Browser Nanny Totalitarianism

Download a .zip from a website.
Browser starts screaming about
>This file can be dangerous!!!!!!!111111ONEONEONEONEONEone

Holy shit why is it like this? Why do we allow browsers to dictate to us like this?
How to turn off this cancer?

Its only a few steps away before browsers take all control away from the user.
You can only go to approved websites or the browser will give you the red page screaming about

With no way to disable this shit.

Same for any file that the developers say is "dangerous".

Holy fuck why did things get so bad?
And how to fix this?

And no using tor is not a acceptable solution because most of us are not in the mood to do the tor autism of jumping nodes to have a browser without nanny.exe in it. And lots of places simply block tore exit nodes.

I simply want to have some power over my web browsing, like in the good old days.

Attached: 96b.jpg (1131x992, 111K)

I've never seen anything like that, which browser are you using?

Either turn off the retard mode in the settings or migrate to a different browser.

if you know what the average user is like, you'd know exactly why common browsers do that

Stop using chrome.

>uses chrome and windows
>thinking Tor has anything to do with this
you're not the power user you think you are, op
better leave those alone lest you hurt yourself

Might want to use a browser that lets you change that then friend.

>average user
At this point we need to make enable all harmful effects in the browser to cull the retard population by natural selection.

>Stop using chrome.
It was in FF. i know chrome is cancerous like this.
>Either turn off the retard mode
What exact things do i do ?

>uses chrome and windows
Wrong on both premises.
However I got this shit when I was using FF on windows because I needed to access the internet.

I know linux versions are more uncucked then their windows equivalents.

WARNING: The file you are downloading may contain illegal content. For your safety, it's contents have been uploaded to law enforcement servers along with your location and IP address. The file will be deleted once download completes, and access to the URL you downloaded from will be blocked.

image this becoming the norm.

Could it be that the average user is a dumb retard and needs this nanny shit? $100 on "fucking yes"

Or just end the welfare state and affirmative action.

Sorry Jim I place all my chips on
"creeping totalitarianism under the disguise of protecting normies"

if you cant figure out how to turn the setting off then you are the exact target group.

Look I'm on linux most of the time where most of this browser fuckery is disabled by the repo. Under what cryptic slogan is this setting?
>if you cant figure out
This shit should be a opt in not a opt out you are a cuck if you think otherwise.

Remember when you where able to disable updates in FF in windows? Good times good times.
Now its removed forever. Thankfully the linux version is not this pozed.

>Its only a few steps away before browsers take all control away from the user.
>You can only go to approved websites or the browser will give you the red page screaming about
it has already begun

Attached: DS3rO.png (737x562, 55K)

>it has already begun
I know.
Its maximal power grab on the side of browsers; people should be making noise about it.

See if you can use the tor browser to access the content.

SSL was botnet form the start.

>An optional warning is the browser taking control away from you.
Are you an idiot?

>Are you an idiot?
>optional warning
How do I disable this shit?
Also see
These things are no joke.

It doesn't happen to me, which proves it's your fault.

>How do I disable this shit?
Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy&Security -> Security -> Block dangerous and deceptive content

>Also see
See what? It's a warning.

don't spoonfeed retards. if he wants to wallow in his own filth and can't research for himself, let him suffer.

>Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy&Security -> Security -> Block dangerous and deceptive content
>See what? It's a warning.
With no way to disable it in window.

>don't spoonfeed retards
The fact that you think its normal that the browsers are doing this and you need to jump into options to un-poze it shows what a cuck you are.

I don't think it's normal, but I also don't sperg out like a retard because I didn't do basic research about the software I am using.