What is this type of beard called and why half of the programmers in my new company have it?
What is this type of beard called and why half of the programmers in my new company have it?
Autism beard
looks like pedo
thats the "im a scared shy weak little bitch cuck" beard
It is known as the 'bard's beard', and denotes a man of high culture and birth, along with great literary knowledge. If such a beard crosses your path then you have been blessed.
It's called the "not shaving for 6 years"
Lord knows why anyone would want to have it, especially since most people who do have it get a haircut every few months.
poor genes beard
Holy fuck go back to reddlt already.
Men with beards carry more germs than dogs, according to a new study
Beards are filthy as hell. People who grow them are forcing sickness on you!
Hopefully one day they'll put signs up at every restaurant "NO BEARDED MEN OR WOMEN WELCOME HERE YOU FILTHY BASTARDS and BITCHES!"
what is it that makes some men's beards grow out like that and not like pic related? Is it genetic
yeah that's why I started shaving regularly. Everyone says I look good with it but it's hard to keep clean and well maintained
. . . also am I the only one who has issues with the beard itching from time to time
the floor is gluten
You can have either messy hair or a messy beard, but not both or you look like a hobo
He's a supporter of Shariah law because it's the only way to bring guns, dignity, and happy families back into the world.
Apparently it's quite common in tech world
Its to become completly invisible to women. Pesky thots arent going to bother someone with such a beard.
It's called the cheesey cock nutsack beard
Unix beard, and it has been a thing longer than those screaming cuck, söy, reddit, have been alive.
/thread you faggots
t. little bitch who can't grow a beard
They're neckbeards.
Soon you will be too.
I call mine ``An Ubuntu Beard™''
I'm a programmer with a beard like that, and in my case it's the "I'm too lazy to bother shaving" beard.
What is it about soi that makes your facial hair grow so thick and fast?
It's not "Beard", it's "GNU/Beard"
or as I've started calling it "GNU+Beard"...
It's a UNIX beard.
The havent left my desk to shave in 3 months look
I have one too and I consider it my "fuck off, I give up on life" beard. Obviously, I'm a pussy bitch who would never tell someone to fuck off and I always act happy to talk to someone.
>"fuck off, I give up on life" beard
That's a good name for it, it's pretty much exactly my attitude.
Good to know that is has a history.
Just imagine how much filth you carry in your hair!
>Everyone go bald!
How about you wash at least once a day?
More like a year
The ZZ Top
don't talk about richard stallman that way
Its called the Trench-coat Vape Mod
We're going to stigmatize beards starting 2020 onward! To have one is to be filthy!
You don't eat around the hair of your head like some faggot with a beard does. Beards are nasty things and it will be stigmatized! Just wait and see
That would take forever for most of them. That'll never happen
It's called adaptive coloration. Used by prey animals to confuse predators.
How are you supposed to track one prey animal if they all look and smell the same?
I only watched the first 1.5 seconds of that gif and I have no desire to see what happens next. Terrible image
I am henceforth calling it my ``GNU+Beard''. If people ask why I call it that, I will ignore their questions.
Thank you for interjecting your valuable opinion.
>only watched the first 1.5 seconds
...so you watched the whole thing? Or are you the person who made that gif and stopped it short to spare all of us?
the "even nuns have higher T than me and I try to hide that with a beard" beard.
This. Fuckin neckbeards.
Why do some men grow pubes on their face instead of normal hair? Is it genetic?
Some of those bacteria are producing a kind of antibiotics.
"The researchers were surprised to find that around a quarter of the bacteria grown from the beard samples were able to kill the indicator strains, "showing that they actually produce antibiotics themselves," according to Dr. Roberts."
because they all have week chins and or low self esteem
Good job. Would it be better to just own the weak chin (actually lower jaw, but we're talking about the same thing) like balding guys shaving their heads?
if you want to be true programmer you must shave to hide your balding and have unix beard to hide your weak chin.
Best way to fuck with beard people.
"You really should start using beard oil!"
"You really should start using more beard oil!"
"You really should start using scented beard oil!"
>sample size 18 men
that's not even enough to represent 1 demographic group
Never thought I'd see so much soi in a single picture
He's missing thick famed glasses for ultimate soi.
Seriously people on Jow Forums are asking what neckbeards are? I thought Jow Forums was better than this.
Looks like fucking pubes.
Shave your beards at once, you backward savages!
chinlet cope
this. its also known as, 'The Bush Master'
It's called The Disgusting Loser
Those beards are not the same at all as the op
>What is this type of beard called and why half of the programmers in my new company have it?
It's the "I heard certain facial hair is in now" look but they take it as ALL facial hair is in
its the lighter accident beard.
No clue but the first thought I have when I see a dude with this beard is
>This guy literally never gets laid
Exception being pro baseball players
t. weak jawlet NEET
That's just what happens when you wash a long beard regularly but don't put any product into it. Either go mountain man or dapper Dan. Don't go sexless Sam.
>Sample size of 18 men
testing 3 4
it's called the anakita
fuck it was anakata
yeah, it's a real reach
typical anti-beard hitpiece
What kind of product do I need to use?
>What is this type of beard called
muslim beard
shave that ugly shit off your face
Beats me, I went for the dirty, matted mountain man angle the one time I grew it longish. I think it's some kind of wax, but you probably gotta know your beard wax.
Stop trying to improve our lives!
Thank you. I would like to look like a homeless loser to spite the state of society where all we do is work 60 hours a week.
>I would like to look like a homeless loser to spite the state of society
Then what you gotta do is unevenly trim your beard every day after work such that it looks like you did a very poor quality shave job 2 days ago. It's tough but worth it.
based and beardpilled.
I've never gone past a moderate lumberjack beard because I'm scared it would look like that
>Researchers at the Hirslanden Clinic in Switzerland took swabs from the beards of 18 men and found every beard contained bacteria.
BREAKING NEWS: Bacteria found on human skin!
The difference being?
It's the advanced neckbeard. It develops when someone with a significant neckbeard hits upon the idea of hiding his neckbeard by simply growing a larger beard. However their beard is a product of laziness not style, so it ends up looking like a photoshop error.
Rogue Ales brewed beer from yeast strain from brew-master's beard.
buy my book
Go the extra mile
>putting product on your beard
What are you, some kind of homosexual?
Retarded faggot
the "I know I'm ugly, leave me alone" beard. those people have already given up on any potential romance
If the beard would be like I could respect it, but if the beard is thin like that and there is no moustache above, it looks so lame and wimpy. One of the worst look I saw this century.
Also look not quite okay tho.
bad genes beard
It's called the Orthodox priest
It's called "facial onions strings" I'm pretty sure.
it's a cut it off while he sleeps beard.
sure thing, rabbi