Why use matlab when octave exists?

why use matlab when octave exists?

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I had actually never heard of it, looks alright at a glance




Kyuni or kani?


Because documentation for open source projects is fucking garbage

Mathematicians don't have time to deal with shit documentation

Attached: 05_1.png (1594x918, 82K)

>matlab has icc/icpc and mkl
>octave has gcc and openblas
at least use the same compiler and libraries

why use math when nerds exists that i can bully into doing the work for me?

I should really start learning Julia.

is that a fucking diaper

You do not use Matlab or octave for speed, this is entirely meaningless for the comparison.

>Because documentation for open source projects is fucking garbage
The octave docs are okay, they even have some arcane knowledge that I have not found in the Matlab Docs.
Did you know that Matlab supports custom data types with operator overloading?

Aside from that octave aims to be entirely compatible so in a lot of cases you can just use the Matlab docs.

Cool cherrypicked benchmarks. Let's see Julia do symbolic math with the same/better speed and flexibility of Mathematica

Yes, you can notice diapers in the package on the right.
There is a floating aureola too. It is an angel!
Angels are genderless, or so I've heard.

Gabu is a smelly degenerate NEET.

uh. i think she needs a fresh diaper. let me take care of this. and let me do the clean up [spoilers] with my mouth [/spoilers]

That tag doesn't work on Jow Forums, and it is spoiler, singular.

documentation, sweaty

She has Crap in her diaper.
This user needs to clean out her Crap



Based Cunnyposter

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