After spending two years with linux and lubuntu I reinstalled windows and have no plans to longer use ubuntu or linux

After spending two years with linux and lubuntu I reinstalled windows and have no plans to longer use ubuntu or linux.


Attached: tenor.gif (498x245, 562K)

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Why you such a weakling?

my parblo tablet and kinect doesn't work on linux, lack drivers or lack software to use them.

Why did you feel the need to tell us?

I'm frustrated because spend a week trying to get the kinect to work.

Get something that works.

that's why I am installing windows.

was it because you found out that Microsoft is the biggest contributor to the Linux Kernel, and you may as well just run Windows because why live in a world of pretending to be a hacker when you can just use a professional software?


Do you program?

using a game engine.

oh you're that fag

have fun on windows, toddlerOS seems like a good fit for you.

Is it because you're retarded or being held captive?

my tablet and kinect doesn't work on linux.

>buys microsoft hardware
>surprised when it doesn't work on lunix
the city of (You)

> tried this?

parblo tablets aren't microsoft.

openkinect is just the driver and is useless to have mocap with it, the book doesn't cover anything more than basic 2D filters.

openni has python bindings that can have skeletal capture, but the examples crashes and they lack a wiki, documentation and tutorials.

All books that deal with kinect uses the Microsoft SDK.

All the repos that deal with blender mocap and kinect only works on windows or their compilation instructions crashes.

Also, doing a mocap software is an advanced project for computer graphics colleges, not someone without a CS degree.

So cause of some driver issues you wont use linux at all??
And you cant use a VM or dualboot??
It HAS to be more that that,please tell me its more than that.

installing windows 7 on a VM makes my pc to freeze.

You grew up, congratz.

What about dual booting,that works great as long as you dont accidentally delete partitions.

no point on using linux if I am going to install windows.

What?? That makes no sense,when i first installed linux,i didnt just delete my windows just cause i had linux,i deleted it later after reading the windows EULA.

linux doesn't have a killer software I need.

If I am going to use windows, there's not a real reason to use linux.

>if im going to use windows at all im not gonna use linux ever
That doesnt follow through to a logical conclusion,if i started using BSD cause of software i need,i wont just yeet linux,ill just use BSD for that software.

there's not a single linux exclusive software I must have.

I used linux because it runs better and had to not pirate software.

But there's not a single killer exclusive to linux.

If you like the preformance,thats just more reason to use mainly linux then use windows for those 2 programs.

And for me the exclusive is an OS that i dont feel like is treating me like crap.

sure, the performance is nice, but I aint gonna fap to the barebone OS.

not point on having the fastest OS if I can't use it for what I need.
what am I going to do with a faster OS?
browse porn hentai sites?

I need to do my work.

Use linux when you dont need windows,this looks like a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

not real purpose to use linux over windows.

I can do the same I can do on linux with windows.
Also windows has more software I care than linux.

This still doesn`t really explain why you wouldn`t just dual boot when you want to get some work done.

It might actually make you more efficient as you will get into a work headspace when you are in windows and linux can be your comfortable personal time escape.

I can browse the web and play kof 2002 very easily on windows 7 while I need to take a rest.

Not gonna reboot just to browse the web on linux.

I prefer alot more on linux,even if i needed windows software,thats probably the difference between us.

I'm pragmatic over FOSS because I don't need to pirate it.

I don't follow the FOSS religion dogmas.

false, you cannot study and copy the source code

My goal isn't to develop software so that's not relevant to me.
I'm not a CS student.

Its not just FOSS dogma,its i prefer the feel of linux even if it was just as slow,and i prefer package managers over downloading on the net. (And i dont like them spying on you by default,even if you are able to turn it off) etc.

this won't help the opensource community

that doesnt make your assertion any less false :)

I don't care about installing inferior software, I care about getting shit done.

I don't fap to installing software with the console.

I want to get shit done.

having the source code is useless to me.

being "able" to do something freely, and "wanting" to do something of your own will, are two fundamentally different concepts. i hope one day you will understand that user. cheers

a computer is just a paperweight if I can't use it for what I want.

not real reason to use linux if I can do what I want with it.

