What audiopedophile memes have you fallen for this week, Jow Forums?
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What audiopedophile memes have you fallen for this week, Jow Forums?
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have Stex
>What audiopedophile memes have you fallen for this week, Jow Forums?
Acquiring tinnitus
time to kys myself I guess
>What audiopedophile memes have you fallen for this week, Jow Forums?
well I was considering trying out the stock music player on my v20 instead of f2k, but moving just seems like a lot of commitment
I just bought stax desu. They actually aren’t a meme.
Why do you say that? What was your previous headphone and what's different?
Go see a doctor asap.
Unless you want it permanent. Early diagnose is key with tinnitus.
Damn, EQ'ing the 95X is such a damn good idea.
1st for SUMMIT FI
Not first but nice try.
I wonder if using high Ohms headphones is the reason
Meant to write ONLY, not first. my bad ;)
Based. Get his ass.
get out
seeth harder my mid-fi friend
nice edit
Stay seething.
I heard that buying STAX soothes seething though. Maybe you should consider it.
That's because EQing is always a good idea user.
Are you schizophrenic?
All that unrefined mid-fi audio signals are killing your braincells. You need to buy STAX.
Over the years I’ve had:
>Sennheiser HD598
>Etymotic ER4XR
>Oppo PM3 (returned, lacking in the treble too much)
>Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 (returned, lacking in the treble too much)
>Sennheiser HD6XX (ok, but a bit too warm for me)
>AKG K7XX (too muddy bass)
>AKG Q701 (nice sound but missing a lot of sub-bass)
>Sony 1000XM3 (returned that shit so fast, disgusting floppy bass)
Out of all of those, the ones ones I was actually happy with was the Etymotics, they were just kinda bass-impact light, being IEMs. Before buying the Stax, I demoed a bunch of headphones including the HD800S, ATH-W1000Z, Focal Clears.
I’m not saying the Stax are clearly better than any of those, but for what I was looking for, they were the best of the bunch. The low distortion and speed is amazing for breakcore and metal, the bass was deep after sealing the pads with bluetak, and the highs are super clear and detailed.
I’d say the HD800S was probably my second favourite but the Stax were more comfortable and had way less distortion in the bass.
I actually didn’t like the Focals much, but I wear glasses and they weren’t very comfortable on my head with glasses.
It's ridiculous how clear Stax are. I cant talk for electrostats as a whole, but it's mind boggling how much of the music you're missing until you put one on.
It definitely isn't a meme.
not too bad are they? The 95X is a little flat by default, when you EQ them they really *pop* and constrast nicely. Super elegant headphone imo
The Koss stats are current driven and not voltage driven, so it is super easy to get ridiculous sub-bass from EQing them
>0.003 cents added to your account
Someone is selling a pair of Senns 650 for 180 euros (might drop to 150) around my area here in Italy, should I go for it help bros?
I really need to try the 950/X sometime. That portable battery pack is all sorts of awesome. Imagine lugging all that stuff around on the train. Battery will probably last 10 minutes, but fuck it!
>get to experience music at the highest level of clarity and comfort
>get paid to do it
Why are you STILL seething?
It's over, I cannot hear thones higher than 13khz
There's the 6XX on drop.com, the beauty of the free market is that it's your choice to make either way
Seems to me like there might be a catch for that price but yeah I'd go for that if you have or plan to get an amp.
I think the part that blew me away is just how effortless hearing the detail is. You hear everything, every detail in the recording, without needing to strain to hear at all. I hear reverbs and recording studio echoes and microphone distortions, all without even trying to.
>portable battery pack
I have a T1 amp but got the D10 for the portable factor. I went on a business trip a few weeks ago and brought them with me, it was really convenient. I just need to get a case for the Stax to travel in.
the trick with stax always seems to be adding just a touch of blue-tak to make it work.
I totally sealed it with bluetak all around, I’ve heard some people only do a partial seal but I haven’t tried it. Which do you do?
