How bad will the crash be this time?
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Better to rip the bandage off now than let China take over all manufacturing.
4months until he backpedals massively at the next political meeting with the chinese government
it's all a demonstration of power rather than being serious
limiting cooperation with china is more damaging to the U.S. economy than letting their cheap products flood the home market
It's kinda too late for that
Why do you hate America?
>Why do you hate America?
I don't but pretty much all of the world does
>According to Perkins, his job at Main was to convince leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept substantial development loans for large construction and engineering projects that would primarily help the richest families and local elites, rather than the poor, while making sure that these projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Later these loans would give the U.S. political influence and access to natural resources for U.S. companies.
Gee whizz, why would South America be upset?
Fuck Microsoft.
Trump/Stallman alliance NOW
can't wait for headlines like
>10 million americans loses their job to Trump's trade war
>microsoft warns
isnt this the same company that told me i was going to take a tablet ui on my desktop and like it?
MS has more "news" for me, do they?
>Microsoft warns that Open Source Software is less secure than Windows XP
It's already in decline
china has compartmentalized their entire country
its like lets say
trump has made 30 carbon copy factories on 30 states and each time a state raises the minimum wage trump moves the workforce to another state that has a lower wage till the previous state gets back on the same level
this is how china literally locked the manufacturing of the whole world to them
He wasnt talking about south america, incel. Literally nobody has any respect for your continect. Youre one rank above africa
>Shithole poster
>Opinion discarded
SEETHE shitskin
Germany here, the US is doing better than ever. How do I move to a comfy state in the mid-west?
Based Donald, crashing the US with NO MUTTVIVORS
Your opinion will be discarded sooner than later, mutt. You're going the way of the dodo.
I think you only have to marry an American. Can be either a boy or a girl so should be easy.
Please. Well-established blue chip tech stocks are doing just fine. If you want to look for a crash, look towards the x-share economy and the non-traditional media outlets like Netflix that continue to not make any money despite having hit peak market saturation years ago.
China already has control over all manufacturing. It's great that a US president finally has the balls to stick it to China, but he's about 10 years too late for it to matter.
That isn't how it works, going the marriage route takes way too long and they can deport you in the meantime.
The real answer is to enter the country legally, preferably on a work visa, and then have a baby.
You're an idiot, you can have cheap shit made in some third world bumhole for cheaper. Not every manufacturing job has to go to China. It can be spread to phillipines, Thailand, Vietnam, India, and other poor countries. Having things made in China is fucking stupid.
Tchhhhina bad
clearly you dont understand anything
china owns 3 out of 4 of the manufacturing processes
thats a FACT
why are the changs in this thread acting like its literally impossibru for americans to rebuild their manufacturing base? its like the chinese literally think that no one here can run a machine because "oh shit, this machine already exists somewhere in china"
also, june 4th tiananman square massacre 6月4日天安门广场大屠杀 6 Yuè 4 rì tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng dà túshā
Microsoft going down with Huawei would just be icing on the cake.
Stop oppressing Hong Kong people, Chang.
>why are the changs in this thread acting like its literally impossibru for americans to rebuild their manufacturing base?
white trash can't build stuff
I would post the china pasta but it got me banned last time, probably because of some chink janny.
the chinese have a monopoly on several vital resources.
sure americans or europeans have access to the same resources, it's just not economically viable to extract them.
nice troll, but every single piece of architecture in the world that lasts more than 20 years, every piece of technology in the world that matters, was invented and built by a white.
>dodging the truth
kek, white trash found
>the chinese have a monopoly on several vital resources.
this is indeed true, but to think that sitting on the world largest lithium mine somehow secures your position on the top is pants on head retarded.
I can't wait for the final showdown with Chicom shitters.
what were you saying? can't hear you over the wall
>less than 6ft high in most places
well when your nation's nutrient supply only allows your people to grow to 4'11"....
It was literally just a horse obstacle.
Ironically their unnumbered millions got conquered by like 60,000 Manchurians because Chinks are awful at everything.
birds are eating crops, kill them all!
>crops wiped out by insect infestations,starve
we need metal for the state!
>turn in every piece of metal including farming and gardening tools, starve
yea im super worried about the future planning abilities of chinks.
It is a colossal fuck up that the west has allowed china to become the global leader in the resource market, while they themselves have been chasing goat herders in the mountains, while china has been buying mines and securing 'trade deals' in the third world.
t. white trash
Not sure if troll or brainlet.
that is like saying, "businesses that don't take the yen as a currency, hurts the dollar."
Fuck Hong Kong protesters.
Absolutely Maoist
America actually has a substantially large deposit of rare earth minerals that rivals China's deposit of rare earth minerals. The US doesn't extract them because of environmental concerns. If the US ever does start extracting them it would pose a significant competitor to China.