I don't care about having the source code since I'm not a CS student.
I'm not idealistic enough to masturbate over having my software being GPL.

free software: if i want to see the source, i can, if not, i dont have to :)

proprietary software: if i want to see the source, i cant.

ok, but you are maing the assumption that what you want today is going to be what you want tomorrow and the day after and so on forever. i hope things never change for your sake. cheers.

sure, I would use linux if my tablet parblo and my kinect had support on linux.

those who would choose comfort over freedom deserve neither

freedom wont get what I want done.

>my tablet and kinect doesn't work on linux.
So, retarded then

what can profit a man if not the acts done by free will

already installed wacom drivers, no pressure sensitivity, so my tablet is a bit useless in linux.

no kinect mocap software on linux, so that's a deal breaker.

Also, outdated drivers, can't install the latest drivers of my GPU without making my linux stuck at the bios screen.

freedom wont pay my bills.

I dont fap to it either,its just a preference man,the point was that i liked linux more by almost every measure to the point that i would hate using only windows
You think of them as mostly interchangeable.

freedom costs a buck oh five ooh buck oh five yeah

I can't use my kinect nor my tablet on linux.

that's a deal breaker.

again, imagine if you have a PC and the screen has no drivers.

can't use my PC with linux.

no i wont imagine that actually and you cant make me

my wacom and kinect are useless on linux, they don't have software or driver support.

it's not my problem and i won't fix it!

fine, but again, is not my problem either to use an OS that makes my hardware useless.

I have 2 360 kinects for mocap what are you planning to do and what's your set up OP?

Attached: 1526415480002.png (128x128, 39K)

maybe stop using your os to make false assertions on g and this thread wont happen to you again

I got a kinect for 360 and I was trying to see If I can get mocap with it and maybe use motionbuilder to clean it up and export to maya.

Maybe use some MMD model as test for a satania Jow Forums webm.

My goal is to use my kinect to do mocap for my games.

I just told you.
Parblo tablets has no linux support and the wacom drivers don't work with them.

Also kinect has no software support and the windows software crashes on wine.
Anything for the kinect uses the Microsoft SDK, even the books to code kinect stuff use them.

maybe you need to hire a cs student to write drivers for your devices i dont know

Windows already has support for free.

No, why the fuck are you using a kinect

neither will OP, no real loss there.

you pay by forfeiting your essential freedoms, fuck off


I don't care about FOSS religion.

sure, when its convenient


nigger, I literally suppor the goverment becoming more authoritation, so fuck of with your hippie FOSS freedom garbage.

yes, and it finally leads to

you cant spell authoritarian off with your head

I'm pragmatic, I like FOSS because I don't need to pirate it.


>not an authentic authoritarian stance but go off

freedom leads to societal collapse, look at the west and their lost of morality.

fuck off.

I don't believe in helping the poor.
Fuck the poor, they're dumb and they deserve to be slaved.

This is why china is based and will destroy the moraly garbage west.

I would recommend using ipisoft with kinect, then going and tuning it with maya or whatever software you prefer. ipisoft will get you good mocap data and has some nice tweaking features. Also what's fun to mess around with is MMD has a mocap kinect option already built in which is what I used to make the related gif with (1st ever attempt at mocap + no cleanup whatsoever so yea it looks like shit).

Protip: 1. If you're using the 360 kinect you need to make sure you're using the 1.8 Kinect SDK instead of the newest one which is 2.0; that's meant for the newer kinects.

2. Windows for daily use, linux for server

Attached: mocap_test.gif (600x361, 1.93M)

if god wills it it will be

so why did you try linux to begin with?

yeah, got to see if I can do some test with it.

installing updates, will take some time.

because is faster, don't need to install so much windows updates BS and I don't need to pirate the software.

>im poor
>im stupid
>im enslaved
>all of the above

only a poor person would pirate software user

I'm from the thirld world.

even 40 bucks is a lot of money for me.

it must cause a lot of cognitive dissonance to spend what little money you have on internet access, only to vocally loathe yourself aloud to anonymous strangers

internet is like 20 bucks here.

I have 1.2 Mbs.

thats half of what you consider a lot

>im stupid


thats no way to speak about your best friend

I can afford it.

zbrush cost what I make in half a year.

im a computer