Mouse Acceleration

Turn it off.

Attached: mouse.png (396x453, 25K)

I actually like it.
Fuck off, incel.

You're actually a retard.
Kill yourself, tranny.

you will never be a pro counter-strike player

It's not just about gayming you faggot.
It's about learning how to use a mouse properly.
If you have mouse acceleration turned on, you don't know how to use a mouse.

enjoy not having muscle memory

Instructions for Linux:
If you use KDE or GNOME, you can easily disable mouse acceleration.
KDE can do this natively, just look for a setting called "Acceleration Profile" and set it to "Flat".
For GNOME it's basically the same procedure, but you'll have to get GNOME Tweaks.
All other DEs? No clue, but still ez as fuck probably. Ask Google.

Based and redpilled as fuck.

Attached: KDE.png (265x357, 21K)

>Not turning pointer trails


Attached: 1564798547366.png (454x520, 219K)

Neck yourself unironically.

Attached: retard.png (917x599, 46K)

Lol, did you run out of things to be autistic about?

this is why i leave mouse acceleration enabled

turned it on, didn't like it so I turned it off. I haven't got time to build new "muscle memory" for the RTS games I like. What does it do?

Never had it enabled, what does it do?

have sex

makes your mouse pointer less autistic

Lol, did you run out of braincells to use?
Cry harder, faggot.

You mean you turned it off? Because it's on by default (for whatever fucking reason, I have no clue why a """feature""" like this even exists).
It does feel weird at first after turning it off, but your mouse precision will increase tenfold.
"Enhance pointer precision" literally does the polar fucking opposite of what it says it does.

Weird, because it should be on by default.
Try turning it on and just see what happens to your pointer accuracy.


Turning it on makes it more autistic. Not less.

It's useful for touchpads

>Neck yourself unironically.

Attached: 1560436806928.png (2087x1009, 701K)

lmao this nigger thinks he got a PhD in 'mousing'

im not a gaymer so its quite useful

You seem really upset. Why did you make a thread about such an asinine thing user?

he got a point
you scream like a woman

Nobody uses it anyways.
Once you can use your cursor without actually seeing the cursor, you know you're using your mouse right.

>Try turning it on and just see what happens to your pointer accuracy.
The pointer moves as if it was submersed in molasses.

Using mouse is autistic

>people itt use the mouse at all

Attached: soyception.png (2087x1009, 406K)

Attached: deeper.jpg (400x226, 15K)

Meh. Even there I would disable it.
It just fucks with your precision and muscle memory no matter which input device you use.

Cry harder. You just can't deal with the fact that you've been using the default and therefore don't know how to properly use a mouse.
Enjoy your non-existent precision and fucked muscle memory. Must feel great to have an inferior computing experience.

It fucks with your muscle memory, even for everyday tasks.
It is never useful. Never.

It is the default unfortunately on both Windows and Linux (no clue about gayOS, but probably turned on by default as well).
So yes there are quite a lot of people that do have it turned on. The majority in fact.

Yes, it will feel like that at first, because you're not used to your cursor actually behaving the way it should, at all.
However, leave it like that for a few days/a week and you'll realize what you've been missing out on all your life.
Your precision will literally increase tenfold, I'm not shitting you. You will be more efficient and more productive.

Yes, ideally keyboard navigation should be used whenever possible. You are both correct.
However, a mouse still has to be used for certain tasks obviously, for example video and image editing.


>If you have mouse acceleration turned on, you don't know how to use a mouse.
If you have Windows installed you don't know how to use a computer.

I'd say it's better because you can move across the whole screen easily in one fast swipe while also having more precision with slower swipes

Also if it the cursor is now too slow, up the DPI on your mouse.
Your mouse doesn't allow DPI adjustments? Up the pointer speed in your OS instead.

Enjoy having a niggered mouse.

Never said I was using Winblows.
Using GNU/Linux as we speak in fact.
I've just given the instructions for Windows because that is what the majority (yes, even on this board) is using.
You may find instructions for Linux here For touchpads? Eh, fair enough I suppose.
For proper computer mice you should absolutely disable this crap though.

