RMS fucked up
RMS fucked up
Free Software Fndn. President Richard Stallman has just sent an email to the MIT computer science community claiming that sex with an underaged girl is not rape.
there is a lot going on right now
Like, uhhhh, who is this guy??
*reads ur blog post*
Omg wooowww.... get cancelled. Bitch.
I don’t disagree but she’s pretty late to the party if she’s only just realizing that’s RMS is a fat ugly creep
>The word “assaulting” presumes that he applied force or violence
Brainlet Stallman doesn't even know the difference between assault and battery.
Is there any such thing as a fat ugly non-creep / fat ugly wholesome person though?
>hey, this guy is weird
>burn the sorcerer!
It's honestly a miracle he's lasted this long
Let them remove him and every other "bad man". Let tech burn to the ground sooner rather than slowly over the next few decades.
>Epstein 12 matches
>Richard Stallman 9 matches
i dont read it all wtf?
>We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that she presented herself to him as entirely willing.
>…and then he says that an enslaved child could, somehow, be “entirely willing”.
Legaly, technicaly it does not have to be. However, this are the absolutely wrong circumstances to pull a "WELL ACTUALLY ...". Stallmans behavior is stupid and harmful. How can one be such a NPC when it comes to deciding when to shut up and when not?
It's almost as if women are completely incapable of logic or abstraction.
> Epstein rapes and forces underages to be fucked
> Minsky fucks underage girl
> A wild Stallman appears: "Well uhm technically there is a scenario possible where Minsky did not commit sexual assault"
After being actually kiddiediddled I am as outraged about child abuse apologism as this woman is
but that's only in fiction though
This article is so fucking stupid. I hate RMS as a person, he is a womanizer weirdo. Yet the writer entirely misread his email. I hate how she went into detail about **her day writing it** or her rant about MIT is bad to women, which has nothing to do with this. But she is saying RMS was defending him. Like wtf! RMS was trying to say the use of assualt was inappropriate, and sexual assault is the better term. But shes making it seem RMS is defending him. Not only that, she makes it seem he's defending rape at the end
What pains me is she definitely could have roasted this fucker for sending the email to the mailing list of MIT, arguing about rape (I'm not saying RMS is defending rape, I'm saying talking about rape with thousands of people on an email list you dont know is unprofessional and retarded) or even bring up other shit hes done. It hurts my head.
Tl;dr the writer could have destroyed RMS character with the truth, but she goes and twists it, or is too retarded to understand
well what are you wearing at the time?
Idk a diaper probably
I blacked out the memory and only remember it in nightmares, the first thing I actually consciously remember since the incident is sitting on a stool sobbing and explaining to my mom what happened while actively forgetting the very details I was divulging to her. I was repressing it and telling her about it at the exact same time. I remember the exact moment I forced myself to forget it, I just don't remember the thing itself.
There was also physical evidence so I know I didn't make it up
Kill yourself. Being raped made you into an irrational emasculated ""man"", you don't deserve a penis.
defending language is already hate. If you want to speak proper English, then you can't say "woman doctor" and you can't use "they/them" pronouns. Correctness is hate.
And hate is, uh, bad? Maybe the solution to these people is to defend hate, since even correct use of language is hate.
No, fuck you. I've already contemplated suicide long enough with nothing coming of it that I now know for a fact that nothing can ever convince me to end it, least of all your shitty opinion on me.
im so happy people are just finding out about this. im just going to be laughing my ass off watching people try to cancel stallman,
>Shrek meets pretty woman for first time
>transforms her into a fat disgusting orc
>has sex with (rapes) her
>has zero non-sexual female acquaintenances
>not a creep
kys fag
Maybe this will finally shut you freetards up. You're all just as bad as he is and should be ashamed.
Stallman's going to be completely fine. The people that'll feel the fallout from this are kids with Stallman stickers who say "ganoo leenux"
Some earnest college kid is going to quote Stallman approvingly and it'll be treated like he broke out a Pepe, "OK" hand sign, and roman salute all at once.
so Stallman didn't rape anybody?
so how much does it hurt to shit, fag?
