/wdg/ Web Development General

Old thread died fast edition

Fuck old thread

>Beginner Roadmap and Overview
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap (don't be overwhelmed, ignore the later parts and go step-by-step)

>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction to HTML/CSS/JS and Node.js or Django
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
javascript.info - curriculum providing a strong basis in JavaScript

>Further learning resources and documentation
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
hackr.io - crowdsourced collection of tutorials (ignore sponsored stuff, look at upvotes)
learnxinyminutes.com - quick reference sheets for the syntax of many different languages
pastebin.com/gfBPg24A - Collection of PHP links.

>Need help with some HTML, CSS or JS?
jsfiddle.net - create an example here and post the link
codesandbox.io - or here if you're using React/Angular/Vue

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Other urls found in this thread:


>There's nothing wrong with using JavaScript.

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Thoughts on mojolicious?

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Anyone know any good mobile phone verification/sms providers. Currently use Twilio but they charge 1.5$ per verification. (here in sweden at least). Seems kinda pricey, specially if retards are gonna resent the code several times.

Amazon SNS

I feel like I should have learned PHP.
I work in a large hosting enterprise environment, and everything is fucking PHP.
And so many websites use PHP.

(I can only code backend in Python and Node.JS).

Fucking 80 percentage of the net is on PHP

Most of this PHP was written by low IQ Pajeets, maintaining projects they shat out is a nightmare.

I bet that 80% stat is skewed toward PHP due to all the instances of wordpress and phpBB. As far as actual dev jobs, yeah PHP is plenty popular, but arguably PHP jobs are also lower-tier and less interesting.

Which backend language do you think is the future, or the language for cool jobs.

I personally like Node.JS a lot, but I'm just pissed of because these PHP pimps run the show.

Yes, indeed.

web dev for intelligent trannies

I don't think anyone knows what will become the backend web language of the future. JS is fairly cemented on the client for a very long time, but the backend has seen a lot of churn in whats hot, and there are conflicting interests. There are also trends in how much is done on the server vs client, and with recent moves toward more modular apis a SPA client may hit multiple disparate backend endpoints each in a separate language, so there is less pressure for one particular language to dominate. IMO there is no 'killer lang' for web servers/services like C for systems, js for web client, SQL for dbs, etc.
This is just my shitty opinion as someone who maintains java & perl (cgi + mojo) web services&servers, and whos done a bit of asp.net /MVC and php in the far past.

You're right mate.

vanilla javascript is alright you fucktard, it was libraries that ruined JS
now kindly go kys somewhere please

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>rejected from 3 jobs at same company because I'm "overqualified"
I want to die

you know that just means they don't want to pay you whatever you were asking for right?
try lowballing it next time?

>wanting to earn less and have wasted time at university to get the same pay as some smoothbrain

Is Firebase any good?

Great framework. Most people will say it's "anti-CPAN", but that's because they rather implement something right themselves rather than using broken unmaintained implementations. Wouldn't use in real-world applications tho. Perl isn't that scalable.

How do i make blog with use of static-site generator? Which SSG should i use?

>having no job instead of having a low paying job
>unable to pay back student loans

We didn't even get to the conversation of salary user. We had an interview based on my history and she said that if I'm interested in the jobs she is responsible for, I should email her. Did so after 2 weeks and got that response


I have really important job interview on Tuesday for JavaScript dev job. Please share your whiteboard, or other important in your opinion, tasks that you encountered or just know. Few I have written:
-write a function that takes one string argument that will check if this argument is a palindrome,
-write a function that takes array of numbers that represent a number (ex. [1, 2, 3, 0] = 1230), increment it and return new array,
-write a function that takes three arguments, two arrays and a target, and return a pair of numbers from this arrays that's the closest to the target value,
-recursive Fibonacci (yes, I know it's CS101),
-write a function that returns n lines of Pascal's triangle,
-write a function that returns most common word in string.

Questions about JS mechanisms and their usages are more than welcomes. For example, what are closures and what's their use. Questions with answers are the most welcomed ones. Thank you in advance, guys.

you're putting way too much autism into this user,all you have to do is to not come off as an axe murderer and are able to talk intelligently about the language you feel the most comfortable using.

what are those, my friend had to code something using react or vue

*shrieks in Aspergers"
I need that job, senpai.

wtf am i a brainlet

say i have a table in db with 2 columns , price and status
price can be any number and status can only be 1 or 0
all items that have status 1 have their prices set to null

how do i retrieve items from this table that has max price X(e.g. $1000) and also all items that have status 1

Attached: 1rent.jpg (500x281, 19K)

FROM status-table
WHERE prize

>from status table
are you on drugs mother fucker?

anyway im doing this shit in Laravel and there is no logical way to actually make that simple query wtf is this shit

are you using an orm? use a raw query

can someone explain this to me

when do you need bind
when do you need self = this
I heard you don't need any of that if you use arrow functions, but I'm not sure. does this apply to arrow functions with braces too?

i'm scarred from function, but people tell me I'm just paranoid because I use self = this all the time.


function one() {

const self = this;
console.log(this); // log this of function one

function two() {

console.log(self); // log this of function one
console.log(this); // log this of function two


const arrow = () => {

console.log(this); // output this of function one



Arrow functions are effectively the same as creating a function and binding it.
const foo = () => {

Generally gets compiled (by Babel, etc) to:
var _this2 = this;
function foo() {

Which is just a better performing version of:
const foo = (function () {