Infants + Screens

So my gf & I just had our first baby boy, and I've heard from a few places that you're not supposed to let them watch screens at all until they're ~1yr old.

It sounds like total bullshit to me. My parents told me I was using a computer before I was even a full year. Should I not let him watch youtube videos with me?

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Forgot to mention that when I'm holding him while I'm watching stuff like youtube, he does seem to watch it & like it for sure (keeps his eyes on the monitor intently).

you should ask momsnet

It's whatever, for sure try to stay kid friendly but it's whatever

t. 3 kids.

The first couple years are hell but that's because 1 year olds are hell, phone or no phone, honestly if you want any sort of peace of mind the phone is your best bet, you can try the "1 hour of phone a day" shit until your sanity is destroyed and you just want a shot of whiskey to yourself while you determine if the woman they popped out of was worth it.cradling your .45


well thanks user, he's not even old enough to use a phone himself or whatever though, I'm just wondering about whether I can use my comp while watching him/holding him for m0m

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Only thing you NEED to do is buy a case for the eventual tempter tantrum throws or a second phone/trusted friend to call your phone when it falls into the void

oh wait, I am projecting hard, screen time for computers are fine, if anything, you're more at risk for being older. His eyes can handle it just fine. If you are that concerned get a blue light filter and lower the brightness a bit.

Screens are worse than sugar. Sure it's great for you but good luck taking the phone away. Next thing you know your kid is watching those fucking braindead ``child shows'' on youtube 24/7 and grows up a fucking retard with the attention span of the average Jow Forums user.

Maybe you should come up with a reason that a < 6 year old would ever need to be on a computer, tablet, or phone. This next generation of children is fucked

Because I had a computer from

you are a degenerate op

It's ok, but be careful to check every single thing they will look. If you let youtube on he will be seeying degeneate stuff "for kids" by the third autoplay video.
Check the cartoons "uki" they are great and me-approved

computers back then weren't fucking engineered to keep as much of your attention as possible

Fuck off, breeder

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Very young children's eyes can't focus properly yet. Looking at screen from a short distince can cause them eye trouble when they get older (like needing glasses)

only fucking retards have kids in 2020

What about a TV? The monitor I watch videos on usually is actually a 4k 40" TV, so I just blow the video up real big on there. He didn't seem to have a problem with that as he was sitting almost 3' away (I just measured)

He's right. Computers back then were work machines and you did not have a viral feed of things to watch/read/play shoved at you on every second turn.

Sup Jow Forums, medfag here.

The reason you should not let your infant watch screens when they are small is due to a number of things (toddlers are different).

First they have not acquired object persistence. For example, you know that if you drop a spoon, the spoon still exists, you just don't see it. Kids don't know this. This is why they'll throw everything from their high chair and are amazed when you pick it back up and bring it to them. On a tablet or phone, the icons and things are virtual. You know this, because you can make the difference. A kid has literally no idea about the difference yet. When you swipe the icons they are gone and to a child who doesn't know the difference between a spoon and an icon because it crawled out of a vagina a few months ago, that's fucking up his brain and its perceptions.

Second, children do not register consciously they are doing it, but they mirror things that they see, especially sounds and facial expression, and watch the reaction. Babies learn to talk by watching the excited reactions of people to some sounds. Tvs and other screens do not react to the child who basically exhaust himself trying to get a response from something that will never respond (as we saw before, the kids doesn't make a difference between real and not real yet). This fucks up kids social capabilities, and if they were in the danger zone for autism it can pretty much help make them into one.

Lastly, while the child generally turns very quiet when watching TV (and why people do it) he's actually usually being bombarded with things that are too much for him (sounds, colors, moving shapes) and that he doesn't understand. A child (pre-verbal) that goes quiet in front of a screen is constantly going "the fuck is this the fuck is this the fuck is this". This is actually a cause of anxiety and excitement (the two emotions are linked) and part of why the kid shuts up. Once you remove the screen the whole crying is due to the over stimulation.

Ok true, thanks breh, that makes a little more sense.

So then what if I just specifically made a point to not watch videos while he's with me? I could see Linus Tech Tips definitely being a little too much excitement and an overdramatic-facial-expression-fest, but if I'm just programming or trading crypto (much more static images on the screen) is that relatively ok?

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Best you can do is model the behaviour you want your kid to have.
For example leaving phones outside of the bedroom, or in a box with no notifications but sound on (so if you get a proper call you can pick up but you're not distracted 24/7).

Regarding the mother, she however should really NOT be on the phone, especially not during breastfeeding / bottle feeding and holding the kid. The best thing that she can do then is actually look at her kid while doing and be engaged with it. It's part of the whole bonding process and really necessary for the child to know he's got safety and affection from mother. The last thing you want is make him feel that whatever is on the phone is more interesting or important than him.

Are you sure it's yours?

>you're not supposed to let them watch screens at all until they're ~1yr old.
You are not supposed to let them watch screens until they are at least 15.

Unless you would take the risk of them turning into the scum on this board...

Your desktop computer should be fine, in the sense that a typewriter also would have been fine, especially if it's confined to a room that's not where the kid will be most of the time.

The problem with a working screen, and that goes for a TV, a phone or a computer, is that your attention goes to it naturally, whether you want to or not. A child's survival depends entirely on the amount of attention parents give it, since for the child receiving attention = surviving. It's completely dependent on the goodwill of caregivers to notice he's doing fine, or he needs a thing, he wants to be picked up etc. And screens capture your attention a lot better than a physical object like a book would do. So that would be my worry. It's akin to putting on headphones with some loud music to watch your kid. You'll notice when it starts crying, but kids need that sort of micro-monitoring too, and not to have to cry for every tiny thing.
If you train your kid to cry for everything by being into your screen too much, you'll also start resenting the kid, glueing more to your screen, leading to an increase in attempts to get your attention, and you can see how that fucks everything up for all involved.

Infants/toddlers raised by phones and ones raised by parents are like night and day.

If you want your kid to be a turbo-retard then give it a phone before it can talk.

Depends on how you feel mostly. There's not a huge amount of good child development studies on how screens affect growth, but it's generally not a good idea to leave kids to unprotected tech. Pretty much every piece of tech is designed to eat time and attention and kids should be using that to grow not hit dopamine receptor cheaters that are designed to addict them

Desktop is fine, but not ideal. You should actively spend time with your kid to aid his development. One of the best things you can do is read to him. And no, making him listen to a audiobook is not the same.
Just read bis books to him over and over. You might grow to hate it (I know my parents kinda do. They still know some of the books by heart due to reading them so many times), but it is really beneficial to his intellectual development.

Oh and remember kids are supposed to be active. Instill good phsyical activity habits early in life because it will pay dividends throught their entire life. Movement is key to health and in the modern society we neglect our physical selves far too much