Latest AMD Bios update boosts gaming performance

Intel shills seething and on suicide watch.

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Feels good, mane.

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ok but why the unnecessary antisemitism?

Ah yes believe this random chart lol

So I shouldn't really even bother upgrading from my 2600x?

This only affects 3000 series.

you should, but you have no reason to upgrade till after they do fire sales, im on a 1700 and im going to be getting a 12/16 core the moment they hit the 'this is the old shit' prices

are you even trolling the right thread? are you that norway guy?

no, we 2000 gen chads wait for ryzen 4000

I know. I guess I should be asking /pcbg/ instead, but it doesn't seem like zen 2 is really worth the upgrade if you're already on zen+ even with this bios update.

If you're thinking of upgrading, wait a few months until all the bugs have been ironed out. Might be worth waiting for zen2+ next year.

>2000 gen chad
first gen chad here, sit down kid. going to glopping noise when 4000 drops.

There won't be a Zen2+. We're going to Zen3 on 7nm+ by their roadmaps.

Why is AMD still behind Intel so much?

They're just sandbagging their own products to fool intel into a false sense of leadership in order to overwhelm them when Ryzen 4000 releases with 6Ghz and 50% IPC improvements.

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Shit, 10GHz all core on air.

The SMT off performance is pretty good for AMD.

Games don't matter

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Average delta is more or less 0. You'll have to pick and choose which games to turn it off for.

Yes a 199$ 3600 that requires no separate cooler has 90% of the 0.1% FPS score of a 1000$+ golden sample pre-binned 9900K 5.1GHz with monster cooling.
Oh and the motherboard required for all this is expensive as well on Intel while AMD can run on cheap A320/B350 with all features.
Now add the based ABBA BIOS improvements and we're at what? 95%?

That's not a big deal if you use a program like process lasso.


Game thread sync are limited by single core speed.

Too bad it's slower on Intel now
And the top binned 3950X is not even out yet.

>RTX 2080 TI

>reposting the thread as soon as the old one gets deleted
AMDrones really can't just enjoy their shit buggy computers, just have to advertise their meme cpus around here, helps them cope.

>>reposting the thread as soon as the old one gets deleted
>AMDrones really can't just enjoy their shit buggy computers, just have to advertise their meme cpus around here, helps them cope.

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delid dis

How are your mitigations bro?

Don't know, I didn't fall for FUD.

It's OK. Microsoft has already patched your microcode through Windows Update. No BIOS update required.

Even if it's clocked lower 3900x still beats 3700x, maybe gamecache is not a meme afterall

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Man, it's crazy that they managed to get 15ghz, all-core with 4-way smtp, passively cooled.

>Latest Intel microcode updates security
AMD shills seething and on suicide watch.


12 cores * 4.6GHz = 55.2GHz

Thank you based AMD

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Its limited by a combination of speed, instructions per cycle, and interrupt latency.
Speed is sadly not everything, especially when you get stuff like games.


Really, amdrones have to resort to fucking turn based games to hide the astronomical latency issues ryzen has?
And STILL trail lthe 9900K with a more than 30% fps gap?

>muh latency
>takes almost 3 times as much time for basic context switches
>I/O performance of a Pentium 4
The power of mitigations.

Attached: latency.png (2114x1502, 98K)

We already btfo you in the last shill thread you made. Intel is still faster in games.
AMD is good shit now, you don't need to spread disinformation like you fuckers did in the bulldozer era.

Your point? Intel is still miles ahead of the 3900x.

Intel should stop paying shills like you and move more money into r&d so they can compete with amd

>9700k is 150 cheaper than 3900x
>outperforms it by a ton at stock speed
Why does AMD have such a bad price to performance ratio?

But Intel is still kangz...right?

Attached: Ryzen-3900X-3700X-review-Rainbow-Six-Siege.png (1800x1200, 85K)

Games don't matter

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Intel is like 5% better in games currently. In 1-2 years the 9900k will be behind even 3900X due to future bios updates & game optimizations, just like what happened with Zen 1 & 7700k.

I think Steve's fucked something up with the 3900x there.
>more cores, higher clocks, higher IPC than OC 2600
>3900x still performs worse, even when OC'd
I think it's the mobo.

This kills the cherrypicking shillfaggot

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Shut up stupid goy and buy Intel

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in the same boat. want to upgrade my 2600x but it's so damn good. no reason to upgrade

Still comfy on my 1700.

drones will never leave lala land

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>7.4% higher
Be corelet
Be insecure
Buy expensive cooler

stop being poor

>$100+ for expensive cooler
>For 7.4%
A fool and his money...


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Here's an accurate visualization of you telling all those lies.

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>overclocked VS not overclocked
Uh, what has this to do with BIOS updates?

It's mind boggling that there are people paying money for CPUs that only now do what my 7700k that I bought years ago and still use did over 2 years ago while costing the same as these CPUs now.
Seriously, AMD fanboys trying to show off gaming performance is ridiculous. Stick to "workstation" use and your 7-Zip benchmarks.

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So now that Intel is out of the transistor race and will go bankrupt soon is Samsung going to buy their fabs?

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Rofl, garbage-tier bait

Where's 10nm though?

it's one specific workload where intel performs better, for example because it doesn't make use of AMDs parallelization performance.

>anime reaction pic

Pic related is the most impressive thing about Ryzen 3. Those of us that are productive (i.e don't spend our days jacking off to hentai) it's pretty damn good.

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Install Zentoo for Gentoo!

>post gaming related benchmark
>UH what?! gaming, who was talking about gaming...hahah nono!

>anime reaction pic
Are you actually retarded?


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>93fps 1% low in Novigrad
Fuck that shit, I was averaging 90fps with dips every 10 seconds down to 70.

>anime reaction pic
Leave and stay leave.

Where? Please, just show me where you saw anime.

>Those of us that are productive (i.e don't spend our days jacking off to hentai)
>me jacking off to Stallman makes me so much more superior

The irony is that anyone regularly using the GNU compiler is about 1000x more likely to jerk off to hentai than anyone else.

Fucking this, lmao

rustc -dilate


hey, it's you from the other thread.
it's mind boggling that there are people paying 130$ less than I paid for my 7700k 2 years ago (that also has an obsolete socket) and getting similar if not better performance. intlel goys trying to cope lmao

not an excuse for ayymd being shit there and everywhere else

>And everywhere else
Considering the 3000 series is better at everything EXCEPT top tier gaming at which point it becomes game dependant, citation is needed

unless ayymd beats them in every single fucking department for at least half a decade Intel won't give up their transistor manufacture

Stop replying to yourself.

A poorfag and his cope...

Stop sucking Lisa's cock.

damn nigga, you btfo of that tranny hard! based as fuck.

16c*2t/c*2.75GHz = 88GHz
Heil AMD.

holy BASED

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Seething kike

my bios just got ABB. t-thanks asus

Does the 3900X actually average a lower clock in Witcher? Both its base clock and its max boost clock are higher than 3700X, plus indeed it has double the cache and double the memory write bandwidth.

Total war games have always been Intel sponsored. Hence the intel logo in every bootup screen.

Lmao amddronetv

>AMD is literally so bad at optimizing their firmware and drivers that it's almost always the biggest bottleneck to their hardware
KEK! enjoy Pajeetcode AMDcucks!

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Daily Reminder

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>226 fps
>not 230
literally unplayable

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