What would happen if replicators were made true?

What would happen if replicators were made true?

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Posting in a lucky thread

I would replicate so many dragon dildos

fuck that

give me holodeck technology now

Just replicate it!

iToddlers would be BTFO

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What would traditional companies do? Try to stop the technology?

> but they are replicating guns! We need to regulate this technology!

Corporations wouldn't allow (((ip theft)))

replicate a replicator which replicates replicators

But it couldn't be stopped.

It would get banned/restricted/heavily regulated

Yes this has already happened

I was never properly trained in its operation.

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T-thats communism!

I'd replicate lolis

You need to be impregnated by Cyrillian alien to gain holodeck tech

Point being?

Well whatever powers it would be in extremely high demand

stop doing this, you're killing the meme

It works the other way around too...

The ability to use replicator technology as it is represented in Star Trek requires similarly absurd levels of seemingly infinite energy generation in order to be practical.

Replicators essentially turn some sort of basic slurry matter into whatever you want through a combination of pure matter-energy conversion and the unbridled amount of power that a warp reactor produces.

Being able to break matter-energy conversion has the potential to immediately create a post-scarcity civilization, but it still requires vast amounts of electrical energy to operate, so without something like the other advanced power generation technologies that a civilization advanced enough to produce that tech have (basically making them post-scarcity anyway), it wouldn't really be useful or practical for anything but the extremely wealthy company and economic elite that can afford to operate it.

More likely, they'd try to sabotage energy production. Hypothetical matter replication would take an insane amount of energy. Replicating a steak dinner on the Enterprise would take more power than a nuclear bomb going off, and increase exponentially after that based on molecular complexity.

tldr: i suck cocks

So many tacos would be made.

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Food wouldn't taste as good

A new era of swole dawns upon us as everyone can afford grade A protein and roids.

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Farming would be a lot easier. All you'd need is power.