i need to add more memory to my system but keep reading about how quad channel is bad and stresses out the controller
so why the fuck do consumer motherboards even have four slots?
I need to add more memory to my system but keep reading about how quad channel is bad and stresses out the controller
>so why the fuck do consumer motherboards even have four slots
For capacity you retard
the average user needs at most 32 GB, and 2x16 is easily obtainable
>quad channel is bad
Where tf did you read this? Quad channel is good, twice as good as double channel.
Quad slot population on a dual channel board however is not.
>dual channel means two sticks
>quad channel means four sticks
Removing them isn't worth the design effort
why is using all 4 slots a bad idea?
>but keep reading about how quad channel is bad
You don't get quad channel on consumer boards, what you get is dual rank, or quad rank.
4X of single rank memory is fine, 4X of dual rank can be problematic but generally fine (on intel)
>Quad slot population on a dual channel board however is not.
Is this bait?
He's memeing. It depends on the layout topology of the motherboard for memory traces. Daisy chain connects the memory to the CPU one by one like the name suggests. T-topology connects each channel pair directly iirc, so T-Topology is better for filled out channels IIRC while daisychain is better for one set
how does one tell which topology a motherboard uses?
There should be no real downsides for normal use. You might see an increase in power consumption. The only concrete downside (that I know of) is that one sometimes lowers the overclocking potential of their CPU and RAM when adding more sticks. Take this with a grain of salt; I can't even imagine how this applies to Ryzen, I've never seen any reports on the subject.
Luckily I do have only 2 slots
jesus - my eyes
Clocks will be lower. Like, if the board can do 3600MHz with 2 sticks, you may get 3400 or even 3200MHz using all 4.
Ryzen 3000 is rated for 3200Mhz DDR4 in two DIMMs but only 2933Mhz DDR4 in four DIMMs.
>check the qualified vendor list for your motherboard
>purchase the fastest kit that supports all 4 dimms
>embedded itx bull
At that point I'd rather have a nuc
>not being part of the LGA2011-3 masterrace
>stresses out the controller
controller not used is a controller wasted
How can people be so amazingly stupid on Jow Forums of all places that they mix up ranks and channels?
Seriously, this thread is like a joke that's been taken too far.
Ryzen doesn't even have quad channel. On a Intel motherboard, you can have quad channel without any decrease in RAM speed, it's Ryzen that has a shitty memory controller that needs to be stepped down the more sticks or ranks you use.
>tfw had golden X58 mbo that was stable at 6x4GB 1600MHz and 220 BCLK
Ryzen has it for capacity. Tradeoff: max RAM speed and CPU overclock stability.
Intel has it for increased channels. Tradeoff: none.
t. using 32GB (4x8) with a 2600X
The PC community ironically ends up actually being really retarded
No one actually knows anything, they just repeat shit from others adnuasium and most of the time it's falsehoods
No one actually knows anything, manufacturers do whatever and don't give a shit, nothing is sacred and no definition is always correct
mine has 8 wtf are you on about
the blue LEDs make it run cooler
On my Haswell, any set of two sticks hit 1833, but 3 or 4 at a time crashed with anything higher than 1600. This was with a supposedly high end motherboard too.
On a Skymeme, I get instant boots with 2 sticks, but a 30 second pause with 4 (same speed though).
Update the motherboard?
Tbh though I've had issues with skylake and more than 2 dimms too
>implying the controller gives a fuck when E-die
t. 4x16GB DR
Bootup speed isn't really an issue, it probably does a simplistic memcheck in the background.
But generally it shouldn't be that long, but yeah, they should all run fine at high speeds.
It does, it's a controller limitation, not RAM limitation when we are talking about Ryzen not being able to handle 4 single rank or two dual rank sticks without having to reduce the speed.
In the most basic sense, the impedance of the RAM is too much for the controller to handle if there are so many chips connected to it. At high speeds, it simple can't detect what's a 1/0 and what's a fluke.
>he doesn't know about e-die
It *doesn't* matter. I literally use a E-die G.Skill kit with my 2600X.
Tell that to my 64GB Crucial kit. Synced with FLCK at 1900 and tweaked subtimings @ 1.42V. No errors running Karhu's ramtest. My 1700 was a right bastard about ram, but this 3700X and micron chips...
Again, it's does-not-matter. Your RAM is not the reason of your results as long as the RAM itself can handle the speeds.
Any deficiencies in speed are directly related to the memory controller when you go from two sticks single rank / single stick dual rank to 4 sticks single rank / 2 sticks dual rank.
It was same in phenom era, 4 sticks you had to lower frequency and raise voltage. Not by much but it computer would crash with same settings.
It's been like this for a long time, yes.
Hence why Intel offers quad channel in consumer channels while AMD doesn't.
For 32Gig RAM on ryzen is it better with 2x dual rank 16Gig dimms or 4x single rank 8Gig dimms
On a four slot ryzen mobo with daisy chain topology, it seems like dual rank might be better, but upgrading from current 2x 8Gig dimms to 4x would be cheaper
>quad channel is bad and stresses out the controller
Poozen BTFO
So what about putting 8 16gb sticks inside asrock quad channel mobo?
Less chips per channel is always better
Go with two single rank sticks if you can
they also say it's a bad idea to mix ram from two different packages, even if it's the same type
Micron E-die is famously very easy for the controller to drive. It very much does matter when you can pile on the chips yet it hits pretty much the same ceiling it does with two single rank modules.