Techlet here.
Will it ever be possible for the Java version of Minecraft to be "fixed"?
Right now it performs like shit on the newer updates and i hear it isn't able to effectively utilize more than a few threads.
Techlet here
What do you think? It's Java
No. It's Java. It's going to continue to use 10+GB of RAM and will be pajeet quality code.
It was broken on purpose. Microsoft wants you to switch to the cucked version and use Realms.
Theoretically yes. The JVM has the best concurrency/parallelism libs (local or distributed) even if it doesn't have the best gpu related support.
But they are Not Invented Here for Mojang or Microsoft, nor do they care to do what's necessary to adopt this. So practically speaking it is probably not going to happen.
Java runs huge servers just fine. The game just isn't written like one of these though.
>is it possible to fix java?
Possible yes, but it's not going to happen because the devs are too arrogant to do a Durgasoft training.
But it is much better than before. Also install optifine.
For individual users it's fine, but private mass servers like 2b2t run like shit and still only support about ~130 people online at once.
Can it? Yes. Will it? No. There's a reason the Microsoft store version is C++
That probably will never be fixed. Best you can hope for is community remake in C++ or something.
The game was never meant to be played at that scale. Also I think 2b2t supports 250 players at once IIRC.
It's open source now. Fix it yourself.
The best way is to remove the java edition and make a microsoft free bedrock edition (which will never happen sadly)
is it?
>The JVM has the best concurrency/parallelism libs (local or distributed)
erlang called, it said its going to keep fucking your mom
Thats why you use shit like Velocity and multiple servers
wait, is it?
>Java runs huge servers
>Servers are huge because its javashit
they've released the obfuscation maps recently iirc
you're still not legally allowed to fuck with it though, it's for modders
not *really* open source
They will let people remove obfuscation. Java code is always open source in a way.
It's open source because the source is available. It's not libre or free.
>you're still not legally allowed to fuck with it though, it's for modders
sike, time to change the fuck out of minecraft code :D
oh this is a good example to tell people the difference between free and open source i suppose
They'd have to rewrite the game from scratch which is not gonna happen.
They've already did that.
Maybe if notch had been a better coder.
Now what's the point?
They already did which is why it can run on potatoes like the new 3ds.
if you had a room with 1000 indian java codemonkeys banging on computers, could they recreate minecraft given a suitable amount of time?
No, it's not open source. It's source-available. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Minecraft isn't a technically impressive game but a lot of creativity went into it.
Indians are good at repetitive tasks, not creativity.
Open source == source available
>The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.
>The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
I admire people like you. Having to live with a severe mental disability must be awful. How do you cope?
Open source isn't a license, Stallman.
>must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
>not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.
>not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component
You can do all this because it's open source. You'll just be sued for reselling or distributing for free if you're in a 13 eyes country and not doing it anonymously. You can download Minecraft for free right now and even redistribute it for free. Microsoft can't do shit. Good luck enforcing laws against information sharing and free speech, we're not in 1984 yet.
>no arguments
Kys, freetard.
>the purpose of open source is to ensure that everyone can legally have the source be open to them
>hurr it's open you just have to do illegal things
fuck off
You're thinking of GPL.
>you just have to do illegal things
If it's illegal in your country to share shit that's already in public domain then your country is shit.
>thinking MIT/BSD licenses don't allow exactly the same things
>worships a game made in sweden and the US while disrespecting the laws of those countries from his third world shitting street
>retards trying to redefine what open means
>: having no enclosing or confining barrier : accessible on all or nearly all sides
A program is open source if the source code is accessible.
As long as Java and hardware improves yes.
Pretty sure Microsoft is also intentionally sabotaging the Java version so you would play their W10 version like this guy said here
that's fine except the source code isn't accessible to everyone under these terms
>got BTFO
>now trying to redefine the meaning of accessible
>: capable of being reached
Java is where the development happens untill this is no longer the case I will continue to use Java
The program is not non-open itself. What's "closing" it are anti-free speech laws and wrongthink laws, aka (((copyright))) laws. Without those all information would be open unless behind DRM.
>got BTFO again
>now babbles about muh copyright
>© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This information is provided “as-is” and you bear the risk of using it. This information does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this information for your internal, reference purposes. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Bedrock was rewritten from scratch by Microsoft in C++. Downside is they made poor design decisions so it's overall shittier. They also introduced microtransactions. Not worth the increase in performance imo.
Secondly, the reason MC runs like shit isn't Java, it's Notch. He was a shitty programmer, and the game's engine is ass. The current devs are slowly rewriting it piece by piece, but they're doing it slowly in bite sized chunks. Why not just do it all at once? Laziness, but that's neither here nor there.
Minecraft really does run like ass, you'd think a 9700k at 4.9Ghz all core, 16GB of RAM, and a GTX 1660Ti would be able to handle minecraft at 1440p without stuttering.
But you'd be wrong, any quick mouse movement, even when standing perfectly still, will cause FPS to drop under 30fps.
