Why is it impossible to get a coffee brown color in RGB components?

Why is it impossible to get a coffee brown color in RGB components?

Attached: doomguyintensifies.gif (488x519, 294K)

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It isn't.

Brown is the only color that does not appear in a rainbow. It's an optical illusion because our eyes cannot process a very small spectrum of light, making us effectively colorblind. And it's just mutually called brown. Of course my brown isn't your brown because we're wired differently. My blindness is different to your blindness but we can both make out chocolate. So no, you cannot reproduce brown with LEDs, you need tiny pixels found in monitors that cause light interference to reach the brown spectrum.

wtf I had no idea

Because most "RGB" LEDs don't actually cover the whole RGB spectrum
It's bullshit though

isn't this the case with pink as well?

brown is just desaturated red

Magenta, an absolute even mix of blue and red, which is also not going in the color spectrum

>could it be that the "3 elementary colours" bullshit is actually bullshit?
>nah, it's just our eyes that are fucked up! Trust me dude!

Make your own.

Pink is white without green

>color spectrum
That's not the issue here. RGB LEDs have 3 emitters inside, in an ideal world they could display all the colors normal people can see.


No, you can get solid pink.


Here is some coffee brown in RGB

Attached: 1018ad_2.jpg (700x700, 48K)

grep -i Brown /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt

Explain why you can see brown on an LCD then, genius

I don't see the issue

Attached: 1568330394.mp4.webm (1148x846, 1.11M)

am I being trolled

Attached: th (9).jpg (474x316, 36K)

close enough rgb.to/keyword/12717/mud-brown


Brown hexcode,next

I just realised what OP was trying to say
By "RGB components" he doesn't mean red, green and blue
he means "Computer components that have RGB LED lighting"