Given theoretical computer scientists hate of the wishy washy use of the word "random" how the fuck did RAM come to be...

Given theoretical computer scientists hate of the wishy washy use of the word "random" how the fuck did RAM come to be called RAM when nothing about it is random?

Attached: Unknown-5.jpg (225x225, 7K)

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The memory accesses are random, not the memory itself brainlet

but computers are deterministic

But users are not

Determined by you, not by itself
The computers do what you tell them to do

If we coule go deep enough, everything is deterministic.
But Random Access Memory sounds better than Pseudo-random Access Memory.

User access memory would make more sense

That depends if you think quantum randomness is truly a thing, if it is then things aren't deterministic, if not then our models of stuff probably just aren't quite good enough

The term is wrong. It isn't accessed randomly.

But users access ROM too.

Nah it's random.

No, it wouldn't.
It has nothing to do with the user space.

But users generally do not access ram directly.

Well yea obviously, but they access it via the proxy of applications. Speaking at a relatively high level

probably bait but it's called random because you mother was a whore.

If it wasn't random then the memory would be organized to all be sent at once but be received in a staggered fashion predetermined beforehand and this method of delivery would always be useful.

It isn't.

Being able to access a computer's volatile memory non-sequentially was a novel thing when the term was coined. That's all it really takes for a term to stick.

>random access mother

invent your own shit timmy, then you get to name it.

users are also deterministic

kek, underrated


>hate of the wishy washy use of the word "random"
Some hate the word "random" being used to mean unusual or quirky, a new usage that only appeared in the early 2000s. In the acronym RAM, random actually means arbitrary or unpredictable, which is the original meaning of the word. I don't think scientists would object.

Attached: hakase_cirno.jpg (1082x758, 423K)

That's true, I guess if they really wanted it to mean random they'd have called it stochastic access memory

No, they aren't. Your brain gives you signals and you can choose to ignore them. People then say, "oh, but see, choosing to ignore them is just choosing to obey a different signal!",as if that proves them right when it does the opposite. Humans have set themselves on fire because they have themselves chosen a to develop a mindset that allows for them to overcome all natural urges for survival. Humans are definitely not deterministic, and arguing otherwise always just sounds like cope.

collectivistic behaviour may possibly be deterministic too

Taking the example of buddhist monks, for some people in that group their entire observable behaviour is to overcome the signals they get from their brain to determine their behaviour. That seems a lot more of a convincing argument than the argument for determinism. Their brain pre-determines that they will fight against determinism... no that sounds like sophistry.

Isn't the thing that's choosing to ignore the signals still the brain itself? Hence the signals given and the response to the signals could be determined from knowledge of an initial state. I am very interested in any explanations you may have as I don't really want to agree with a deterministic interpretation, at least intuitively.

determinism is compatible with free will

This exactly.

>tfw the bingbong thinks RAM is short for Ramdom Acksess Memorie

in German it is "wahlfrei" so "random access memory" means you are unrestricted in the access pattern. don't translate ram as as access by chance which is wrong. German is nice because u can pick as many words u like connect them and give them new meaning. in English just use one word and give them new meaning depending on context. look at the word pitch.