How do I work from home using tech?

Is there any way to make a sustainable income via home by just knowing how to use technology? I recently quit my warehouse job because of how soul sucking it and the faggy management is becoming more stricter to the how the way we work to the point I just said fuck it I'm just going to quit. I can sustain myself for at least about a month or two before I have to start looking for a job. So there any jobs or any way to make income via home? I have some basic knowledge of programming and know how to use the computer no matter what operating system. Wat do Jow Forums?

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scrable with 500 000 pajeets for $5 freelance offers

Shut da fuk up you fuckin bitch India numbe 1 in the world you fuck bitch ass I fuck your mother in ass you bjtch superpowea by 2025

Is it possible? Yes.
Is it possible for you? No.

You're not going to get a remote position as someone without any experience.

Be realistic - what separates you from the multitude of other people who "know technology" and have some basic programming knowledge?
Many of those people are 2nd or 3rd worlders and would be thrilled to work for $10 an hour. You can't outbid pajeet or Ivan for basic remote work.

Has remote work really boil down to a bunch of pajeets working for under $10 a hour?

According to this website every job is just pajeets and chinamen

Absolutely not. Just look at r/digitalnomad.
If your qualifications are "just knowing how to use computers", don't expect to be doing much else besides phone tech support.


> Can I get gibs without working or having any specialization.


>Wat do Jow Forums?
stop daydreaming. the picture you posted is a prime example. get all those stupid ideas out of your head. you don't need a mechanical keyboard and an aesthetic desk to work from home. what you need is marketable skills. you can use any computer, regardless what the operating system is? congratulations, who's going to pay for that? you don't know technology, you are merely a low-level enthusiast who likes to tinker around. tinkering with computers doesn't make anyone special or marketable, it's just a hobby. learn to write code that will work on all operating systems, find a niche where you can apply yourself, spend at least 10 000 hours learning something useful and remote jobs will find you themselves.

No get actual technical skills

Real men wear high socks.

Not sure why you would quit without another option in place, and if you're prone to making impulse decisions maybe think about what you're planning on doing before making a big decision like this. Point is make sure this is what you want before devoting a bunch if time to it. If it is, then these other Anons are right on the money. My grandma can use technology. It doesn't make her special and it doesn't make you special. You don't have to be a genius to work a technical job, but if you need work fast stick with what you know. There's no magic word that will give you a dream job, if that were the case then none of us would be on here. Good luck user.

Of course you can, how the hell would I live without it then ? Fuck work.

I do some work at home. I have two jobs; the home tech stuff and a brick n mortar.

working from home is the shit.
it helps if you have a nice, mellow gf that sits around and watches you work, sometimes intermittently doing or saying some weird ass to keep it interesting. Right now it's, what, 4:13am, and she got a sleeping bag and she's sleeping under the desk. It's like having a human cat or something, it just helps.

she smells like strawberries.

Attached: dark-anime-background-15.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

I see you're enjoying that strawberry hand cream.

Just get a regular coding job for 2 years OP, then you can worry about remote. Although if you have no degree you're probably fucked there too, you need to start building a portfolio.


based tranny couple

>you need to start building a portfolio
It's not about the portfolio though. It's about networking.
Contribute to open source projects and get to know these people.

>having a human cat
I wish...

Portfolio worked for me, no connections either. Regardless, the point is that no one wants anyone with zero skills.

On a related note... Is TopTal a meme or is it legit?
Can you make any kind of money on it?
Is the recruitment process too hard?

They only hire 3% of applicants, even applying is a waste of time unless you're top tier and have time to burn.
And if you're top tier, you can definitely find a job that pays better.

find a real work and stop jerk fucking brainless, u cant, go out

Well, I have a degree in CE and, master's in Maths, about 3 years professional Python and Java experience and been programming since I was 12... I think I'm pretty OK on it.
The thing is: I live in a shithole country where the pay for programmers is shit (and the currency is devalued in relation to USD). I'm figuring I could get some more quality of life while getting more money if I earned in USD working full remote.

No, I don't want to emigrate. Everybody hates immigrants for a good reason.

thought it was 2020.

OP, it's doable.

You want to provide something that people value, this might mean a physical product or a service. I would suggest you look for a niche and then focus on rapidly developing the skills needed to create things within that niche, this might mean learning a particular type of software, or programming language. You can get a lot done when you're unemployed, you can sure as hell learn a lot more than while you're working. Just try not to get sucked into a fucking meme job like camwhoring, bitcoin trading etc.

wot u be saying u son of basterd bich?

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