Intel Marketing

Holy fuck I haven't seen a company so incompetent since Bulldozer era AMD

Attached: Intel-Real-World[1].jpg (1785x1017, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>desktop segment
>data from notebooks and 2-in-1s
Did the cobalt from all the aborted 10nm wafers get into the ventilation system and damage everyone's brain?

>tfw chrome is multithreaded so AMD would do better while using less energy
Intel is literally in a worse position than AMD was with the FX8150.


Bulldozer was ahead of its time and that's why they're still perfectly useable to this day. The software simply wasn't taking advantage of what they were capable of at release. Admittedly their peak was shortlived but the dropoff has not been rapid.

>Bulldozer was ahead of its time

In scamming people out of their money with deceptive marketing

>Counter-Strike: Global offensive

I was thinking they would do something like a multicore myth campaign soon

>all notebooks and 2-in-1
why are they comparing mobile systems "workloads" with desktop segment workloads?
>windows media player

so intel manufacturing is going down still this year? besides altera and the x86 subsytems licenses what else is there for revenue? jesus, next year is going to be interesting, i wonder if the 300k spent on "diversity" will be able to help with this, because the "secret sauce" slides aren't.


>fx8350 cheaper than 3570k
>has better multicore

I've never seen a company grasping at straws this much.

Attached: 1545019174192.gif (640x358, 1.94M)

By what metric of multicore?

3D rendering, VMs, general multi-tasking, video transcoding (specifically 2 concurrent x264 4 threaded sessions). Though to be fair the FX-8350 was only about 30% faster, it wasn't a monumental leap. But like user said the price + better stock cooler that could handle a slight OC made it worth it during that time IF single threaded tasks weren't paramount to you.

This is hilarious

>3D rendering, VMs, general multi-tasking, video transcoding (specifically 2 concurrent x264 4 threaded sessions)
Thanks, can you post benchmarks showing this?


They know very well that Intcels it's aimed at can't read fine print

Please ignore this person he's not a real AMDrone just a troll trying to make AMDrones look worse than they are.

>Intel is offering help to OEMs and press with realistic usage performance testing
>offering help

Attached: 1546379470349.webm (272x480, 1.06M)

>can you believe it? amd released a microcode update that REDUCED performance! not like your friends here at intel where we improve security when we gimp your hardware!

Attached: Screenshot_20190906_162516.png (1596x897, 748K)

>intel where we improve security when we gimp your hardware!
They're even boasting about their security in these same slides.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

What happened to the YT link?

>Here at Intel Corporation we know that synthetic benchmarks don't tell the whole story.

>That's why we're proud to provide these Intel Real World® tests, starting with leadership performance in running Dota 2 at the lowest settings on a $2,000 USD ultrabook.

these slides are too good to be true, i am LAFFIN

Attached: Screenshot_20190906_163522.png (1601x898, 443K)

What is even the point of a graph like this? There's no mention of how they decided to test those specific games, which means the data is entirely cherrypicked to make intel look good

>I've never seen a company grasping at straws this much.
you have things in common. every single one of your shitposts is the exact same thing, tripfagging cancer:
grasping at straws, compulsive lying and never ending coping. it's hilarious.

This is just like in the movies when a guy is cornered and starts offering money, gold, his business and everything else.

Projecting much?

Attached: annKq60P_700w_0.jpg (700x995, 72K)

cherry picked doesn't even begin to describe it. they're testing games at 1080p on a laptop with a fixed 2160p display.

>Actually, forget about all that Real World stuff for a minute and check this out! Principled Technologies (the firm we hired to spread fake Threadripper benchmarks last year) just made us this cool "AI" synthetic benchmark. Pretty cool, huh?

Attached: Screenshot_20190906_165036.png (1600x899, 468K)

>"intel has """""integrated graphics performance""""" lead over AMD!"
>barely 10% better average on a bandwidth starved (max 2400mhz ram support) overvolted vega using older zen+ cpu cores
truly ebyn

Attached: 1540209531358.png (552x661, 288K)

Is there even client software using VNNI yet or is it all just synthetic benchmarks?

Yesterday Jow Forums
>Based Intel! Get rekt AMD!
Today Jow Forums after Tim's video
>lol Intel what are you doing?

Funny thing is that update actually improved the performance:

Attached: 2019-09-06 13.07.52 c56e50987bdc.jpg (699x335, 64K)

Go Go Go

>using der8auer's graphs without his permission or even knowing
>in a marketing slide
Isn't that against the law or something?

That shitter is a legit cuck so...

It's 2012 or something?

>when she mentions shes thinking about getting her baby circumcised

>less than 26.1% of laptop users are using MS Office at all
>less than 6% are using Photoshop
Jesus Christ, no wonder Microsoft and Adobe are going maximum overshekel with the cloud services. Their boxed software cash cows are dying.

Not really

i'm confused. isn't office usually installed as a bundle where you get word, excel, and powerpoint, even at the basic tier?

>benchmarking Steam
what did intel mean by this?

