1950 - 2007

>1950 - 2007
>Wow, check out this revolutionary technological advancement!
>Look at this ground breaking paradigm shift!

>2008 - Present
>Wow check out this minuscule improvement in clock speeds
>Dark mode!! Hype hype hype!

What the fuck went wrong?

Attached: 1438650084596.png (753x706, 869K)

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shut the fuck up pseudo-nostalgia goggles zoomer

he's right you know

Attached: 7ef9011a.jpg (1280x722, 101K)

>dark mode
when did dark themes become a feature people advertised for their software, literally anything can be trivially configured to have dark colours, this is probably easier to change than to change the X window title it gives you

Commodification + onions, as always

As someone who has problem with sensitive eyes, dark mode really helps.

>What the fuck went wrong?
let me tell you what went wrong. Around 2004 /2005 people started freaking out about the rate of technological change. People who werent computer bods of researchers, were beginning to feel like they couldnt cope with all the new technology. Governments were becoming worried too as business leaders were complaining that they were spending more on training than on wages. Governments started asking the top tier tech companies to slow the pace down, so they did

you can research it online

Thats bullshit but I believe it

It isnt bullshit it happens to be true. Do some research on it. I dont give a fuck if (you) believe it or not I am telling you it is true because it is, but I'm not spending my time educating you. You find your own research

>sensitive eyes

Grow some balls, pansy

>Source: Dude trust me

fuck off you cretin

this is some /x/ tier shit

>make up bullshit

With today's clusterfuck in frontend development, a dark theme is probably a real tour de force.
But in all seriousness it's an easy update that can renew people's interest in a software. No matter what you improve under the hood, people are much more sensitive to ui changes.
It's how you "create" something new out of thin air, like increasing a version number or renaming a gpu.

>NOOOOOOO technological development can't be iterative

Attached: 1553217631412.jpg (785x731, 101K)

>The main justification for unfettered research was that scientific discoveries could not be predicted, and that allowing researchers to follow their intuition in selecting problems to work on was the best policy, one that would result in enough significant new results that some of them would pay off handsomely for the sponsoring organization. Roentgen's discovery of X-rays and Fleming's of penicillin are two examples of such unpredictable discoveries that both had great impact. For that argument to be valid, though, many significant scientific advances have to occur, a large fraction have to be of interest to the sponsor, and there have to be opportunities to exploit them. These assumptions are no longer believed by industrial R&D managers, and are being questioned by national policy makers.

What a load of bullshit. In the 80s and 90s you could change the colors to whatever you wanted, it was built into every GUI. Pic related.

Then they took that away in the 00s because "muh animations" and "muh skeumorphism" and "muh transparent glass"

Then they added it back in in the 10s and made a big fucking deal about it because you zoomers are too damn stupid to research what things used to be like.

Attached: win101control.png (640x350, 3K)


yeah, because half the computer's powar needs to be spent on making the UI pretty for the itoddlers

Read past the first sentence. UI is like fashions: some style appear, disappear, then appear again as new, ad nauseum. Skeumorphism will eventually come back and will be considered new, then flatshit again, et caetera until the end of time, like high heels go from square-y to pointy every year.
It creates novelty and interest.

>he uses bindows/mac
lol, you have no right to speak about technology

>progress takes more effort when you advanced further ahead

Also you're forgetting high resolution screens becoming a standard, unified I/O in USB C/TB taking away the need of any other cables, wireless technology becoming usable and dirt cheap, same with SSDs, LTE being widely available, phone cameras taking the need to buy another device for most people, and so on.

>changing the UI color one by one in every program and window by hand
>press a toggle

yeah right.
the truth is that tech companies realized they could keep selling us shit with programmed obsolescence by way of marketing and loser standards of quality instead of forcing it with real innovations. Oligopolies, duopolies, monopolies and cartelization that would make the organized crime blush also helped in that regard. A lot.

getting a new desktop computer in the late 90's, to replace a 2 or 3ish old pentium w/e
more than tripled every single perf metric, more than quadrupled storage space, 10x more ram, and I did because it was outright impossible to run anything in the old desktop anymore
replacing my 2011 desktop last year
I did it because it was feeling kinda old, more out of a whim because I was feeling left out in speccy breds rather than any other pressing reason.