Install Gentoo(in her bum)
Install Gentoo(in her bum)
Watch Richard Stallman LITERALLY RAPE MURDER and CANNIBALIZE These Woke Liberal Feminists
Isn't he a fag enabler?
oh shit I just read the article
marvin minsky was piping 17 year olds, holy fuck
Yes and there's nothing wrong with that
>this man fucks your entirely willing seventeen year old daughter
Fag enabler more like a fag stapler. (he fucks men)
He's an everyone enabler, that's his thing. Every demographic you can think of, he wants them to be less regulated, not sure why people are so surprised that includes disgusting fringe groups like pedos. For him, it's not about whether the practices a group engages in are right or wrong, it's about, are those practices restrained or exploited by a third party in any way, yes or no, and if yes, find that third party and find a way to forcibly disengage with them. He doesn't give a shit if people might use their freedoms for evil purposes, or even if they demonstrably do. He just wants them to have those freedoms anyway. That's the kind of person Mr. Freedom Himself is.
In fact if he finds out the victim wasn't entirely willing I bet he'll try to give her some free open source software to circumvent the proprietary limitations imposed by her traffickers or something.
We'll see what al the windows using normies who've never directly used gnu software or even know about stallman think of that now that the issue is likely to be placed in front of them for their judgement. They will see pedophilia and join the mob.
He has previously stated that if kids initiate sexual contact ( yeah, it can happen)
and adults freak out over it, they probably need to chill.
He also added that children are "too easily coerced" to actually give sexual consent. So basically, he defended the idea of an age of consent.
His remark about kids initiating sexual contact with an uncomfortable, embarrassed adult has been taken out of context and posted on this board countless times as alleged proof of his pedo tendencies.
>an autist speaks his autistic mind
>another shoah, crucify him!!!1!
Don't tell me that SJWs aren't golems of corporations and glowniggers who are meant to take the free software movement down.
Teenagers are complete sluts, i wouldnt put in the realm of impossibility for it to be willing, hell i had some dealings with a 12 yo(her advance), i was a teenagers still tough
Users of proprietary software are also entirely willing, that doesn't make it right. You should know that, Richard.
he dun
73 years old bro that's fucked
Is it even possible? I have my own doubts.
>be me, 12 year old girl
>ask my 25 year old NEET babysitter to play scrabble with me
>3 minutes later he's raping me
>25 yo
that doesn't happen
more like
>hey ask him if he is interested in me
>hey my friend wants to get the hots with you
>look at her
>literally a loli
>i am actually a lolifag
heh, god is a pedo my acts are sanctioned.
not relevant
>You probably rape children in your spare time, and here you are, yelling at us for violating your perceived entitlement.
Holy fuck guys, Theo warned us.
wtf I hate the FSF now!
brb, gotta replace all my free software with proprietary ones
>he doesn't know about BSD
And its absolutely based
Regarding the 'plural' FSF and their agenda these days... I think we all know that crackpot Richard is no longer the real leader. He's a senile puppet who gets lots of flights paid for by your misguided donations dollars to ensure he's kept out of touch (except on one airline, I think Delta, who banned him for air-rage a decade ago on his way to a Usenix conference). The real FSF agenda has been dumbed down from what Richard used to believe, and it will dumb down further as he loses control (except for the particularily nasty legal side parcelled out to Eben's SFLC). Meanwhile, Richard cranks up 'his rules' against rather small groups (like OpenBSD) because he lost the OS war with HURD, and the Linux people don't care what he says. Wait, it isn't that they don't care what he says -- they don't give a rats damn. He has absolutely zero credit with them. Richard tried repeatedly to screw Linux as a whole, and it's just that noone has really let the press know yet in those terms. Richard is irrelevant there.
Wouldn't be the first time. To unite people you need common enemy. Even better if that enemy is faceless and potentially everywhere. Joos, lizards, pedos, terrorists... Pick your poison.
Good observation user.
Richard is not even anymore an alternative viewpoint that should be considered, for the simple reason that any road towards his absolutist views ensures that his hypocrisy will be exposed.