He cucked out when he made that damage control piece on why Intel could no longer solder
To this day it remains the only piece of "evidence" that excuses Intel for being cheap jews
It is amazing to see a hardcore overclocker defend actions that actually hurt overclockers

>no mention of how they decided to test those specific games
LPDDR4X-3733 vs DDR4-2400 and VRS enabled :^)

Attached: 1542387588352.png (669x282, 25K)

Steam launches in .5 ms on an intel chip in some cases. AMD chips launch steam in 1 ms. Intel is twice as fast as AMD in real world use cases.

>just render at a lower quality and we win bro

Attached: 1543768615390.jpg (2000x1125, 129K)

>Bulldozer was ahead of its time

Attached: 1467227586436.jpg (720x480, 32K)

>so incompetent since Bulldozer era AMD
They sold TONNES of fake cokes

Just outdated
There is no updates to Bulldozers

Contextomy is the last resort for the AMDrone when it runs out of other fallacies.

"No one needs security or multi-threaded workloads, goy, just look at this Notepad++ benchmark"

Simply in having better multithreaded for the money. But the sacrifice was not worth it.

Still, the 8350 often outperforms sandy/ivy i5s in games from the past few years, especially in smoothness.
In general, even, it tends to perform more smoothly even if average FPS is lower.

Everyone I know with an old i5 finds them unusable now days with how badly they stutter. My friends with an 8350 are content. And I say this as someone who got the i5-2500k.
People don't notice lower average FPS so much as they notice stutters. So while the 2500k was a better buy at the time, 8350 was cheaper and actually lasted longer for people who wanted to hold out on upgrading.

Aren't they literally owned by Intel?

>intel admits their iGPU can only play on lowest settings

How desperate are they by now?

Is there free money in that SUV?

wait, how is this possible? I thought AMD was crushing intel with it's integrated vega graphics? did intel actually improve their IGPU after all these years? I thought they hit a wall on everything but ((((iris))))

>Windows Media Player
>fucking WinRAR in 2019

what a cavalcade of normalfaggotry

because theyve effectively replaced all their employees (social media, marketing, HR, etc) with diversity hires.

Attached: 1543436248913.png (1080x1920, 680K)


As long as he can get more shekels from selling circumcision tools...

nah, it was and still is shit.



>Bulldozer was ahead of its time and that's why they're still perfectly useable to this day. The software simply wasn't taking advantage of what they were capable of at release. Admittedly their peak was shortlived but the dropoff has not been rapid.
My 6 core phenom was faster at 3d rendering than the 8 core bulldozer im stuck with, I'm only stuck with the cursed processor as things keep getting compiled with AVX support required.

user, do yourself a favor, and upgrade the fuck soon.

so let me get this straight

intel has data on 10 million devices which i assume never asked for consent to be installed?

It's all laptops and 2-in-1s, they probably collect that shit using all the bloat and botnet that comes preinstalled.

The absolute state


>real world
Like SSD speeds getting cut in half and taking longer to boot?

Wait for 10nm+++

Goddamn, this screams of desperation. Did Intel fire their 2012-2015 all-star shill team?

Funny how Intel has just given up and are targeting their leverage for the mobile laptop market instead of trying to convince the enterprise their power hungry processors with less cores are better then AMD's power efficient 64 core chips.

Spoken like a true fanboy shill.

What about nvidia marketing? How can they possibly think college kids are like this?
[spoiler] The girl is a mega qt though [/spoiler]

very convincing

The 2500k is still faster than every FX CPU made in Gaymes.
The 2600k is even faster in 2019 than it was in 2012 vs FX.
FailDozer was only faster in specific multi threaded applications at the cost of Shit IPC.
FX was shit and always be shit.

if chrome is #3 then what are #2 and #1?

The more industry adopts multicore the more crushed Intel will be under AMD's boot.

He also gets cucked by his "girlfriend" which is a pornstar.

>playing battlenet

oh that's nothing

Attached: 20190908_014044.jpg (1440x2668, 1.12M)

by your logic 8086 is a zero core cpu then


Babby's first etymological fallacy. Do you also believe the word "hysterical" refers to the uterus?

clearly you dont realise that i was actually right but anyways


>vishera isnt subject on the matter
>but bulldozer is
>regardless of the fact that they are the same thing

oh wait

vishera uses bulldozer uarch

why was phenom II so fucking good? i used one until like 2016 and it was better than the pentium g4400 i replaced it with. but i needed a new motherboard that could boot in dual channel and i wasn't about to invest more money in an amd system in 2016.

Attached: phenom.jpg (1280x1024, 271K)

i mean it does and no amount of semantic horseplay is going to go against as clearly a defined sign>signifier relationship as greco-roman etymology.

this is pretty much on the same level as 'i know you are but what am i?'


Attached: 1381792880540.png (1440x1080, 549K)

I'm just wondering which applications are rank 1 and 2 if Chrome is rank 3.

Probably their spyware software

google marryfox
that's his girlfriend

What spyware software?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 18 [720p]_00:08:35_02.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

If they don't mention them it means they lost in that benchmark and so can't talk about it.

I get a slightly higher score in Cinebench post-update despite losing a whopping 25MHz of peak core clock speed. People do love their arbitrary numbers though.

Embarrassing beyond belief

Attached: abm-5e4f6f4a89609dcba11dbc32772815cc[1].png (800x800, 50K)

people who record non-portrait scenes in portrait mode tilt me to no end

Attached: prnnthhhnnn.jpg (512x512, 53K)