>install fedora
>its using fucking FOOT
>dnf install @XFCE-desktop-environment
>log out of GNOME
>Select XFCE next to login button
>Black screen after clicking login
>returns to login screen
>no error anywhere, just fucking spits me back into login
Linux fucking SUCKS
nice LARP
try not being a brainlet next time
>Install Windows 10
>Using NVMe SSD
>Windows updates
>doesnt turn on
>Windows decided my SSD was actually a completely different brand and installed firmware accordingly
>doesnt boot into windows
>"no OS on hard drive"
>Get Linux USB
>Works perfectly
>doesn't know how to use Linux
>installs Fedora
>muh foot meme
just install xubuntu instead of being a retard
Please listen, you're not being coherent. You've raised issues in- in a scattered way, several different issues! And you keep bringing up different issues so fast you're not giving me any chance to respond to them! That's unfair. I can respond to each one of these different points you've made, but it takes me time! I can't- you can bring up a confused issue in five seconds. I can't explain it and clarify it in five seconds, so you're being abusive! So shut up and let me try to deal with some of the many issues that you have raised. Don't say anymore! I have to answer the questions you've brought up, shut up and let me answer them! Shut up and let me answer! You're just being offensive by bringing up more different issues and not giving me a chance to respond to any of them! You've misrepresented the things I've said. Maybe that was an accident, but I don't think so. I think you're being a wise guy.
>red hat fucking SUCKS
use a non meme distro like Devan, Gentoo or Void, or jump to a good *BSD like OpenBSD or DragonflyBSD
>wake up from sleep mode
>laggy as shit
Holy shit fix this already
For me, Fedora with KDE works ok.
>inux fucking SUCKS
I discovered that you'd never get an answer to a problem from Linux Gurus by asking. You have to troll in order for someone to help you with a Linux problem. For example, I didn't know how to find files by contents and the man pages were way too confusing. What did I do? I knew from experience that if I just asked, I'd be told to read the man pages even though it was too hard for me. Instead, I did what works. Trolling. By stating that Linux sucked because it was so hard to find a file compared to Windows, I got every self-described Linux Guru around the world coming to my aid. They gave me examples after examples of different ways to do it. All this in order to prove to everyone that Linux was better. So if you're starting out Linux, I advise you to use the same method as I did to get help. Start the sentence with "Linux is gay because it can't do XXX like Windows can". You will have PhDs running to tell you how to solve your problems.
pasta-troll, pasta-usenet, pasta-professor
pic somewhat related, taken from my Ubintu with KDE laptop but my Fedora machine is across the room and I'm comfy and in bed so ssh is good enough
>>Windows decided my SSD was actually a completely different brand and installed firmware accordingly
Windows 10 once nuked my BIOS because of the exact same reason. Seriously, which asshat had the retarded idea to allow the OS to automatically update the BIOS?
Try different distribution, or, do the needful.
Of course it's jordan
You know, I remember back in 2003 when I tried Knoppix. I was amazed by it, all the kind of stuff it had. After some years and talking to a friend who was a loonixfag I used debian for a whole month. I switched back and forth between Windows and Linux. I thought back then "well, linux is finnicky, it takes 4 days to figure out how to get some proper sound but I'm sure it'll get amazing".
It's 2019 and even today I'm wrestling with stupid shit on linux that I don't have to deal with on Windows (granted, Windows doesn't have the best fucking drivers around and it gets silly at times). I'm either stuck with an old ass DE or KDE if I want to have a semi ok experience. Compositors, xorg and wayland are the bane of my fucking existence. I thought at some point in the past that sound was a bit of a pain in the ass, but I have heard the whole "ubuntu just works" shit for almost a decade and it is never true. Unless just works means tearing or input lag with windowed shit. I have also heard that both intel and nvidia drivers are shit, AMD is best on linux. That is bullshit. That's precisely what I use and I have to keep around a text file with all the stuff I have to do upon installing any distro so my RX570 doesn't shit the bed.
Go home, Stallman.
I've been using GNU/Linux for many years, and honestly I'm not sure how I didn't know about this for this long. I knew there are such thing as other TTYs, but I really wasn't sure how they were used or how they were accessed. I found out somewhat recently that if you press Shift plus one of your F keys, you can swap and login to different TTYs. So for example Shift+F2 will switch you to TTY2 and you can login and use the shell to check log files, edit configs, etc. When you're done, you can logout (of the shell) and press Shift+F1 to swap back to the normal TTY1 where your display manager is still running and try again. This has been a extremely useful feature that I wish I would have known about years ago. Previously if my DE or DM kept crashing, I would use a liveUSB to check the logs and configs. Really silly looking back.
Use a KDE distro, it's like a whole different Linux. Made by people who care about making a good product, rather than people who only care about the meta stuff of their project and power trips, infighting etc (basically the GNOME team)
Don't try Fedora as your first distro. Use something like Ubuntu or even Debian if you're not too lazy. Debian especially runs much smoother than the other two because it's designed to be able to run on PCs of the past century.
It's an issue you with your window manager. No, I'm not helping you diagnose it. If you have nvidia drivers, try booting with them disabled. If you can't do that, you should probably get the fuck off this board.
>install fedora
>its using fucking FOOT
>dnf install @XFCE-desktop-environment
>log out of GNOME
>Select XFCE next to login button
>it just werks
it ... bricked your computer ?
May I know who was the manufacturer of this SSD?
Never heard about this. Are you sure this happened?
You made the mistake of using anything related to gnome. Don't touch GDM, use LightDM, SDDM, or if you think those suck as well, XDM.
Anything related to Gnome or Systemd is shit.
Fedora was my first distro. It has always had the most polished GNOME install. Which isnt saying much since now I recognize GNOME as trash.