to polkit and networkmanager “network-control”

The subject pid is for kded5 , im using xrdp remotely and see it after logging in but can ignore it and continue on

But how do i fix this or see why it even engages yet works without entering my root password?

I’ve tried adding a rule that is supposed to allow this for any user in the group users, which my user is in.. idk wtf.

so can they or not?

would the website server see $johnsmith or just my IP?

That means run it as sudo or change the permissions

by username I mean hostname too like

johnsmith@desktop: $ wget somesite.com

will the site see "johnsmith@desktop"

You are VERY stupid. That's just a prompt, it's not sent at all.

so all the site would see is my ip address? sorry if i am retarded i am just trying to understand linux security

I got laughed at by the CS department during my presentation for using a thinkpad and manjaro. Everyone thought i was a sperg for now using windows, you guys said Gnu/Linux was cool why did i get laughed at?

Yep, just your IP and possibly which OS depending on your settings

Manjaro is a shitty distro.

I laugh at Manjaro users too

on arch in i3 need to switch main monitors, I have 2 but it's using my second as the first and vice versa

Any volunteers interested in software synthesizers? You can contribute to the biggest and most revered free software synth project zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net, it needs you:
github.com/zynaddsubfx/zyn-fusion-issues/issues?q=is:issue is:open label:"good first issue"

Attached: ZynAddSubFX Synth.png (1181x659, 153K)

>i3 on arch

Attached: oh u.png (123x196, 52K)

what kind of nerds give a damn about what laptop you use in the first place

>anti-systemd crowd

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Knoppix went back to openrc+eudev+elogind.

funny how trisquel community embraced systemd, while less libre-oriented crowd still struggles with the idea of adopting it

How is OpenBSD for everyday use? I want to try installing it on my ThinkPad but don't know how good driver support is.

>How is OpenBSD for everyday use

Attached: d53.jpg (200x200, 8K)

OpenBSD disables hyperthreading on Intel chips now.

Manjaro is Arch.

It's shit.

thinkpad is compatible enough for openbsd even the devs use it to develop it

what's the point of installing openbsd if you 1) aren't a nut 2) can install a full-fledged, Linux-based os that's more powerful and modern, has much better hardware compatibility, and a much larger and newer collection of software?

Manjaro is 99.0% Arch. What is really Manjaro is just a couple of GUI tools.


>if all you want is a GUI installer for Arch
Try archfi, it's as easy as it gets.

The downside of is that it may not play nice with daylight savings time.

why haven't I heard about these before

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So I want to install Guix System on my libreboot x200 but I can't get the usb to boot for some reason. Trisquel boots just fine, but there shouldn't be any issues on a ThinkPad X200, right?

it's a system for hackers

gee, there are so many utilities for KDE
how do I find out what I need and what I don't before installing them?

If people didn't know, "vimtutor" will teach you how to muscle memory vim, depending on your level of practice it takes only 30mins.
If people did know, just a reminding it only takes 30mins, take it off then come back to the thread in a bit!

Attached: PG8.5L-3002_600x.jpg (335x317, 9K)

because arch installers are a misnomer,
use manjaro if you need arch installed via scripts.

instead of going through 15 minutes of tedious installation with menus, just manually type in xorg, plasma-meta and kde-applications, and voila, you've got a working desktop system.

And thats why people don't use an operating system where you have to manually configure it, like say Arch. Go back to manjaro.

>And thats why people don't use an operating system where you have to manually configure it, like say Arch

I installed gedit specifically to do a search and replace, because I can't figure out how to do it on emacs.
This isn't a question, I've just given up.

Although I suppose I am curious about how the developers managed to make it so complicated.
>>M-x replace-string string newstring
>Alright, let's try this for the twentieth time
>M-x replace-string the zzz
>Replaced zero occurrences

Trying to import Kali Linux to VirtualBox but i'm getting this error early in the process of doing so. I tried googling but couldn't find much. Is anyone familiar with this problem?

Attached: c10U3zG[1].png (258x210, 9K)

I was referring to installing a desktop environment on Arch, which can be done with literally 4 commands.


>install pass to store passwords
>turns out it doesn't protect all data
>install pass-tomb to encrypt file names/headers
>manual says both pass and pass-tomb use the gpg key you initialize them with, but tomb actually needs its own password-tomb.key file to function
>some automatic backup would be nice
>git only supported for the opened tomb with visible file names
So this is the power of unix philosophy...
Jokes aside though, I was hoping this would be my go-to password manager, but backing it up by copying the files after each change to a USB drive is worse than simply storing a KeepassXC db file on the USB.

>but is it honestly that big of a deal to get the updates as fast as possible?
Of course not, which is why most other distros don't even use the rolling release model.

How do I install a distro without usb or DVD?

I'm on a laptop with a busted dvd drive and no usb stick and I'm currently on manjaro. Is there a way to install say, ubuntu without those two boot mediums?
