What's the difference between devs, coders and programmers? Which one would you describe yourself as and why?
What's the difference between devs, coders and programmers? Which one would you describe yourself as and why?
Alexander Bailey
Jackson Fisher
Dev midwit
Coder brainlet
Programmer big brian
Christopher Hernandez
I'm just an user.
Gavin Edwards
>What's the difference between devs, coders and programmers?
>Which one would you describe yourself as and why?
I don't give a fuck it's the same thing.
Lincoln Hernandez
all of them bow to the superior software ninja
Caleb Reed
However I'm paid to describe myself because I don't care.
Colton Jackson
"Developer" is a corporate term, a position description.
Programmer is a boomer 1950/1960 term
Coder is a more recent zoomer term for a programmer
Isaac Barnes
Wouldn't know, I'm a Software Engineer
Carson Walker
Ian Edwards
code monkey