Oh, I don't use stax. Seems kind of gay for me to try.
I do that with the HD800S. I'm happy user. Without all the amping to consider.
You are lucky, I can't hear anything due to my bad 13khz ears
I tried the 800S alongside the Stax and to my ears, I liked the Stax better. They’re both nice headphones though.
What's up with the pictures of little boys? Can you stop?
What is the MX Master or MX Keys equivalent for Headphones?
Wireless, high quality build, type-c, long lasting battery, perfect for office? Logitech releases pure KINO devices for adults but rarely i see other audio companies caring about comfort and style like they do.
Sony WH1000XM3, too bad about the niggerbass though. The Momentum 3 looks promising but it isn’t shipping yet.
True wireless version when?
Why do people recommend the atom more than the liquid spark? The LS has much better build and more power while the Atom only measures nicely which you won't hear anyway and you also have to live with channel imbalance and absolutely shitty plastic build.
when you cope with being an eternal poorfag by measurebaiting these sort of things happen
wireless is good for mice but not for headphones. maybe airpods.
doctor can't and won't do anything.
you can't treat tinnitus. only thing you can do is
.not use head or earphones for a while
.nothing above 75db
give you hairs some time to heal, maybe it goes away after that
if it doesn't
.noise machine to mask the RIIIIIIIIINNNGG
also, forgot to add
wifi and other radio signals can cause a ringing sound as well.
you using bluetooth headphones?
holy shit what would happen if i had 100db+ tinnitus? i would transcend to another dimension?
can you still hear above 13khz? I can't, it sucks
I’m not asking what’s as good as wired headphones. I’m asking what’s a good balance within the wireless realm. Obviously there are trade-offs, and wired>>wireless, now let’s move past that.
those wireless grados are probably right up your alley
Anyone tried or read anything about Audeze GX (the "gayming" ones)?
I'm currently trying to choose between lcd2c, x and those. Any opinions on these cans?
how old are you?
nope i didnt see nuffing
I've got tinnitus too. Still can hear from around 30hz to 17khz.
30 years old.
Just do not put music on loud and everything's going to be fine.
(pssht, everyone has tinnitus)
that's just age related frequency loss then. you're fine.
it's like how your eyes degrade over time
That may be so. MAybe most people do not notice it because they are not aware of the phenomenon.
Anxiety other modern pshychological disorders may make you jumpy and impochondric so you may start noticing something like tinnitus more.
Why I bought a dap again?
Hm, what if I want closed backs? Wireless open backs sound interesting though.
>measure waiting
Ok boomer, how's that 2000 dollar amp doing you?
Phone, Laptop
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
should be pretty comfy
>Sound signature
something tonally balanced would be nice although i am preferable to things with a lot of bass.
>Past headphones
cheap ones that break easily.
takstar pro 82/ ath m40x
takstars are comfy and you can open bass ports to make them produce too much bass
no fuck that shit nigger
buy a pair of Porta Pros or save up for a 58X
im in a noisy environment, i need them to be closed back
i have seen alot of people recommend the m40x and i feel like its more of a meme
It's just a headphone lol, what's wrong with you
die femsluts
dude, look at the cost, as you say it's a fucking gaming headphone and yet it costs like a fucking car. what the fuck is wrong with you?
stfu incel retard, no female will ever visit this autistic website
Ok normalfag who fucked like twelve fleshes and piss.
>with a lot of bass
casual tard kek
im actually considering getting the m40x because of the flat response and im just gonna use an equalizer to add more low end. sometimes being a normie is more comfy tbqh
Yeah you indeed a normalfag and a newcancer
can you just give headphones advice instead of being autistic? your sekrit club has been overrun for years now, stfu and cope
>your sekrit club has been overrun for years now
And you are one of these "overrun" faggots?
*solves headphones*
why the fuck does it matter when i joined this shitty weeb site. yes i could act and talk like you retards to be considered an "oldfag" but whats the point. elitists who think anything anyone says on an ANONYMOUS website are the real cancer here.
