>americans call things by their most common brand name
kek. i bet they even call google maps on their smart phones 'navman'
>americans call things by their most common brand name
kek. i bet they even call google maps on their smart phones 'navman'
Imagine trademarking a product that becomes so popular until the name is household and you lose the trademark
I've masturbated to this webm several times before, only the parts where she's naked.
It was Mapquest, you miserable fucking pleb.
Nice now I have to fap
Feels good living in your head rent free yuropoor.
here in the 3rd world we just call it "maps"
Can you give an example of what you're on about? I call google maps, google maps... I don't call all soda coke. Thats a southern retard thing. Elaborate.
Southerner here. I'm more than willing to bet you call adhesive bandages "Band-Aids" and cotton swabs "Q-tips."
I'm not OP, but in Russia many if not most people call diaper "pampers", SUV - "jeep", duct tape - "scotch" etc
Not him but I'd imagine it's something similar to the idea of calling all hot tubs Jacuzzis. I do that anyway.
I hate motion stabilization so much. The swimming perspective looks absurd.
>imagine having two large water balloons strapped to your chest that spasm every time you move
Slight correction.
sport utility vehicle =/= jeep (light utility truck / offroad 4WD)
Jeep is not a brand name but comes from 'General Purpose Vehicle' (GP)
Man, dicks are so cute. You can't get enough of them.
Better than being a disgusting chestlet who could only be loved by pedophiles.
He нa экзaмeнe жe ыыыыы
What a fridge
Imagine being loved only because of two large water balloons stapped to your chest. Now that's s fucking dream of a life!
you're missing the point
>imagine being loved for being beautiful and genetically valuable and not a malformed prepubescent
Seems pretty great to me.
don't play dumb. all you retards call photocopiers xerox machines
now give the sauce
i call it a copier you faggot
I call everything that produces an image on paper a printer. (But not my ass making brown on toilet papers. That's just called "daddy's favorite camping spot.)
Bebby open panti come on now lovely baby bare panty expose.... I am watering for you
lmao wtf did I just read...
its as long they call soda pop or fizzy drink
That's some Homosexual stuff
That would be the copy machine. As retarded as that is I don’t call them all a xerox.
Call them bandages and never really say q-tip or cotton swab.
>hey bro, check out my apple
whats this type of tracking called?
what type of terms do i need to find porn like this?
I got your reference, user
flat chest is a guy
degenerate american practices are technology
Did I hear Kleenex?
Things like "kleenex" for tissues.
I came across a reference to something called a "nalgene" recently, and I thought it was some kind of antiseptic. It turned out to be a brand of flask. That's an example of how this is a mindset and not just some vocabulary from fifty years ago that is still hanging around. Am I supposed to know what a "nalgene" is? Did the writer in question own a "nalgene"? Did making a reference to it make them feel like they were in on something, that they were part of something? Is this someone who likes phrases like "early adopter"? They couldn't say "flask," because then they wouldn't get credit for using a brand name product instead of a generic. My skin is actually crawling.
It comes across as a spoilt child's request for his very favourite brand of sweet, where nothing else will do. Or a child's ignorant worldview based entirely on the supermarket his parents bring him to. That's the best case scenario. It's even worse if they are deliberately dropping references to the brand names of consumer products they use to brag. Bragging about the paper you blow your nose into - I just don't want to believe it happens.
user, there's a lot of unjustified resentment towards yanks, but this is something genuinely embarrassing.
This thread made me need a Kleenex
have Durex
Using a condom is literally just mutual masturbation
anyone got the naked parts?
it's on pornhub, search kendra roll
Thank your for the bobs, sir.
Kek . I made this webm ages ago
It was probably paid for.
Point tracking. You can do that in after effects
Who knew that bitch from Better Call Saul had such impressive tits
Woo this one is especially good
Who did she play in BCS?
Not unless that water bottle company is paying amateur erotica-writers.
have copulation
Source on this? I remember seeing the full thing a while back.
Why are women such whores
and name?
'point tracking porn' just gets results about google tracking your porn history
God I hate women
What makes you think this is even a common thing. You’d need to make your own. The only reason the webm is like that is to reduce file size I’d imagine
Chrissy Teigen
Xerox - any copier
it's a joke btw
What are we going to call it? An ice flattener? Got a non-trademark name for it that's not awkward?
Sweet thread op
you just found a new revenue user, make some cuz my dick demands
find porn where the tits jiggle a lot and point track them
It becomes really ugly when names become verbs.
>to Google
>to Photoshop
i wonder what POV porn would look like if it was tracked to her tits instead
dont wonder, do it, the dubs demand it
Clorox (Bleach)
Play-doh (Modelling putty)
Nintendo (Videogame Console)
Please delete this, it comes close to being dangerously advertiser-unfriendly. Think of Hiro!
the one on the right really enjoys it. Little slut
right one is a dude. Look at it's erection
>i bet they even call google maps on their smart phones 'navman'
I don't even know what that is.
Usually, I suck at guessing the ages of people based on looks alone, and I end up guessing they're older than they probably are. But even for me, these girls look underage. Like, 17 at best.
not only that but they ugly
clit is a penis
navman? oh you mean my tomtom? (points to navman)
you don't know what a navman is? how young are you?
post more thots
>stampeding towards the clitoris
Why not start her off with a nice kiss?
I'm 31 and I've never heard of it
It makes me sad watching movies from the 50's - 80's and seeing all these cute women that are still at least somewhat traditional. Millenial and zoomer women are complete shit, I feel bad for those generations. They never got to experience women that aren't broken mentally and sexually.
Well, I'm 31 and I've never had sex.
you have issues if you believe films from those periods accurately represent the way people behaved
c'mon, my parents weren't rich enough to have a gps unit either, but i at least knew about them
i find that hard to believe, unless you mean navman specifically is a brand which just doesn't exist where you live