Whys it so super duper comfy?

whys it so super duper comfy?

Attached: nodejs-frameworks[1].png (1600x948, 44K)

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is it fast?

any code that you didn't invent is the opposite of comfy


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It is NOT comfy jesus

because people are not elitist to eachother like in other programming languages and despite their lack of knowledge if millions of low-medium skilled developers come together and work for eachother they will create a far better ecosystem which has every utility you can think of as a package while other languages/frameworks circlejerk who has the biggest ego in the room with pronouns and other CoCked shit

i think javascript is a neat language. it's easy to pick up but difficult to master.

the community is very welcoming and doesnt assume elitist status and also devs dedicate a lot of their time writing blogs/articles/vids to make sure everyone can understand it, even a clueless beginner

because everything happens in real time, but other than that im switching to c after mastering haskell.

it also means you end up working with retards

Agree about educations and highly portable, sharable code.

Anything you need to do that's nontrivial is in a library.

Also, lots of comfy design decisions, like presuming js modules when Importing.

Haskell is comfier

>haskell is comfier
is it really?
i mean a past example i had to tackle today: compare localstorage date if date has passed doSomething() in haskell there is no library like comfy date-fns that converted unix epoch string of new Date() and compared it to local storage date converted to epoch string to see if it was > 0 that meant it did not pass yet.

unironically yes.
All I use now are PHP and nodejs

is it faster than, let's say, net core?

.net core is close to native speed, especially if you use RedHat Transport lib for Kestrel server.

dont just look at this, read the indicators, its a bit hard, there are 3 sections, socket layer(platform), middleware layer and full framework layer.

also, lots of frameworks cheat by allocating 64gb of RAM or other shit,.net core doesnt and uses what dev would use in prod env to bench.

.net core is really fast and btfos anything apart from Rust/C/C++
>absolutely no exploits
>constant perf improvements
>everything is available as lib because M$ has to sell to enterprise

in some things yes, in most things no
net core is far faster and suffers great performance on linux vs windows. It isn't something I'd recommend using over Golang or even JAVA for web. (C++ and C are just too much work but they do perform the best)

Other than speed though, net core has no real benefits.
see: quora.com/Is-NET-Core-killing-Node-js

dont be stupid user, node is a single threaded single process >scripting language< runtime. .net core is an entire JIT/managed programming language runtime

And? What about it?

C#/.NET core competes with Go/Java, JS competes with python/ruby and other scripting langs. If your project is anything serious and above hello world C# is hands down best because of IDE features VS offers as well as debugging features, its M$ biggest cash cow.

also Go has dogshit net libs and stack. dont use it.


im aware what cluster is but that spawns multiple processes because node is a scripting lang not a programming lang made for startups. C#/.NET core is for enterprise and serious projects

Because your here,

Not even its creator likes it, lmao.

>builtin telemetry
no thanks, Singhrajakamaprakaj

>not using TypeScript

This. I'd rather castrate myself than use GoLang

>using vanilla js
>not es6 + typescript

you do it to yourself user

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Same could be said with C#. Super easy so long as you get a hold of the dialect.

>C#/.NET core is for enterprise and serious projects
C#/.NET is for when you want your project to take 10x as long for a 1% performance increase

Maybe 15 years ago, grandpa.

>10x as long for a 1% performance increase
if it takes longer...to compile? 1% is still better a better statistic

Node.js is perfect for express/light backend work, whereas golang is better suited for intensive shit.

seriously learning JS makes you a better programmer in general. Much like with learning C

>10x as long
>1% performance

Nigga, drink you Js coolaid

Yeah I can't see why you wouldn't use express when using node

i linked to latest benchmarks of web frameworks above, raw


aspcore-mw-json 652,261 req/sec
express 247,071 req/sec

so, just by using .NET core you get 3x gain in throughput

What else can you use to manipulate the DOM in runtime? Other than ts?

Yew or Blazor

This timing advantage will evaporate as soon as you write anything more complicated than hello world.

Are they better? Please be honest

not yet, they run on WASM and its barely getting started

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