What is the best text editor for learning python?

What is the best text editor for learning python?

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pen and paper

whichever one you already know or can learn the fastest

Geany was nice at one time. I haven't used it in a while though.

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Go to fucking quora

To actually answer your questions, get a simple text editor that handles indentation well ( which is any half-decent editor, really, so it doesn't actually matter ).

Since you seem like a brainlet, go with gedit.

>I'm in this picture and I don't like it.

pycharm is what we use in class

microsoft word

VSCode is pretty comfy



Download the official python documentation so it loads faster when searching and clicking links. Download python, fuck with enviornmental variables if you need to. Open terminal and type "python" and then press enter.

After a while you will get annoyed with the repl and begin using whatever the fuck it doesnt matter.

Gonna second this. VSCode is also a pretty decent IDE in general, so you can continue using it once you've gotten "good". I'm not sure if VSCode has native code beautification for Python, but other than that it's gud.


Literally my take at everything.


It doesn't matter which editor you use it doesn't make any difference.

fucking saved

Idle. Great for beginners becau e you can run and test you cide as you go and it catches errors really quick. Its what I learned on

command prompt

hey peepee the frog

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notepad is fine


emacs or neovim if you have a few months to waste

IDLE, vscode, atom, notepad++, vim, emacs, the interactive interpreter etc. It doesn't matter.


Sublime Text (P sure all features are available without paying but you can just Google license keys for the version you are using)

It's fast (not Electron nigger shit like VSCode) and has a ton of features that you don't need to be an autist to learn like on vim or emacs


Go with PyCharm. You can fiddle around with text editors (vim, atom, vscode, sublime) and spend decades downloading plugins to hopefully have experience (most likely fragile) of the tool that people are paid to develop 8 hours a day, every day. Use the tool for the job, especially since you are begginer. Play around with debugger and learn to open terminal mid debugging.

Also true with language learning, so many people asking for the best app and spending 0 time actually learning the language. That and people who are experts/people who have already learned it constantly arguing over ways to learn which will all give results with little difference.

your imagination

Use an actual IDE you toolbox. Eclipse, vim with the right plugins, anything with fucking autocomplete and autoformatting.

Dammit, I googled this out of curiosity and hipsters actually do this.

>learning python

VS Code is really good.
Im considering learning vim though cause all my work is done on azure VMs.

Why would it matter? vi/vim but who gives a shit.

for learning, jupyter-notebook

for actually using it, vscode or pycharm. vscode with extensions should be better in theory (and it's a lot lighter), but things can be buggy as fuck, like code runner not working correctly with modules (have to manually edit the vscode settings to be python -m , the virtualenv not activating on first coderunner execution or not being able to send parameters to it afaict). virtualenvs can also be buggy as fuck with it as well as pylint not working correctly or a number of other retarded shit


I usually echo the program into a text file. vim/vi/emacs, it's all the same bloat that slows down my efficiency. echo lets me write entire programs without even opening a text editor or IDE. I plan on spreading my ideals further among the geniouses on the fourth channel.

actually the pylint issue is fixed by adding

"python.linting.pylintUseMinimalCheckers": false

to the settings file, FUCK MS for changing that kind of thing between versions, fuck if i have the time/interest to read changelogs every fucking month

Atom with Vim plugin

>learning programming languages
You're doing it wrong.