Is this a good upgrade for my old and trusty 1st gen HE-500? I think this is my ideal sound signature. Tried to dabble with STAX but I hate how bright and thin they sound in comparison to my HE-500.
You seem to be confused with common priorities and order. And yes, people care because we need order so places like these won't get shit on, and I see you are headed that way like the rest of Jow Forums, /tv/ and /v/. But it doesn't matter anymore. There are some newfags who know this and they rather not be shitty, poisonous memefags like the rest of you. It never was about being oldfags or whatever, but preferences and your preferences and taste is utterly trash
but thats the point, noone will know if im the "nonshitty nonpoisonous newfag" in the next thread i post in. you decided to sperg out because i asked for bass heavy cans. do you realize how autistic you seem?
isnt "common priorities" what you guys hate about reddit? do you want everyone to talk and act and think the same way?
I fell for user shilling his company’s shitty 6XX headphones (fuck you massdrop) and after returning defective product twice my demands for a refund have finally been accepted and will be posted “soon”.
Budget is around 500USD. Strictly for home use, I don’t wear headphones in public like a spaz. I’ve always had closed, so I dunno shit about open.
>do you realize how autistic you seem?
Why do you care for someone who doesn't care about tastes? Are you mentally handicapped? Also you seem to care so much about "autists" you probably dream about them everyday since it's a pretty common insult in here for normalfags
You just said:
>yes i could act and talk like you retards to be considered an "oldfag" but whats the point
The point is you don't know the point that's it. Move on and grow a pair, son, and stop acting like some washed out person. And by move on I meant go back to weddit, the memes are literally the same in here and there.
The problem is faggots being unwilling to conform to the culture in place to fit in because they find it “toxic” or whatever and so, instead of finding an internet community that they feel more comfortable with, they instead bitch and moan and stamp their feet so they feel welcome. These idiots would not have survived the IRC days, script kiddies would have fried their computers and actual predators and child rapists would have fried their buttholes.
its honestly just an observation, i notice the biggest elitist/"oldfag" are usually the ones who act the most autistic. just like you guys right now.
the only reason im here is that for how shitty this place is, people here usually have good tech advice. sorry, i dont want to conform to your "culture" of traps and anime cp. again, this whole thing started because i asked for bass heavy headphones.
>they instead bitch and moan and stamp their feet so they feel welcome
> These idiots would not have survived the IRC days
And this
I bet you never wen't to AB and red shit, or rizon shit
hey user, what’s listening with this point of /hpg/
>autists autists autists
>MOORE autists laugh out loud!
I feel you, patrick bateman
650 modded
>i want thing
>thing sucks only retards want thing when other thing much better
>go to other place with retards like you who can help you better
That's what you sound like.
I remember thinking I was pretty hardcore when I was 11 for being able to navigate dalnet's backwaters like a champ. That was one nasty wake up call.
>you can't treat tinnitus
Once it is too late, yeah.
But tinnitus can be temporary if caught early. Often, it is due to ear infection which can still be treated, or to some other treatable health condition.
Not treating it will often lead to permanent tinnitus, so don't be a retard.
ehh.. most likely cause of tinnitus is hearing loss. can't do anything about that. however there are some things being developed right now, don't get your hopes up tho, it's still decades away.
from an ear infection, sure, that's treatable. but the underlying cause is the determining factor.
medication is a big factor too. the overuse of NSAID's and antibiotics in the US is probably the biggest cause of tinnitus at younger ages, not hearing loss.
stay away from NSAID's, they're not safe enough for common use.
>the underlying cause is the determining factor.
And you don't want to risk a permanent tinnitus because you were too lazy to go to the doctor, in those cases where it is still treatable.
Excellent choice of headphones, user.
hearing loss and tinnitus are relatively rare for minor ear infections, besides, you'd notice other symptoms as well.
as for treatment, antibiotics are known to cause tinnitus as well, so if it's a minor infection you're usually better off waiting until it clears rather than following up with treatment.