My mum is getting on my nerves, was thinking of staying in a hotel for a couple of nights and spend some time alone...

My mum is getting on my nerves, was thinking of staying in a hotel for a couple of nights and spend some time alone, I don't have any friends to satay with, plus I'd rather be alone in a nice cozy hotel and post on Jow Forums. Maybe go out and get drunk and try and pick up some bird.

Attached: Apu upset with computer.png (1349x694, 126K)

Jump off a roof

How would you pick up a bird exactly?

why is apu sad

hollow bones make them very light

I don't know, get drunk go to a bar and take her back.

Attached: Apu Chubby 2.jpg (665x1024, 52K)

Tbh I'd probably end up buying some wine and beer, getting shitfaced and post on Jow Forums all night.

Attached: Apu Beer.jpg (680x309, 27K)


Attached: Apu Crying.png (657x527, 31K)


Maybe you scared them off with all that talk of girls. Next time try saying:
>girl (male)