Computer Workers of the World

Dearest computer workers of the world, I ask for your eyes.

Around us we are seeing our expertise being taking advantage of by low pay, shitty management and no collective bargaining on anything. We get what we get when we are hired.

It is time to take the power back!

We are the ones in control of tech they don't understand or care to. We are the ones creating everything we see now from this website to some fucking fart app. Without us there would be no smart phones, faster CPUs or anything. They are treating us like shit.



Attached: gcomputerunionflag.png (320x320, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

never fear sir, we can replace the needful with the power of Java

only $4 an hour, please send payment

please show us the airplane software you would like us to program next

Attached: powerofjava.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)


Attached: notsu.jpg (818x479, 98K)

Unlikely, you can get fired for even mentioning unionisation in a lot of workplaces.
What you really need to be thinking of is hatching a legal scam in technology form, the ultimate in bloatware nothingness that everybody is going to want.
Maybe a app that claims to protect workers rights, it's only $80 a year (a tiny percentage of your paycheck and is tax deductible) but doesn't do anything.

>It is time to take the power back!
Yeah, no.
The problem with "tech worker's rights" or whatever is that programmers think they're skilled engineers etc, and companies who hire programmers think they're factory workers with keyboards. You're not going to be able to fix that disconnect from the programmer's end.

Unions are for basedboys who can’t prove their worth.

You just make yourself useful by fixing problems in software that you causes

Okay, why do you think in an age where pro-immigration and open borders activists have ruined any power a native worker has, especially in sectors such as IT where there is a huge amount of foreign competition, unionization has ANY chance?

Before you demand Unionization, you should actually start with giving the workers in your country any amount of power, meaning a total stop to (work) immigration and beginning the deportation of foreign workers.
Before that has happened, you don't even need to bother trying, because any worker who gets too uppity is just replaced by two pajeets.

Also communist theory entirely fails to capture this issue, as in these cases the means of productions are ALREADY in the hands of the workers and still the exact same company structure is maintained.

Attached: rms.png (690x830, 13K)

I hope you enjoy working 12 hour days, 6 days a week.

Programming could be considered skilled labor, and companies know that competent programmers are valuable - just look at their wages compared to any other non-management job.
I'm not really sure why anyone is worried about putting together a tech worker's union, we're some of the best treated employees. Plus it's a worker's job market right now, so if you hate your current company, it's not impossible to get a different job.

This is what companies would try to replace unionized programmers with, but as we've seen in almost every outsourcing story, you get what you pay for. I think companies are finally catching on that PajeetWare java codemonkeys are an awful investment compared to just hiring a few locals.

>the means of productions are ALREADY in the hands of the workers and still the exact same company structure is maintained.

I've actually never thought of that before. All you need to write software is a computer, and literally everyone has one in their home, yet businesses get organized and people willingly work as employees.

nigger programmers get paid a rudiculous amount
i hate you whinny fuckers i hope you get relaced by poos

fuck communism

>I hope you enjoy working 12 hour days, 6 days a week
If you were worth a damn and worked a job worth a damn at a company worth a damn you wouldn’t have this problem. I’ve never had a job where I had to work more than 8 hours. Where do you söyboys get this idea that if you’re not in a union you’re being assraped constantly? Work with people who recognize your worth.

Jesus christ dude learn some history.
The reason we have 8 hour work days is because of the worker's rights movement.

>I've actually never thought of that before
yeah but dude socialism lmao

>be pretty good at programming
>get drunk over a 2 house lunch with friends most days
>no one ever says a thing about it because I still perform well
>get serious eventually and stop doing that, rarely even go out for lunch
>working for super liberal sf company
>they're extremely talented though and pay is very good so I don't mind the sjw shit
>get drunk one night with my tech lead, manager, and pod lead
>black out and say a bunch of racist shit
>apologize next day, say I was just drunk, they report me to hr
>don't get fired, just go through some bs hr process
>not really sure how I got out of that one
>much later, same company, start getting into hard drugs
>black out one night and shove a ton of acid in my mouth
>text manager mid trip explaining this to him and saying I'll have to take the day off
>he laughs and it's all good
>micro dose lsd and go to work, tell coworkers about it
>manager yells at me but I keep my job
>start taking meth and don't ever sleep, come to work 5 hours late most days, not all there mentally, but still get my work done
>manager yells at me some more and threatens to fire me

I've calmed down a bit since then but I still work there.. I'm pretty sure most people know what happened with the meth thing. I'm sure someone spread the news.

But anyways, git gud fags

2 hour lunch* sorry I'm a phone poster

anyone watch American Factory on netflix yet?

i'll break it down for you

>chinese car glass company buys shut down detroit auto plant and turns it into one of their factories
>send over 2000 chinese for 2+ years to train the american workers
>american workers were the same ones laid off by that car factory, were in a union before, and havent had jobs for years
>they all get a job at the factory, pays the standard rate of something like 12.50/hr -- basically pushing buttons and moving boxes
>workers want to start a union, lefty politicians encourage them
>chinese factory owner makes it clear - "if they unionise i shut it down, we can't afford to pay them $25/hr"
>a couple years later workers are getting out of hand with pro-union movement
>all workers get replaced by robots

that was a bit of an oversimplification, and the company was really trying to preserve their jobs, but ultimately those button pushers and box movers honest to goodness thought they deserved to be paid the same as a construction worker

this is why macOS sucks now


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Just unionizing doesn't mean demanding too much compensation. I don't know why USA is so fucked up in this regard but when it works well, unions and employers just negotiate to find a level of compensation that is sustainable since the unions also want the jobs to keep existing.

is that what they did when they bled the US auto manufacturers dry? why do you think they are a husk of their former selves? people are greedy, but groups of greedy people are even worse

>you can get fired for even mentioning unionisation in a lot of workplaces.
Land of the free.

