If you're actually trying to get shit done there is no substitute for using Windows 10 and the massive chad-tier MS infrastructure. Hyper-V + whatever distros you want + corporate LARPing with software used in industry = iToddler and freetards BTFO
Windows 10 is the god OS
Using Linux on a host that keylogs your every stroke? What could be better?
mm very good Dear meet mr Nagoor Sir tomorow morning to pick up payment ok
Wait if VMs are an arguement,wouldnt that go the other way around?
>can virtualize = better than
>when someone makes this retarded argument it is always a winpajeet
rlly makes u think
Linux is inherently more stable. If you need Windows virtualize it.
I dual boot Arch and W10
I can't post images because IP range ban but Fedora has virtualization for windows out of the box
what software does fedora use 4 this? i use virtualbox for W10 on Linux
It's true though. Mac users btfo.
I love my Windows 10 on my laptop. It's made for fun and can be used for a lot of entertainment applications.
I have Linux Debian 10 Buster for my Desktop. For powerhouse applications where the real work gets done.
So you have something to his?
Windows is for games only
MacOS is for people that have jobs and girlfriends
Linux is for autists, trannies and people that jerk off to futas
Prove me wrong.
Windows 10 obfuscates my workflow with all of it's anti user nonsense. I hate using windows 10 almost as much as I hate the uniformed windows 10 community that shills it because they literally have no other options. If you use win 10 you're being unironically inefficient
I can't, you're right. However, MacOS is garbage. It's garbage for people that have jobs and girlfriends, but it's still garbage. Linux, an OS for autists, trannies, and people that jerk off to futas, is way better.
>ugly as homemade sin
>nearly impossible to theme
>object oriented shell
>registry fuckery
>horrible file system
>bloatware out the ass
>massively insecure
>no centralized software repo
>have to hunt for exes instead
>have to hunt for drivers
>update now or now, cuckold?
>installing update 1 of 123334234^9
>oopsie poopsie blue screen your files are gone!
No one uses MacOS outside of cucked SC
>XD I buy this girl food and she lets me do pp time
Windows is for alphas with real jobs
Why is it garbage though? It just werks when meanwhile on Linux you have to do all sorts of shit just to make it usable. I think Linux is actually fine if you have enough committed autism to perfect it though. Windows however is pure pajeet garbage that needs to die.
I dont jack off to futa
I jack off to traps
This is an outrage.
>having a social life is cucked
Don’t you have some boomers to scam call Rajesh?
My apologies.
Is there any reason to use linux if your pc isn't prehistoric? Lets say i'd get a new pc with latest gen graphics and cpu, why would i want to run linux on it instead of windows? Bloat wouldn't be an issue since the system is too powerful for me to notice any difference.
Honestly asking
Walled garden,and hardware that over heats (no matter how much they try) and is overpriced (overpriced =/= expensive),also isnt very customizable,and has a small package manager (homebrew). (i dont think mac OS is garbage btw,im not that person, im just saying why someone would think that)
>Why is it garbage though?
1) It's closed source and probably performs telemetry.
2) No built-in window tiling, you have to install a third-party program for it.
3) No built-in package manager, you have to install a third-party program for that too. The app store qualifies as a package manager, technically, I guess, if you ignore the fact that you can't assemble a complete MacOS system by installing app store packages into a chroot, BUT, EVEN THEN...
4) Apple's policies for controlling what's allowed on the app store are unreasonably locked-down, it's unreasonably expensive to publish to it even assuming you satisfy those policies, and to make matters worse, MacOS's default behavior is to disallow any apps that don't come from the app store.
5) It has a nice visual design and UX, but considering the hardware quality, it's safe to say said nice visual design and UX are what you're paying so much for, and those are things you can get for free on Linux via Cinnamon desktop.
6) If I recall, it's somewhat unreasonably painful to get a list of your installed applications to come up. You have to open the finder and navigate to the applications directory; there's no drop-down list of applications and not even a shortcut directly to the applications directory. I may be misremembering, though, as this is a pretty distant memory.
Linux is much much more customisable,is noticeably faster,and package managers are seen as favorable than hunting for it on the internet.
And for a good amount of people linux has all the software they need/want.
And on top of that,its pretty secure,and on windows it spies on you by default,and almost all distros (other than one or two exceptions) never spy on you.
There's your answer.
Honestly there wouldn't be one. If you don't mind bloat, all of your software needs are met and you have no problem with windows on a philosophical or practical level there would be no point to you switching especially if you don't want to deal with the mild learning curve.
I would consider swaping if wacom devices weren't so fucky on linux. I don't even care about PS i just wished my tablet would work without increased latency.
ty for answer btw
Boot times under a PC300 NVME SSD:
Windows 10 = 20-25 seconds
Windows 7 = 10-15 seconds
Windows 8.1 = 5-10 seconds
Winner = Windows 8.1
Malware and General Telemetry OOTB:
Windows 10 = The ride never ends
Windows 7 = Completely manageable
Windows 8.1 = Completely manageable, but some metro apps needs to be removed manually.
Winner = Windows 7
Steam Compatibility:
Windows 10 = Fine with some glitches.
Windows 7 = Works perfectly.
Windows 8.1 = Fine with some glitches.