>It is never useful. Never.
If I move the cursor slowly the cursor has linear movement, if I move it quickly the movement is amplified. I find this very useful.

Enjoy having a niggered mouse.
I haven't used a mouse in years.

Turning it off does nothing. You have to disable it through registry editing or if you're lazy just use MarkC mouse fix

I prefer enabled mouse acceleration due to less hand movement.

xfeces master race

Since I stopped playing fps games I've started to like mouse acceleration, it's great for CAD and drawing - high accuracy/low speed when doing small movements, faster speed when doing big pans or selecting shit from toolbars where you don't need high accuracy.

>If I move the cursor slowly the cursor has linear movement, if I move it quickly the movement is amplified. I find this very useful.
Yes, this fucks your muscle memory. Even if you don't think so, you will be more efficient without this crap.
You literally cannot move your mouse without having to look at your cursor on-screen, making micro-adjustments along the way to point at the thing you were trying to point at.
With mouse acceleration off, this becomes much less of an issue, if at all.

>I haven't used a mouse in years.
Right. I totally believe you with that.

What? Last time I used Winblows, turning it off actually did turn off the mouse acceleration garbage.
Is it specific to what mouse one has or something?
I've done this with various computers and various mice, and it always turned it off for me.

Up the DPI on your mouse or pointer speed in your OS if the cursor is too slow after disabling it.

Yeah, Xfce's pretty cool.
No idea how to disable this crap in Xfce though.
It's probably just as simple as with KDE and GNOME.

Attached: works-on-my-machine.png (200x193, 30K)

My brain is capable of remembering non linear acceleration curves.
Sucks for you to be such a brainlet.

Even then you can just turn on DirectInput in your game and keep mouse acceleration for desktop usage.

>"capable of remembering non linear acceleration curves"
get a load of this faggot
you literally can't remember, because of the fact that it is not linear. this is not how muscles work
everytime you move your mouse, your brain has to constantly make adjustments when you move it, that is, with accel. turned on, until you reach your desired target.
but ok ok, fine, keep deluding yourself that you're fucking einstein or something


>Yes, this fucks your muscle memory.
Not really, I just give the trackball a flick and stop it when the mouse is near where it needs to be, then a slower movement that doesn't trigger acceleration for exact placement
>Right. I totally believe you with that.
You can believe whatever you want but the last time I had a mouse on my desk Obama was still in his first term in office

> this is not how muscles work
Yes it is.
>everytime you move your mouse, your brain has to constantly make adjustments when you move it

bro imagine the pure autism

>Not really, I just give the trackball a flick and stop it when the mouse is near where it needs to be, then a slower movement that doesn't trigger acceleration for exact placement
You're literally proving what I've just said in the next sentence:
>"You literally cannot move your mouse without having to look at your cursor on-screen, making micro-adjustments along the way to point at the thing you were trying to point at."

How the hell is this more efficient than having mouse acceleration turned off and flicking the mouse/touchpad/trackball/whatever just once and immediately reaching your destination (because of muscle memory)?
That being said, you will have to get used to having mouse acceleration disabled, first.
It does take a little bit of time, I can admit that much.
Afterwards, you will be more precise and efficient. 100%.

user just proved you wrong but sure thing Mr. Einstein.

bro imagine the pure efficiency
Great argument. I'm sure you put quite a lot of work into your reply. Cry harder.

>You're literally proving what I've just said in the next sentence:
Not in the slightest.
>How the hell is this more efficient than having mouse acceleration turned off and flicking the mouse/touchpad/trackball/whatever just once and immediately reaching your destination (because of muscle memory)?
The only difference disabling acceleration would make is that the first flick would have to be even harder

>How the hell is this more efficient than having mouse acceleration turned off and flicking the mouse/touchpad/trackball/whatever just once and immediately reaching your destination (because of muscle memory)?
Because it either requires large hand movements or is less accurate because you need to have the DPI way up.
Adaptive acceleration gets you the best of both worlds - quick to hit a target 3 monitors away, high accuracy when doing small movements.

