About to quit my shitty corporate pajeet job and now I don't know what to apply for

about to quit my shitty corporate pajeet job and now I don't know what to apply for
or maybe just flee to the west
what do Jow Forums, how do I get a job now that I've wasted 3 years using C#/.NET and now I hate it

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>using C#/.NET
>now I don't know what to apply for

we don't have that

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but why loli?

It's not too late to take the Linux pill.
My company is barely tolerating Windows by now and we're planning to move our .NET apps to Linux as soon as possible when .NET Core can do it. The guys we have for it get paid well.
Your C# skills should give you a good advantage as well.
Good luck bro!

expresses exactly how I feel
pls no

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I just went through job offers and there's almost zero .NET jobs, I just don't get it how they all disappeared.
And the very few that do pop out are just using it for React or some other meme js framework, man I don't know that stuff this corporate shithole uses regular asp.net with regular razor
I'm so screwed

East coast is all .net and angular. Shitty thing is core 3 breaks core 2 breaks 1 breaks framework. Id rather use spring its more mature

ugly cat

I'm not in the US though, by west I meant western europe, should've made it clear

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your mom is an ugly cat

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gross hairy horns

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Just learn mvc principles and its not that bad translates to any back end. Then api with asp but then you need entity and auto mapper for database. The hardest thing about .net is each releases breaks the next and at least with frameworks like angular its stabilizing now and react has been but with .net 3 its going to be another nightmare. Razor blows and youll appreciate a decoupled frontend

How do I learn dotnet/take your job?

Dont quit a job if you dont already have a new one or without having to fall back to

Jahy is such a good girl

Why so many pedophiles on Jow Forums?

it's unbearable though

techloli/g/y board

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does she wear any pantsu?

Being unemployed doesn't reflect well on you in the eyes of HR.

being dead due to suicide doesn't either