Winner = Windows 7
UI Coherence:
Windows 10 = A godawful fucking mess.
Windows 7 = Beautiful.
Windows 8.1 = Almost as bad as 10, until you install Open Shell, then it's actually better than 7.
Winner = Tie between Windows 7 & 8.1
Windows 10 = Supported indefinitely.
Windows 7 = Support ends in four months.
Windows 8.1 = Support ends in five years.
Winner = Windows 10
Winfags, the choice is clear. Stick with Windows 7 until EOL, then upgrade to Windows 8.1. There is literally no reason to use Windows 10 on your personal devices. The only advantage Windows 10 has over 7 and 8.1 is support life. Otherwise it's a shit choice, and WSL is a stupid fucking gimmick when Cygwin and Virtual Box exist.
you are out of your mind
Hm thats ok,and no problem,i try to be as nice as possible when you come trying to understand rather than coming to be a dickhead.
>If you're actually trying to get shit done
You've come to the wrong board, partner.
the real redpill is the all of them suck and everything is garbage now.
exactly user, all OSs are garbage, only Jesus is good
Qemu has shitty direct3d drivers. :(
>Linux is inherently more stable. If you need Windows virtualize it.
make your case?
> Linux host and windows/osx/other as guest with gpu passthrough
> Litterally both oses running at full speed
Why is OP so gay?
>>ugly as homemade sin
>>nearly impossible to theme
I actually always end up changing the theme on whatever Linux distro I'm trying out to mimic W10 because it's comfy and sensible.
>>object oriented shell
"Okay Google, what are the differences between command prompt and Powershell, and why do they matter for non-autistic people?"
>>registry fuckery
Don't fuck with the registry then.
>>horrible file system
Debatable, but not invalid.
>>bloatware out the ass
Some, not a ton.
>>massively insecure
We're in a timeline where the NSA forced HARDWARE manufacturers to install backdoors, which were then obviously compromised.
>>no centralized software repo
>>have to hunt for exes instead
You can run and rice out a Linux distro but can't use Google and common sense?
>>have to hunt for drivers
I've literally done this when installing a new video card or some oddball hardware like a 10Gb NIC. Everything else just werks.
>>update now or now, cuckold?
>>installing update 1 of 123334234^9
Valid criticism.
>>oopsie poopsie blue screen your files are gone!
Glad to know Linux has become a bastion of stability.
Take a shower.
Go ahead and emulate android or other Linux kernels faggot
are automated forced updates still a thing?
Debian/Cent/Fedora are pretty dog shit in a lot of ways. stability isnt one of them.
>Whole bunch of non-arguments about "your using it wrong" and admitting nearly half the rest.
Did you think this read like a slam dunk or something?
>are automated forced updates still a thing?
yes. last time I checked 0day exploits are still a thing. so yes automated forced updates to avoid things like wannacry from happening are still a thing. don't see how that's a negative. rather microsoft update my pc then have me click on a exploit kit landing page browsing porn on the internet and have my machine infected with russian malware.
Passthrough a GPU for it then
t. sufferer of stockholm syndrome
if you wanna get shit done then you use gnu+linux or some older version of windows like xp or vista
You unintentionally made the case against W10.
>no PCI-E passthrough
im strill using it tho
Is 8.1 free like 10?
Windows 10 is fucking garbage.
I'm writing a semi-large numerical project in Julia. So far, only been using it on my home computer which runs linux, but today i took it on the go with my surface.
Instead of getting shit done, i had to spend ~2hours fixing various problems just getting Julia to run my already fully functional programs.
Great OS.
Sorry I don't like unwelcome updates fucking my system up. I'll stick with Debian and you'll stick your blue screens, thank you.
Don't blame the OS for your incompetence.
Passthrough an mdev-based vGPU*
You do have enterprise-grade hardware, right user?
having to go on shady sites to get a compiler. :|
The correct way is Fedora + libvirtd + cockpit-machines (or for desktop, Red Hat Virtual Machine Manager) + whatever Windows VMs you need to run your legacy applications. Corporate LARPing brought to you by Red Hat.
It's not.
>boot winshit 10 for the first time in 2 months
>some useless MicropeniS services taking 80% CPU when idle, still can't figure out how to disable all of them
>decide to update
>wait 20 minutes to download, reboot
>needs to download more fucking updates after I've just installed these
>no package manager, have to update all the 3rd party botnet like AMD drivers
>muh gaymes run 2 times slower than in Linux
Loonix is sometimes dreadful to use but every time I try winshit, I always consider wiping the partition but can't cause I need msvc.
she dropped out because she's obviously retarded, not because Ubuntu sucks (even though it does)
It’s quite simple. If you do any sort of science you use Linux to transfer files and information around easily, and access to the entire library of open source scientific software.
If you write heavyweight applications, be it a game, phone app, desktop software, server backend, etc, you use Windows because the software to develop these applications does not exist on Linux yet.
Linux WM on windows 10 < Dualboot
>Small brain
Windows is the best and every other OS is shit
>Also small brain
MacOS is the best and every other OS is shit
>Again small brain
Linux is the best and every other OS is shit
>BIG brain
The best OS depends on the task
lmao what a cuck