What's the difference between devs, coders and programmers? Which one would you describe yourself as and why?

What's the difference between devs, coders and programmers? Which one would you describe yourself as and why?

Attached: soydev.png (1200x653, 777K)

Dev midwit
Coder brainlet
Programmer big brian

I'm just an user.

>What's the difference between devs, coders and programmers?
>Which one would you describe yourself as and why?
I don't give a fuck it's the same thing.

all of them bow to the superior software ninja

However I'm paid to describe myself because I don't care.

"Developer" is a corporate term, a position description.
Programmer is a boomer 1950/1960 term
Coder is a more recent zoomer term for a programmer

Wouldn't know, I'm a Software Engineer


code monkey

>not being a WEAPON OF JAVA

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Software engineer is the best description.

Code Ninja

A computer science studying mathematician.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (400x388, 18K)

coding boot camp, can write ruby and HTML have an Instagram account about their work/life imbalance
Have a degree but performed below average and have a job they don't like, they shitpost on the internet about fizzbuzz and the best programming languages
Boomers that don't want to retire because they hate their wives and are just happy to get out of the house, but are incapable of making any progress at their job and will tell you the same story when shit went crazy 10 years ago. Most likely they didn't have a traditional degree and started in the early 90's software boom.

Involved in most or all aspects of the software development cycle, including design.

Doesn't do any design. Only implements. Lowest tier.

Don't know what that is

"coders" are people who have been programming for a month, and don't know proper terminology. If you call yourself a "coder", you are retarded.

If you want to present any shred of credibility, you need to be an engineer.

Dev: catch all term
Programmer: Both designs, codes and possibly tests systems too, depending on team/company size.
Coder: Only codes, has minimal presence in the design and test stages of software production.

>Coder is a more recent zoomer term for a programmer
That's been around since the 90s

Knows C#, C++, Java etc.
Only knows JS, Python and PHP
Fluent in all of the above and more, takes 30 minutes to learn a new language

What if you're a dev with a degree?

No, it's called web DEVELOPMENT
for a reason

devs are the webs shits
code monkeys do the java shit

There's no "web" in "development" dumbass.

Oof me too

why you sort programmers?

Developer makes developments
Coder makes code
Programmer makes programs
What do you make, OP?

Grunt, implementation only.
Cheap, unskilled programmer.
Implementation and design, varying management responsibilities.

fried chicken for his wife's black boyfriend