A popular video game, osu!, also recommends you absolutely disable mouse acceleration, as it fucks with absolutely everything.
And no, it's not an FPS, or even 3D. It's a game where you click circles that are in various places on-screen, as precisely and quickly as you can.
Very similar to everyday desktop usage where you also click various UI elements in various places on-screen, preferably as precise and quick as possible.
>"For mouse players, it is important to disable mouse acceleration and [...]" (source: the osu!wiki)

opinion disregarded. i'd take the advice of the schizo above me writing paragraphs about why acceleration is bad over an osu player


>acceleration bad because video games

I have question though what is muscle memory ???

I turned it off and honestly I can't tell the difference at all

>A popular video game
You're on the wrong board.

Also if you're wondering where I got the screenshot from in the OP post: Google Images

Idiot. Neck yourself.
See Maybe you're facing the same issue as Not sure.

Ah yes. Imagine actually countering my argument instead of just being a logical fallacy cuck.
Just imagine that. Wouldn't that be a wonderful world to live in? Where people actually gave valid arguments to counter or support other valid arguments?
This was just an example. Again, it's not just about video games.
Video editing, image editing, music creation, you name it. Almost everything is affected by this.
But sure, call me a trash /v/ weeb faggot, that's a great argument, just because I happen to know about osu! (I don't even play it).

What actually is mouse acceleration? I can imagine you move your mouse by x mm by one axis, and it translates into y pixels by one axis. But what does mouse acceleration do?

Attached: 1531242386215.png (151x237, 75K)

you sound really angry friend, is it all the anime games you play?

Attached: 1562944907611.jpg (2048x1536, 501K)

Do you have autism?

What's it really supposed to do? I can already accurately click wherever I like without having to really readjust, maybe I'm just used to it enough for it not to be an issue if that's the problem with it

>It's not just video game
Except it is, stop pretending that it isn't you turbo autist. Imagine shitting your pants over peoples personal preference. Imagine being such a sad human being that you make a thread about mouse acceleration and then spend hours arguing about it.
And before you start shitting your pants again, i don't use mouse acceleration because i personally don't prefer it. But i know multiple people that do like it and swear by it.

Dumb nigger

Attached: 7ea.png (1280x720, 323K)

Makes it so that when you move your mouse faster, it moves further.
This is absolutely terrible for muscle memory and by extension, efficiency, and by extension, productivity.
Once you get used to mouse acceleration being disabled, you will probably lose your sanity were you to re-enable it again for whatever reason (for example if you have to use somebody else's computer).

Nah. Do you?
Great list of arguments you provided btw.

I sure love it when one resorts to "LOL U MAD??". You're basically saying that you're out of arguments.
But alright sure let me resort to this way of """discussion""" then if you wanna go that route. This is Jow Forums after all:
:^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)
Pic related.

Great argument.

Great argument.

Well, everyone thinks that way, because they've never seen the light.
As I've said in various other replies (can't be arsed to scroll up and link to them now, doesn't matter anyway), try using your computer without mouse acceleration (up the DPI/pointer speed if cursor too slow) for a few days or weeks, and you'll see what I mean.
You *will* be more accurate with your mouse.

Attached: trole.jpg (400x342, 14K)

Just dropping in to this trainwreck of a thread to say that OP is a pathetic loser for spending hours of his life trying to convince people to untick a box

Great argument. Rule 6.

how this is actually sad. you can stop responding at any time. unless....

Attached: 1566366484015.png (680x680, 309K)


>Irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta
Example: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?..."

>Indecipherable text
Example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"

>Irrelevant ASCII macros

>Ironic shitposting
Example: "upboads for le funy maymay trollololololoxdxdxdxd~~!"

>Gibberish text
Example: "l;kjdsfioasoiupwajnasdfa"

Which one of these did I post you pathetic loser?

ok I just tried it and it's so much worse why would I want this

>"The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments."
Go on, keep calling me a "pathetic loser" though. Keep sperging, keep them ad hominems coming. You'll surely prove your point that way.

Read the replies I've given in this thread.
It takes time, but you will get used to it, and you will be more efficient.
See for example:
>"That being said, you will have to get used to having mouse acceleration disabled, first.
>It does take a little bit of time, I can admit that much.
>Afterwards, you will be more precise and efficient. 100%."

