How did India become programming superpower?
How did India become programming superpower?
The Poos thought becomming a programmer would help them get a Visa to the USA
No other nation has Mr. Nagoor Babu M.Tech ICON OF JAVA Sun Certified and Real Time Expert.
based and durgapilled
Every town in India has an India Institute of Technology, and they pretty much allow anyone with an IQ over 70. College is free in India btw. But it's garbage.
More like a pooperpower
I think it might be because of the high number of real languages in India. If the average Indian has to be multilingual, perhaps that helps in learning computer languages as well
Just a guess:
Speaking English made them a convenient choice for outsourcing. And they really did have some geniuses among a high population, just not enough to go around... :/
Because of said multitude English is pretty much the lingua franca in India.
When the Amerilards realized that their own coders were garbage and cost too much.
They're poor and have a population bigger than North and South America put together
C++ is literally part of their national curriculum and tested.
Imagine China but instead of factories, sweatshops full of pajeets that can write menial code for you. They aren't superpower in anything, just a source of cheap labour.
This, and the whole 737 shitstorm is what happens when you outsource important software to poo in loos
LOL same goes for Micosuck and Windooze 10
>India facility was built just a few months before Windows 7 release
>Windows went downhill after that
Really makes you think, doesn't it.
This. Chinese programmers would be more common if they spoke english
They aren't and they never will, all they know is shitty third grade code that never works, over promise, under deliver, and bob their fucking heads.
This is where I stopped reading.
Programming is to Indians what football is to Brazilians
This but street shitting instead of programming
Durga Sir does not need you. It is YOU who is missing out on being 1 of 1100 in a single classroom in India.
He was making a 1:7 joke there.
>Boeing said the company did not rely on engineers from HCL and Cyient for the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System
>it's actually the other way round, poos wrote the bits that worked
>a billion monkeys with a billion typewriters
desks seem magical to indians, because they elevate work off the street, having a shit-free keyboard makes the indian feel very sophisticated and western
There are two classes of programmer.
Good ones are extremely rare and you can't hire them, especially not to work on your stupid fucking CRM that will be sold based on who you know and not how good it is.
So most tech entrepreneurship is about extracting maximum shareholder value from the clueless, brain-dead ones. There's a lot of those, and while they're not going to build anything good, they will, if properly managed, build a house of cards resistant enough to sell to someone.
Eventually entrepreneurs figured out that these are basically all the same, the world over, and India has a lot of very cheap ones.
// mr sir r. code v nice no comment need
public class Bob {
public Bob() {;
String open() {
return "mmmm tasty bob and vegene";
Yeah, maybe in 2030.
If anything, it's because they're the only English-speaking country that's also a poor third-world shithole, so it's a lot easier to hire and "train" them than changs
Changs already took all your manufacturing jobs since the 90s, and have been stealing your technologies while they were at it. Yet your greedy corps wouldn't stop outsourcing to China because it's ten times cheaper. It takes them 1 month to mimic the hardware of your latest car once they got their hands on it. The chinks will leave you in the dust any day now.
Getting into an IIT is impossibly hard. And everything else fucking expensive.
Basic programming is basically office work, and what's better than outsourcing some menial work to the only english speaking country that is also the biggest shithole in the world?
no they didn't
I don't know, Jow Forums told me that they're low-IQ subhumans
I work at HCL as a token white dude. We didn't touch any plane software. We mostly just fuck around building IT infrastructure. We will never touch the real engineering.
wtf Jow Forums was right again
>programming superpower
well shit didn't know fizzbuzz makes you Einstein now
solve fizzbuzz 5 most common ways in java NOW pigskin think your clever for messing with an Indian? ythink again
>IITs allow anyone with IQ over 70
No. This is utter bs. There are only two ways of getting into IITs - You either have to be wicked smart and disciplined or you must belong to a backward caste and get in through the reservation quota. No other way, sorry.
Yeah haha that can't be true
*googles the average IQ in India*
>the whole 737 shitstorm
Is firmly Boeing management's fault. The utter fuckwits that they are.
You're not keeping in mind thr billion peoppe in india all studying 24/7 for a chance to get in, I hear admission is extremely competitive because of this. Only the best get in.
The best of the worst is still bad.
No, indian programmers all bad memes aside India is bound to have a ton of high IQ people because of its large population size, despite having a lower average IQ. These are the ones that would be going to IITs and there will be tons of extremely skilled programmers pouring out of them.
>India has Durga sir weapon of Java
How can Americans even compete?
Dime a dozen 'engineering' degrees
Mumbai Institute of Tchenogoly, Sir
>that IBM inspired logo
Is Durga one of us?
>Durga software solutions
jesus fucking christ my sides
>average iq of equatorial guinea is 59
how do they even function
Including the dirt poor that's been fucked by the caste system for thousands of years isn't really fair.
>it was far less efficient than Boeing engineers just writing the code
>“it took many rounds going back and forth because the code was not done correctly.”
This is what management won't understand.
There is hundreds of passengers killed.
Management should be liable about their decissions.
These companies deserve to be sued to oblivion.
Is this a based Durgasoft thread?
Durga stickers for thinkpads when?
is someone make mention of JAVA???
Fucking kek
>Rabin, the former software engineer, recalled one manager saying at an all-hands meeting that Boeing didn’t need senior engineers because its products were mature. “I was shocked that in a room full of a couple hundred mostly senior engineers we were being told that we weren’t needed,” said Rabin, who was laid off in 2015.
>That same year, Boeing opened what it called a “center of excellence” with HCL in Chennai, saying the companies would partner “to create software critical for flight test.” In 2011, Boeing named Cyient, then known as Infotech, to a list of its “suppliers of the year” for design, stress analysis and software engineering on the 787 and the 747-8 at another center in Hyderabad.
Hyderabad is the city where Durgasoft is.
Some business execs talked to their IT department and couldn't understand anything they were saying. Then they talked to some poos and they couldn't understand what they were saying either. So the business execs thought they must be just as knowledgeable and as a bonus they were far cheaper to employ.
Hyderabad is basically the tech center of pooland, many companies have facilities there so they can outsource some works to pajeets.
We need to make ones that say
and preferably get a bit of green in there too. The real Durga logo just needs some green and it'll be India flag colors.
Is this a weapon of Java?
No, that's a weapon of femur
Given the amount of shit tier 'programmers' India exports to the rest of the world, those schools are almost entirely filled by those backward caste quota students.
So actually the USA gave them the power.
And that's why you really should avoid flying in the newer Boeing models.
Imagine staking your life on the competence of these pajeets.
America chose India to be THE place for outsourcing code monkeys to produce cheap, minimal quality software and other tech services.
Naturally, given that India is generally too poor and unskilled to produce anything worthwhile or competitive in the world market, most of the youth is driven to get quick STEM degrees to make a bare living as contractors to foreign companies.
It's a sad, unsustainable reality that barely works, and barely working is enough as long as the rich stay rich.
not yet, 3 months left tho until they do
>more than 1000 members in a single class room
they never did. indians who came to america did.
no poo in loo but work with them, they write good sloppy code, I work cleaning it up.