This is with default vanilla minecraft, only change made is to launch the game with 6GB of RAM allocated.
Intellectual property isn't real, retard. You can do whatever the fuck you want with any information you're given.
> java version of mincecraft
AHAHAH. java is fucking cancer. what year is this? 2001? people still make games with java? LMAO.
>As long as Java and hardware improves yes.
java will never improve.
>The JVM has the best concurrency/parallelism libs
>even if it doesn't have the best gpu related support.
its probably easier to rewrite the entire thing rather than shoehorn multi threading in, the java version will always be shit
>fixing things
>java minecraft
their dlcs and money's on bedrock already
Servers and graphics are very different things.
You are also ignoring anything big runs in super clusters, not in your gayming PC.
There is a reason all big games are still written in a 35 year old language (yes, C++).
>you'd think
Made in Java, no amount of hardware will ever be enough.
cry harder, java cuck.
Apparently so.
I still play the game, just irksome.
I'm playing it just fine on an underclocked rx460. In fact, it used to run fine on integrated graphics 8 years ago. Just don't set your chunk loading distance to more than 12 and you'll be fine.
mine is at 16
is there REALLY a huge difference dropping down to 12?
C++ as used today is not 35 years old.
Cuberite exists, but I don't know if its performance is any better.
oh no no no
It's exponential, so yes. 12 runs fine with my GPU underclocked.
at 1080p max the 1660Ti gets 270fps, the RX460 gets 101fps.
At 1440p, you'd think a 1660Ti could handle 60fps without dropping to literally 20-30fps just from moving the mouse quickly.
Dunno about you guys, but ran 1.14 (with optifine) at near lowest settings on a mobile C2D/4GB DDR2 and it was around 20fps-30 when not loading shit in
I remember back when Notch and Jeb were going to completely redo it with a new API and everything. They stopped and said it was just too complicated and that it needed to be done from complete scratch, not just a rewrite of existing code. I can't imagine Microsoft doing fucking anything at all correctly with this.
It runs decent on bad hardware but it doesn't properly utilize good hardware.
Meme resolution so it's irrelevant.
4K is a meme, 1440p is basically standard for gaming now.
Maybe for VR, but other than that it's useless and 1080p is still a standard.
Erlang is so old and impotent there isn't even anything to worry about. Spark and other JVM frameworks replaced that fossil with something more useful.
"Erlang conference" vs "Spark conference".
They need to rewrite it in a not shit language, and they already did, it's called bedrock edition.
It can be fixed
but only if we go all out and use the
I'd rather use Java than windows 10.
>At 1440p, you'd think a 1660Ti could handle 60fps without dropping to literally 20-30fps just from moving the mouse quickly.
Aight so here's what you do.
Listen up, because the solution is simple.
You stop using SEUS PTGI with a graphics card that isn't powerful enough to run it.
As I already mentioned, it's vanilla, the only thing i've done is changed default RAM allocation to 6GB.
I can play 1.14.4 java just fine on a shitty dual core laptop from 2012 and a GPU equivalent to a potato, at 1600x900 resolution.
Maybe your computer just sucks
thank you sirs
posting evidence
the GPU in this laptop performs about the same as a intel UHD 520. The CPU is 2c/4t. No tweaking at all, and java/all drivers are prolly outdated bc I don't give a fuck. Potato quality video bc my internet sucks and I got shit to do.
TLDR OP you are homosex
forgot to uncap FPS bc I'm rarted but it does about 70.
have gtx 1070 and i7 8700k and shaders + optifine, works perfectly fine with 32 chunks render distance, i get 200+ fps
9700k + 1660 Ti
At 1440p with optifine at max and no shaders, I get 140-160fps, but if I strafe and move the mouse at the same time, it goes down ~10-20fps before going back up to 100-120, then if I stop moving it'll go back to 130-160fps
But any quick mouse movement, strafing and mouse movement, etc will start some pretty bad stutter.
Lowered some of the antialiasing and shit, was getting 260fps+
Did a single full 360 with the mouse, not moving. Single digit FPS.
stop moving the mouse, 250+ again.
Mouse accel is disabled in windows
no it doesn't user lmao.
perhaps op wasn't referring to the client itself but server performance running the game and yes it is shit. the game runs just fine on your computer. but any update past 1.12 - 1.13 is fucked for server hosters.
>standing still
>25% CPU use
>44% GPU use
>move mouse
>25% CPU use
>32% GPU use
why the fuck does my GPU use drop when i move my mouse in minecraft?
I can strafe around or sprint around, as long as i dont move my mouse, my GPU use sticks to 44-45%. But the SECOND i touch the mouse, 30-34% at most.
Fucking retarded.
Apparently turning off my 2nd monitor fixes this...
the FPS still drops when i use my mouse, but only to ~50-70fps, not literally 4-5fps.
Fuck me
Just play the C++ version or wait for Hytale
>C++ version
nonfree software
nonfree software
It's shit and not available outside of winshit 10