This is actually wrong. And it's not "america" to suggest that it's across the country. Some dumb hick in Alabama isn't going to see any benefit from it. It's mostly California and the California coast IIRC, which wouldn't just be an environmental concern it would be a massive risk to do mining because of the risk of earthquakes and shit. And IIRC China still has like >80% of the identifiable deposits, so bountiful that they can just dig it up so to speak and process it immediately. It would take the US more effort to mine, and processing is an entirely different concern and would never happen, you'd need to rip apart the entire EPA to do it.
I was under the impression that China is now getting richer and richer and transitioning, like all the Western players have done, from a manufacturing economy to a goods/services and consumption based economy. To combat this, they are engaging in economic imperialism in sub-saharan Africa where the next population explosion is due to occur and will then control the next major manufacturing center of the world. Stupidly, the US is busy doing fuck-all about this as it struggles to stay relevant past 2030.
Precisely: Though I don't know if it's necessarily bad for the world at large. The petrodollar was never going to last forever.
Sounds like a plan fuck California. Let’s extract that shit and send it back east. After all, California exists for our benefit. That’s why we took it from Mexico.
>Let’s extract that shit and send it back east
California would never let you have it
>Implying California will have a choice
>let's extract it!
>earthquake destroys your mining equipment and caves in on the poor ex-coalminers from some shithole
>abandon ship and collect insurance and setup shop in China where it's much cheaper
California will host Chinese troops to stop the flyover faggots
I’m from NYC and the entire country is sick of your faggotry.
Is Jow Forums the board with the most Californians? Or is that /soc/ or something?
why the fuck are these faggots relevant
the first time i heard of them was when the retards in the financial industry started complaining
xiaomi? lenovo? tencent? these are relevant chinese companies
who the shit are these niggers
no 2 shipper of smartphones in the world behind Samsung and just ahead of Apple. Xiaomi, Lenovo, etc. are nobodies in the scheme of things, they just have some meme marketing in the US
shipping to china does not make them relevant at all lmao
China is currently the 2nd largest consumer market in the world. They surpassed the EU last year and at this pace they might surpass the US soon
China is also a completely false economy propped up by a totalitarian state, closed to outsiders, and culturally alien, only the kind of nepotistic idiots who fill the financial industry would unironically dream of economic involvement with them.
literally every chinese business is a front for the government
China has no reason to negotiate with him at this point. They are just going to stall to see if he wins the election or not. They know they have better odds with literally anyone else including another Republican. Hell even if he wins they may try and stall for another 4 years.
>fake economy
tell that to Ford, GM, BMW, LV, Microsoft etc.
Oh btw, Huawei is so irrelavant that they get free advertising from the Department of Defense, the State Department, the CIA, the office of POTUS, Google and now Microsoft.
seethe more
Fuck SV. Literal Chinese colony.
Microsoft deserves to die
All microsoft employees deserve to lose their job and get cancer
t. seething commie
>Facts hurt my feelings
what might you be referring to?
China superpower 2025 fuck the US.
they are artificially keeping their currency devalued constantly
what they are doing in africa is simple
they are evolving them in some areas even leapfrogging
building shit for free in exchange in 10-20 years they will built a mindshare that
"china is good" and therefore "chinese products are good"
creating a massive new market out of blue
Yes I forgot to mention that. A production AND consumption market built around China.
>implements an kernel inside their kernel specifically to use said open source software.
wait a minute..
Silicon Valley is un-RIP-able and will usher in the inevitable post-human condition.
>78% deficit with China
>Germany has 7% surplus
Time to find quality European Union supply chains, globalists.
To think Zuck learned Chinese for nothing.
chink 5g infrastructure is a nightmare
IP theft 24/7
t. white trash with no economy
Let's install more botnets so that to get back at the orange man!
Watch your mouth or we'll have to march down to the Legation quarter again.
>IP theft 24/7
based chinks dabbing all over whytie copyright laws
Trump did nothing wrong.
Leave now you dirty commie
fuck corporate welfare, but
No, they're standing on their own 2 feet
>already in decline, shows long term chart that includes the 08 crash with too small resolution to see any effect of the trade war.
>axis scales
A hero will rise to end the twin menaces of Chinese and Microsoft totalitarianism.
Looking good
>garbage company that only exists thanks to IP theft is somehow going to take down SV
Does being retarded hurt?
Manufacturing in the usa is already completely dead and will never come back. Its okay, we make more money as a service based industry.
>we make more money as a service based industry
You're not
Talking US vs CHINA
Not US vs US
>Talking US vs CHINA
I know
Thanks for the chinese propoganda, zhang
Microsoft did nothing wrong
Too bad for them they didn't count on niggers being niggers. Some of their investments in Africa are already unraveling.
every nationalist chink i've met wants nothing but to beat down america. if you support huawei, you're a LITERAL insectoid - that can't be argued
It literally reads US treasury