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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Are 128gb usb sticks durable?
Real stupid question but I'm a boomer with an old external hard drive that has 64gb so I can't understand how a usb stick can hold 128gb and still be tiny, silent and cold.
durability wise if you get one in a metal casing it should last you forever (providing that you don't lose it)
reliability wise, if you haven't plugged it into anything for, lets say 5 years, it's very likely to have data loss.
Technology advances.
Smaller? Yes.
More reliable? Yes.
More durable? Depends in controller, NAND, temperature.
Just get a 128GB Samsung USB where the case is all metal.
you shouldn't be worried about it being physically damaged, they're pretty durable in that sense
but there are usage factors that affect longevity like # of write cycles.
Could i use a WRT54Gl as a router this days without problems?
Yes. DD-WRT, OpenWrt, Tomato
is ther any free (as in freedom) or at least open-source software that can convert pictures from formats like cr2 to png and jpeg?
What am I missing if I don't connect my Q90R to the Internet? It says I'll miss "smart features", which is too vague. I've already disabled the adaptive display/sound bullshit. Don't want to miss actual features due to fear of botnet. Things like Netflix will just be done over HDMI from my laptop.
Nvm, seems I won't get updates if I do that. Guess I'm cucked. Hello botnet, thanks for having me. Hope you enjoy analyzing the fapping noises.
imagemagicks convert
convert cr2:yourfile.cr2 output.jpg
the cr2 prefix is important, as it uses the same header as a tiff file and it would treat it as a tiff otherwise.
Shotwell can convert cr2 to JPEG and PNG and it's LGPLv2. GIMP can do it after getting the gimp-dcraw package in your repos.
I work with Office 365 and some dumb mongrel got the account name wrong for a new employee and they had to create a SIP with the correct name the person is using while all of the other SMTP's have the fucked up name
Does anyone know if this can be corrected without fucking up the SMTP's/outlook access?
Anyone here farmiliar with regex? I want to match a string and select everything to the left of it, so say i have
a href="
Why the fuck does eclipse want me to create a module for a project then I have to create a class for a hello world and delete the module in order to be able to run it since the package is pointed to the module?
What's the logic here?
Who's that trans girl that was spammed on Jow Forums for a while?
Does anyone know the word for an encoding/encryption/compression algorithm that produces the same result cyclically? e.g.
// input is foo
foo == myalgo_decrypt(myalgo_encrypt(foo))
nvm I guess. I just don't remember ever getting asked to create a module before starting a project
Yes, just doesn't do the faster protocols. I'm currently using one with DD-WRT in client mode to connect to a neighbor's xfinitywifi
Tomato is also nice.
Also, the wired interface is limited to 52 megabits, not the full hundred you'd expect.
this is a necessary condition for a cryptosystem
I want to stream youtube with mpv, but everytime I run it, this error happens.
I know that you're supposed to "install" youtube-dl first, but since youtube-dl is just a single exe, I was thinking of using the one provided in youtube-dl GUI (yes I use it because I rip song from youtube a lot for my uncle).
I thought that since youtube-dl needs to be updated regularly, why don't I just use the same exe so I don't have to update the same program twice. I've tried setting up the path in my user's environment variable, but the error still persists.
How do you fix this? Pretty sure it worked out of the box in Manjaro and Mint (I'm currently using windows).
My video is 31 seconds long. How much do I put in?
Trying to convert to webm
What filesize do you want? bitrate * seconds = total size
Set it to variable, put 22 on CRF, and tick two-pass.
its R. tell me if im right
What amazing cumbrain games can I run a new pc with a 3600 and 5700xt?
Vr can come later, I just want some lewd games to play with before I eventually delete them.
Yeah I was gonna say R too. With the first group it just seems like it repeats the 3rd one then goes backwards again.
we have 3 boards for games, go ask them
Preferably small but still legible to look at
I'm trying to post my webm for the first time on /wsg/
Should I be using my butplug unironicly to program even if I don't shave my legs of own programmer socks?
Dream daddy
Corruption of champions
Coming out on top
You would need to be more specific; or look thru
Jow Forums has a 3MB limit, so put 740, that should stay below limit.
740kbit * 31 seconds = 22940kbit = 2.9megabyte
Use less if you have audio.
Realistically, how much damage on your brain and your balls and all the rest does Bluetooth do? Getting a new phone soon, and it won't have a jack input, so I'm getting Bluetooth Sennheisers. Does it make a difference that the device is on my neck instead of in my ear for example?