Its not. "Statutory rape" is a modern invention by feminist whores.
It happened when I was 3-4 so not at all
Chris Farley.
he's in Hollywood, therefore he knew about Weinstein, therefore he's a creep.
Isn't Stallman just - - very, very clumsily - - advocating specificity in communication? I can't see him *excusing* anything.
And, yeah, this witch-hunting is going to make it so that anyone who so much as quotes him is screamed at.
Stallman can't write for shit and does not understand normal human communication but he's not a fucking paedophile.
Yeah, I get what he's saying, but he was a fucking tard for piping up.
>And, yeah, this witch-hunting is going to make it so that anyone who so much as quotes him is screamed at
As they should be. I'm excited for the end of the freedom fags. I hope all of you lose your jobs and get socially annihilated.
>Stallmans behavior is stupid
obviously. The smart thing to do is shut your mouth forever. There's no intelligence in even attempting to pursue the truth during a dark age.
>and harmful.
No it isn't. The only harm you could even imagine is second degree, with SJW hordes as the primary cause of harm, with the harm falling on some fan of his. But they'd be doing this anyway, to someone else. It's all they do.
The reasonable response to talk like Stallman's, when it isn't appropriate, like on Thanksgiving dinner or something, is to just ignore it. Talk about other stuff.
Are you twelve?
He's being attacked by roasties and trannies working for big corps mad at the GPL and AGPL licenses.
(and I'm saying that as a BSD guy, but it's hard not to notice a pattern here)
Honestly, though.
>Hi, I’m Selam. I am a polyglot, a polymath, and multiracial. I enjoy being and doing many things at once. That’s partly why I like robotics; the field is full of exciting, interdisciplinary problems.
These are the people calling RMS a rapist.
ooh I see you were in my coffee brown RGB thread ;)
>Hi, I'm Selam. I'm a self hating mutt and I look like shit.
t. pedo
How do we get brainlet females and their limp dick white knights out of anything slightly related to fields with intelligent people? She misinterpreted everything Stallman said.
Sorry, Selam. What is it you've done for robotics? Thanks.
>say something factually correct
>durrrr pedoooo
Go back
> How do we get brainlet females and their limp dick white knights out of anything slightly related to fields with intelligent people? She misinterpreted everything Stallman said.
They aren't going anywhere. The future is female.
Has anyone warned Stallman on the shit storm this has started? [email protected]
Nah he's correct, calling it sexual assualt is fucking stupid - call it rape or it's trafficking by Epstein and not the dudes fault.
Not hard, this person seems like a diversity graduate because no way this level of logic would stand at MIT.
>the future is female
I love how honest supremacy movements are in their rhetoric, yet when it comes to discussion they'll still bend over backwards to state they're not evil.
the fuck are you talking about?
I love how Stallman's weaponized autism quickly processes this. Never show weakness to those clowns. Never make a public statement. God among us.
What? Are you a wizard from the future?
Fellow cryptofags. We donate to this man next moon.
He's DOA
He's fucked: twitter.com
He's not wrong, though. The terminology used is intentionally vague and misleading. It's literal disinformation. If they're going to accuse a guy of having done wrong, they should at least accuse him of what they think he did, not something else of a greater severity.
Haha that is the price you have to pay for inviting Jews and Chinks.
Enjoy your clown rules and subversions LOL
you're likely a minority.
Nice braindead assumption, chink.
you're definitely a minority lol
>He just sent an email to the MIT computer science community claiming that sex with an underaged girl is not rape.
>Your refusal to part ways with him - despite well-known incidents that have pushed women & others out of free software for decades - might have been ok 10 years ago.
rms was a mistake
i saw nothing wrong with rms' quotes in that medium blogpost
just another case of salty snowflakes
>on a stool
yeah right
you were able to talk at the age 2
no he just said it maybe wasn't "RAEP!!"