Thats the first thing I disable on a new installation

Makes the mouse unpredictable

Based and redpilled.
You have seen the light.

I get that there are heated arguments in this thread, but "you can't move your mouse without having to look at your cursor" is kind of a stupid argument. That's precisely why you're learning to touch-type as well.
Personally I'll stick with decent amounts of acceleration which gives me both precise movement (which you lose when you raise the cursor speed with linear movement, unless you artificially lower your mouse speed in fixed steps through other means again) and the ability to move the cursor over far distances without a giant mousepad (a pretty standard 26x21 cm pad with two 16:10 monitors in my case) or lifting your mouse.

Attached: Moving_The_Goal_Posts.jpg (300x240, 29K)

if it on by default and every other pc you use other than your own will be like it then why change

I genuinely don't understand how that's supposed to be a stupid argument. Care to explain?
I mean sure, either way you'll have to look at your cursor, otherwise you won't even know how much you have to move it before you actually start moving it.
However with mouse acceleration off, you just (more or less) have to look at where the cursor is right now, and then - using muscle memory - can move it to your desired destination with minimal to no additional effort.
With mouse acceleration on, this becomes a clusterfuck, because it is basically impossible to accurately pinpoint the amount of movement you need, because it keeps changing depending on how fast your movement is, meaning you'll have to recheck (this is done subconsciously for the most part) where your cursor is over and over and keep adjusting your speed over and over until you finally reach the UI element you were trying to click.

I'm not sure what to say about this?
You're basically saying "oh it was the default so let's just take it up the ass, because everybody else also takes it up the ass".
Do you not change any settings on your PC? Do you just accept every single default that's given to you?
Change is good, not bad. People use GNU/Linux for this exact reason.

nah fuck this I'm precise enough for my needs

>Go on, keep calling me a "pathetic loser" though
Okay. You're a pathetic loser and you're not going to get me banned because I didn't break any rules.

Fuck off and stay there.

just turned it off.
i didnt know what it did, then i turned it off and lowered the speed a little. now turning it on feels like im moving through soup.

xinput list --id-only | xargs -I{} xinput set-prop {} "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" 0 1 &>/dev/null

Attached: 1566755003882.png (677x720, 585K)

thank you

Just shove Option "AccelProfile" "flat" in your InputClass

>Fuck off, incel
Primary school brainlet confirmed.

Attached: file.png (1600x1150, 2.6M)

>You're basically saying "oh it was the default so let's just take it up the ass, because everybody else also takes it up the ass".
>Do you not change any settings on your PC? Do you just accept every single default that's given to you?
>Change is good, not bad. People use GNU/Linux for this exact reason.
The default is to actually be heterosexual, not homosexual, you're actually feeling everyone too be a faggot like you and failing.

I read this in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice and it made me laugh.

>Turning it off does nothing.
Turning it off turns it off. I don't know where this incorrect information comes from but unchecking the box has always worked for me. I guess people can't be bothered to check for themselves if it works or not.

I blew people's minds at work by turning this on.

That's literally the first thing I do any time I install an OS.

This is not acceleration, this is precision. When moving the mouse vertically or horizontally the mouse will move in a straight line, it is terrible.

fuck you user, have a nice day


b a s e d

OP you have some severe autism as evidenced by the replies in this thread, but you're right. Mouse acceletation is shit.

Can you explain what it does? I'm not even sure if I have this turned on or not.

It increases mouse pointer speed when you move the mouse fast/long because mostly in these cases you want to move the pointer to a far place. Like from the center to the corner to close a program.
This behavior prevent learning muscle memory, which is extremely bad for shooter games and cripples your performance/work speed in mouse operation heave applications.
With acceleration disabled your pointer moves as much as you move your mouse regardless of how fast you move it.
In addition, disabled acceleration might "convince" you to move your mouse using your arm and not your wrist which is definitely better health wise.

Side note: some crappy mouses have hardware level acceleration which cannot be disabled. Avoid these like plague.