I have 25Mbps anyway.
You are bombarded with hundreds of wifi networks, radio signals, tv signals, phone signals and other frequencies permanently daily.
It's not going to make a difference.
R is right. What about this one?
It worked. Thamk user?
how do i get a bf like this
come on man, this shit reminds me of the test they made me do in year 8. tell me what the site is first, so i know im not helping you cheese some important test
It's 6MB, fren.
I tried uploading a webm 2 days ago to /vg/ and it said the limit is 3MB after mine got rejected.
It's not a test, just some random internet site for preparation purposes. I know what the answer to all these are as I can check, but I don't fully understand the logic. The answer to the one posted is [spoiler]M[/spoiler] for example, but I don't get why.
6MB for /wsg/, which is the board is trying to post on. See
when I press the power buttom to start the computre the leds inside the case turns on and the cpu/gpu fan starts running, but the kb lights doesnt light on and nothing appears on screen, no boot or manufacturer screen
what may be causing this problem?
yeah no offense my man but your retarded. read an aptitude test book
a b
f g
understand now?
usb header not plugged in? gpu out on the mobo, not the gpu?
at first I thought it was the gpu, but then I conected the avi directly into the mobo and the problem still persists
no, its not a usb kb
Ah, alright.
The wiki mentioned a global 4MB limit, but my experience was 3MB only.
hmm. well your gpu out should be the gpu, not mobo
is your 12v atx connector connected? 24 pin seated properly?
gpu cable plugged in?
See that LED on your monitor? Bluetooth's maximum transmit power is much less, and much more dispersed, and all it can do is heat stuff. Headphones spend most of their time only receiving anyway. You can get a wired adapter if you want. They're very affordable.
4MB was the previous limit for the gif boards
On iPhone:
how do I disable apps running in the background?
Outlook uses >50% of my battery life, so I'd like to turn off background email fetching.
I thought "battery saver mode" would do that, but it doesn't.
I miss my Windows Phone.
I dont understand what's wrong, my wiring is the right places, and my drivers are all up to date.
Sometimes when I'm not doing anything , browsing webpages, watching videos, or playin the craft, the monitor jutlst stops recieving the hdmi signal.
I tried power cycling the monitor after unplugging all cords from it, didnt fixit.
Usually when this happens I have to powerdown the pc, but today I decided to press the reset button instead. The CPU led, GPU led, and third led lit up in succession like a normal boot and gave me the blue screen.
This also happens when I put the pc into sleep mode, just never wakes back up.
I need to fix this, but I dont know how, all the "solutions" on google arent working. Is this what i get for trusting amd and lisa Sue?
What have you tested?
memtest 1 day?
ssdhdd test?
installed gentoo?
Websites have my home address. They won't remove it because they say it's from another source, but won't name the source.
How do I drown the system with misinformation so someone at least is a little confused about where I live? There must be a good site about this somewhere.
Boys, I removed Mint from dual boot and fucked around with EasyBCD to skip the grub menu and am now afraid that the computer won`t boot if I turn it off
Are these settings safe ? Please answer:(
There is one entry in the Windows bootloader.
Default: Microsoft Windows
Timeout: Skipped
EasyBCD Boot Device: C:\
Entry #1
Name: Microsoft Windows
BCD ID: {default}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.efi
lmao who?
make a live boot
copy everything
format drive
reinstall windows
reinstall manjaro on a seperate drive
never used grub or even systemdboot to manage windows, windows is deliberately retarded and standard breaking
I have a 2700x and an asrock X470 master ac/sli with bios 1.90. Is there any reason to update to the latest and can you? Version 3.50 is saying not to if you have pinnacle Ridge but 3.40 and previous doesn't mention this. I realize it's suggested not to update if you're not having problems but I am. Very intermittently when waking from sleep the computer restarts itself and resets the bios to default automatically. It's been doing this since I built it. I used it for almost 3 months without issue but it happened again.
Rx580 for video card
Drivers/chipset up to date
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB set at 2933 with auto xmp
Fast boot disabled
Tested ram with memtest with no errors
Only change I'm bios is setting memory speed and fan curves
Can't find the issue driving me crazy and damn near impossible to troubleshoot because of how infrequent it happens.
Yeah I'd think it was funny too if I didn't have kids.
At least three different meta person search engines. I hope one of them also gets my NRA membership.