No I just said I don't know why it went so wrong in USA. Did Detroit become racially diverse before or after the auto industry got fucked?
Obviously workers movements need to be aware of that kind of stuff.
>people are greedy, but groups of greedy people are even worse
Yes I can't say that this is false but that claim can just as easily be made in the opposite direction to refute "just prove that you're useful and you'll get compensated". Employers that are too greedy won't survive and neither will unions that are too greedy, the market can deal with both of them

You're free to serve. If you think otherwose, you're a fool

> The reason we have 8 hour work days is because of the worker's rights movement.
Did I say I was against worker’s rights? No, so stop using straw men.

Jesus Christ get some help.

>All you need to write software is a computer
This represents a total misunderstanding of how the software business works.

>I don't know why USA is so fucked up
Because unions became powerful political machines. Government unions in particular are disgusting. They can use dues to fund campaigns, elect friendly politicians, and then raise their demands every year, collect more dues, and repeat. Unions are as corrupt as any political office.

> Did Detroit become racially diverse before or after the auto industry got fucked?
Before the civil rights movement, auto industry jobs were easy for blacks to get and paid well. It actually made Detroit a vibrant city. Henry Ford was particularly interested doing away with segregation despite being an anti-semite.

Attached: image.jpg (1280x1707, 1.37M)

Fuck off.

Oh look, it's America o'clock.
Better get out right now or you'll get stuck in the commute.

Look at what workers are currently doing, and their means of doing so.
Go from there. We may be only a little bit ahead of the 1830s, but we've learned more than to just trade unionize.

True. Happily the other skills involved (market research, customer development, marketing, support) are also well within reach of most capable software developers.

I have help user. DMT. And still meth too. But I'm much more responsible now.

Still not getting it

Oh, I get it alright. You're a manager, and you're terrified that if your employees found out they could develop and sell software on their own without constant supervision and interference from you, you'd be out on your ass and might be forced to get a job where you have to do actual work.
I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt. But since you want to be a mouthy asshole about it, I will be too.

STILL not getting it

Reminder that the increase in industry pay due to union intervention is nearly always greater than the dues cost, that worker productivity in America has soared beyond wage growth relative to inflation, and that the fall of American median income is strongly correlated with waning union participation. If your objection to unionization is that Capital and jobs will flee the country, consider the fact that your country's natural resources will still exist within your borders. As fuel prices continue to rise, import prices will continue to rise as well, incentivizing manufacturing closer to where products are sold. The globalized economy is going to sunset, and you want your national economy to not be at the whims of Global Capital when that happens. Just rip the bandaid of Neoliberalism off now.

Attached: WhyWeCantHaveNiceThings.png (400x323, 183K)

kys commie tranny


>be unionized
>have to get a union rep to sign off on compiling your own code because union contract says that you can't compile code because that job belongs to certain protect members of the union
fuck off

Programming is inherently about automating people out of labor and reducing man hours to do things. Organized unions are the complete antithesis of the entire discipline.

Attached: letmetellyou.jpg (820x801, 386K)

>b-b-b-b-b-but union dues!

Attached: government-motors.jpg (1920x3240, 657K)

>all workers get replaced by robots
Based. I actually hate organized labor and unions so much so it's always really satisfying when this happens.

Also consider if programmers were unionized you would never be allowed to invent anything that made another programmer's job redundant. High-level compilers? Nope, that would put the assembly language programmer out of work! A useful and reusable framework? Nope.

Fuck that shit. Unions kill innovation.

stop posting

Assblasted commie detected.

Sorry but the 10x programmers will never have any real incentive to join your union so you will never have any real leverage. It's not like iron-working, there are massive skill discrepancies between software developers.

Commies mentally live in the 19th century so I don't expect them to understand this, though.

Almost as if Marx was wrong and Labor Theory of Value is completely wrong.

I support unions but only because it triggers "10x programmers"

imagine living in a country with no unions

imagine being a eurocuck and getting paid 1/3 what american workers make while bragging about your union and how proud you are to do the bidding of a union organizer

mad cuz bad

>Also communist theory entirely fails to capture this issue
Communist theory says that borders shouldn't exist and all workers of the world (that include you and pajeet) should unite against the international Bourgeoisie. So why would commies want to help you close borders?

Unless they are a Stalinist.

Nah, I'm an 100x programmer and I support unions

sure you are

I can't hear you over the sound of your wages plummeting

>le ebin facetiousness
this is why nobody likes reddit communists

based amazon putting wagies in their cagies

>Makes 100x more money than you
Jealous much?


>join hypothetical "computer workers Union"
>no one in charge is going to listen to you because you are an evil white man
>nothing changes except that there are more niggers, pajeets and trannies

>and that's a good thing

Unions wouldn't be reviled if they actually served workers instead of themselves.

>government makes you pay union dues even if you're not a member
Fuck that shit. I was making barely above minimum wage and the unions were siphoning those precious extra dollars off my check when I needed them most.

>making money
Things that don't happen.

Exactly my point

install gentoo

Refute a single one of the arguments, retard.


fuck unions and fuck leftists