What are the three most important lines in your .vimrc?

Attached: vim.jpg (750x1000, 73K)

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is for

alias vim='emacs -nw'

This is should be a big part of your vimrc, and most importantly you shouldn't use plugins.
set tabstop=8
set softtabstop=0
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set smarttab

match Error /\%81v.\+/

>and most importantly you shouldn't use plugins

because i'm a special faggot

Text editors should be kept minimal. If you want tons of features you should use an IDE (with vim keybindings if you are into it). The only exception is emacs because it's in fact born to be closer to an IDE than to a text editor.
So yeah... use Vim within a terminal, not GVim. Don't use plugins so you can actually get the whole "I use a text editor" less-is-more point of view. If you start to rice the shit out if it there is no point.

>obey my arbitrary rules based on feelings or else

You are free to use an IDE or to build your shitty IDE out of Vim, but if you wanna understand why some people prefer text editors over IDE you shouldn't transform your text editor in a IDE. Vim is already quite feature rich as it is, you should try it. You want auto-completion and a file explorer? They are a built-in already.

" relative number
set relativenumber

" Automatically deletes all trailing whitespace on save.
autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e

" Navigating with guides
map /"_c4l

Just added this one
inoremap u

cabbrev maek make
cabbrev mkae make
cabbrev amke make

go to school


>auto-completion built-in already
wat? no it isn't. It's an extension

you're a complete fucking retard

imap jk
set number relativenumber
syntax on

set splitbelow
set splitright
>because default is just plain wrong.

set ai
syntax on
set ic smartcase

All those sets can be one line

Also 8 spaces seems like overkill

fuck this guy
remap commands to :silent exec through the shell. Have your cake and eat it too, i.e. do what plugins do without anything extra but weaponized autism.

>you shouldn't use plugins
Oh, you're one of those.

daily reminder

For navigating with the placeholders, I have
inoremap /cf>
to jump to them with Ctrl + j while still in insert mode.

t. retard

>building all features into vim instead of using plugins
>vim getting more and more bloated
>huuurrr duuuuur minimal because i am not using plugins

You wanna distinguish tabs from spaces and use spaces pretty much everywhere

:set number relativenumber list
:set listchars=eol:¬,tab:>·,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:

is a cool idea but using comma as m leader key and mostly just typing latex, Logically i should never be typing anything but space after a comma so It won't trigger a jump ever
but yeah is a cool keybinding ill keep it in mind

bruh like remap caps lock my dude
one day you'll be typing a string with jk in it and just find yourself in normal mode

>features bad
>productivity bloat
Please fuck off. People like to be productive with their editors. There's literally no reason for not using plugins like nerdcommenter or coc-nvim.

Attached: 1551763930126.png (581x525, 55K)

Woops, forgot to add my best 3 lines, you can probably guess by my reply:
packadd! coc.nvim
packadd! nerdcommenter
packadd! fzf.vim

for me, it's notepad.exe

It's only 8 spaces inline
At the beginning of a line it's only 2 spaces.

set rtp+=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/powerline/bindings/vim/
" Always show statusline
set laststatus=2
" Use 256 colours (Use this setting only if your terminal supports 256 colours)
set t_Co=256

!clear && ed %

can you use Vim for writing VBA and SQL?


set shortmess+=I


set textwidth=80
set colorcolumn=+1,+2

Does anybody know how to keep the default CursorLine highlight the exact same just with a red underline instead of white? Setting cterm=red worked but it makes all of the actual line text red as well which defeats my original purpose, which is to tell underscores apart from the line.