The way I would derive it:
A=1 (B=2)
-> gap 5
F=6 (G=7)
-> gap 4
J=10 (K=11)
-> gap 3
Link? Sounds fun.
The first day after I built it, i let it sit, installed and updated all my drivers until nothing else came up. Then the day after I stress tested and bench marked it for the entirety of that day, no issues there.
Only started "using" this gaming pc today and I'm getting hit with all this shit.
Could possibly be I got shit on by amazon when they sent me the 5700xt, or it just might be the reference blower design sucking ass.
Do you think it is onions to run a Linux distro on your laptop?
>meta person
i have never heard of this before.
again have you memtested it?
If you're really interested read the recent study from the IARC that has moved wireless technology health risk from group 2b (possible human carcinogen) to group 1 (human carcinogen).
It's probably much better if the receiver is on your neck then your ears but still probably isn't the best. People in high risk groups are kids, but adults are likely still affected.
>what is power dissipation
Big difference between having it shoved right up against your head and being a fair distance away from the source.
Are there any good macros/autoclickers for android that don't require root?
I've tried Tasker and Macrodroid but trying to tell them to click a certain part inside of another app, doesnt lead to anything as they dont register the click inside the app
and I haven't been able to get Frep or Ankulua to work with the "connect to a computer and run a script" option
I took apart a motherboard that I bought a few days ago.
I took off all the heatsinks including the chipset heatsink (pic related, marked with yellow), and then I noticed that there isn't really any thermal paste on it.
I tried washing that substance with alcohol but I can't get rid of it.
Can I just put the heatsink back and not worry about the chipset temperature?
That is correct. I am just wondering why you had GRUB in the Windows boot manager to begin with, usually it's the other way around.
Wouldn't a "drinking bird" do the trick for the most simple tasks?
then put "input tap x y" in a script
err, "adb shell input tap x y"
I have some WAV files with infrasound in them. If i convert this files to FLAC using audacity will they lose that?
Woops I meant screen recognition based macros, I'm trying to get it one to recognize certain menus as a generic autoclicker doesn't work as some conflicting menus overlap click locations.
What was the name of that app for boards that was an alternative to Mimi? My old phone got stolen and I forgot the name.
Anything helps, but you really need to invest in the proper equipment if you're serious about working in the field.
Say i have a computer on one network and want to connect its network to a computer on another network and use that other computers internet. How would i do this. ive tried inbuilt windows pptp, doesnt give the connection any internet access.
If I have two sticks of 2667MHz ram in dual channel, is it normal for each one to be operating at 1333MHz, is that how dual channel works?
la idiota el 4channel
1333 x 2 hue hue hueee
DDR = double data rate
1333*2 = 2666
Nothing to do with dual channel.
kuroba (formerly clover)
So what you're saying is, I don't actually have two sticks of 2667MHz, I have two sticks of 1333MHz which are intended to be used together, and the rate is doubled because it's able to send and receive data simultaneously?
Kuroba, thank you, it was killing me
Ignore that you have two.
Your one stick is 1333MHz DDR, which means it uses two dataticks per clock cycle, hence it can operate at effectively 2666MHz because it can do two in one clock.
If you use them together or alone doesn't matter.
Dual channel just means your motherboard can talk to two sticks at the same time.
you can use adb to make a screenshot, then process it on your pc
Oh neat, I learned something new today.
Thanks user.
wasted an entire fucking day trying to get windows 10's openssh server to work but holy fuck it just refuses to accept the public key, fucking garbage, microsoft should stop trying to port these tools and accept they're incompetent
what's a decent alternative ssh server? I just need fucking pubkey authentication ONLY and tunneling
What the fuck happened to floens and clover?
Doesn't openvpn offer this?
became sjw
Nothing on the github reflects this
What the fuck is this garbage and why can't I install it?
Why is Python so garbageously unintuitive?
I'm just trying to install this
Why the fuck when I install the requirements it still misses most of them?
Why is Python so garbage at being at least SOMEWHAT intuitive?
check his discord
No, they both run at 2667MHz
Hi Jow Forums, tourist on this board, sorry for the stupid question.
Is there an easy way to make browsing Jow Forums/4channel seamless, like it used to be when there was only 1 site? Basically:
>having all the boards listed on both sites, not just Jow Forums
>if I type*nsfwboard* I automatically get redirected to Jow*nsfwboard* instead of getting 404