I bet these Android fags were crying tears of joy when their phones were replaced with superior iPhones


I bet these Android fags were crying tears of joy when their phones were replaced with superior iPhones.

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>fake gay shit

Just like an lagdroid. :^)


Why are iToddlers so violent and stupid? They don't seem to understand the concept of getting sued for breaking private property.

You can't get sued if you make reparations before a law suit. In this case, they got well above the value of their old phone by receiving a new iPhone. Think about it, any judge would say "case closed" when they heard that some lagdroid POS was replaed with an iPhone X.

What if I had valuable data in my phone and the iMonkey broke it to the point of not being able to retrieve it? What if I deny his faggot reparation and sue him for being a violent subhuman?

Well it's a fake video and he doesn't actually throw their phones

I know full well that lagdroid is the primo itoddler meme on here, but has any android users actually experience lag? What the fuck are people are doing on their phones other than texting/calling (which should be the only thing you use a phone for) that would conceivably cause lag?

Attached: PlayerAsksWhichCoC.jpg (720x647, 55K)

Isn't it backed up on the cloud?

>What if I deny his faggot reparation and sue him for being a violent subhuman?
All this anger will go away when you get your new iPhone.

>All this anger will go away when you get your new iPhone.
iPhones have a lot less features than most Android phones. Why would I be happy for getting an inferior product after losing one I actually liked? You iDiots really are stupid.

I'd take the new phone too I guess, then flip it on ebay.

iPhones are actually superior. It's the reason why they never depreciate as opposed to lagdroids which lose 90% of their value within a week of their initial release.

iPhones don't even have a decent ad blocker, a browser that isn't a reskin of the default one or a non-retarded way to install apps outside of the store. They don't depreciate because the retards who buy them put everything made by Apple on a pedestal.




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If this was real the guy probably would get beaten to fuck by some person with important files on their phone

Reminder to sage and report advertisement threads.

>iPhones are actually superior
if you're not a developer

fuck swift, fuck xcode, fuck apple

This post reeks of curry and shit.

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I think the only tears of joy I'd cry is when I'd sell it to an iToddler and buy myself an android equivalent and still have a lot of money left. :^)

I'd be mad too if someone smashed my shit and gave me objectively inferior hardware and software. Can't do shit on iOS, most apps refuse to support webm because iOS doesnt.

>ou can't get sued if you make reparations before a law suit.
The video is obviously fake but this is some bullshit lol. Of course you can get sued, where ever did you get this idea from?

I use an iPhone, but even if I used an android, I can tell you that I'd be mighty pissed in the moment. A new iPhone isn't gonna include the app that contains all my TOTP, and I wouldn't know that he didn't actually break my old phone.

>sell ipodphone
>buy new Android phone
>have $600 in pocket
thanks I guess

What if you choose to buy a lagdroid that costs 1k?

So ipoos are really this retarded

What if u don't need a phone that cost 1k?, It would be retarded to burn money on unnecessary shit

But the Apple app store is where the money is at, statistically.

very obviously an act. if he did that to random people he'd be sued to oblivion. not that americans use androids much anyway.

He didn't actually smash their phone. He smashed dummy phones, then gave them an iPhone and their old androids back.

Bother to watch the video before declaring stuff like that.

>1 white person in the entire video
>inb4 b-b-b-b-but that's just commiefornia or some shit

It's still 50/50

gotta love scripted yt vids

kinda like netflix

>You can't get sued if you make reparations before a law suit
I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're just baiting

>smashes my 1500$ phone
>Gives me 999$ poorfag gay brick
Wew, it's the same as getting robbed from a nigger. Except this time it's an aplle basedgoy

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