It's like the TV advertisement of the monk who protects turtles and bugs, but then kills germs when he sneezes into kleenex -- what a shock; but that is a funny advertisement. Richard is not a funny advertisement. He's a pathetic joke. He should spot the falicy, and back down.
No leader with such a pile of FSF donation money should come onto our list and picks a fight where he looks like a hypocrite. He thinks he can afford it, but in fact he is the last person who can afford it. He's lashing out in directions that he thinks he can get away with, and that is because he would look even more stupid on mailing lists for major Linux vendors. Linux. Linux. Linux. Can you imagine him going onto LKML? I'd watch. It'd be funny. (LKM is the Linux kernel mailing list. Note. Linux, Linux, Linux.)
17 is legal almost everywhere though?
California is one of the exceptions.
Jesus man this is fucked l gotta do some fish related things
Maybe you just can't spell for shit
> are being the usual slimy hypocritical asshole... You may have had value ten years ago, but people will see that you don't anymore.
>"OpenBSD.misc mailing list". 2007-12-14.
>To Richard Stallman
>The only way to make it clear to him that he should not come here to our lists in the future, is to teach him a hard lesson, and that is done by continually re-adding cc's back to him -- because the mails talk about him -- even when his friends come our mailing lists and delete the his address from the cc list. Like this message, which adds him back in. Richard, you are a lying cheating hypocrite.
>"OpenBSD.misc mailing list". 2007-12-14.
REMOVE GNUMAN remove gnuman you are worst dev. you are the dev idiot you are the bad smell. return to basedmend. to our silicn valli cousins you may come our safe space. you may live in the gender neutrl bathroom….ahahahaha ,foss we will never forgeve you. linus rascal FUck but fuck asshole gnu stink foss sqhipere shqipare..cis genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead male..ahahahahahFOSS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget gamergate .patriarchy we kill the king , white man return to your precious evropa….hahahahaha idiot cis and man smell so i can smell it. REMOVE GNU FROM THE PREMISES. you will get called out on twittr. ubuntu+bsd+gento+github=kill linux…you will abandon/ jobs alive in apple, jobs making iphon of soja . fast phoen jobs homogay. we are rich and have patreon now hahahaha ha because of jobs… you are ppoor stink troll… you live in a basement hahahaha, you live in a forum jobs alive numbr one #1 in california ….fuck the capitalism,..FUCKk ashol trols no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur coc and code. gates aliv and real strong koder kill all the whit farm aminal with propietary magic now we the trans rule .ape of the linux presidant linux torvlads fukc the great patriarch and lay code this code hatch and linux wa;s born. stupid baby form the codn give bak our market we will crush u lik a fash. california greattst countrey
stallman is not paid by the fsf
Whats with schizo posting in this thread?
I dont really have any love for stallman as a person, but is free software going to be able to survive this? It seems like the FSF and the GNU project could easily get dragged down with him, and they collectively own a huge amount of free software copyrights. And what about major projects that use the GPL?
After this story I must say I cannot come to this place again. Goodbye Jow Forums.
life is unfair
lol, was that Leo that said that?
Those'll probably survive, though the FSFs name may be tarnished. The original blog post by the crazy diversity acceptance harped on all free software but the daily dot article took a more sane take and only talked about her criticisms of people, not the idea of free software itself or what has come out of free software.
>one quote taken out of context, another one entirely mangled
I hope he sues them.
But he LITERALLY didn't say that.
He said that he speculates that the girl *presented* herself as willing.
This is quite literally the least outrageous thing he said.
Much more outrageous is that he believes that you could somehow fuck an underage sex slave, given to you by a mysterious billionaire, unknowingly.
That one is not about Richard, though.
And so the free software falls, with applause from the discord and rust trannies.
Damn I've said some weird shit this thread. I don't want to believe Stallman is bad because I'm trying to understand free software but I haven't really given it a good crack yet. But this makes me want to avoid it completely.
there's nothing wrong with rust
Can someone shop "freedom" somewhere in that bottom pic.
other than it's killing Free Software Foundation
>free software
>killing Free Software Foundation
You need to go back to discord
Free software =/= GNU/GPLed garbage
not sure what that is
1. Your assessment of free software should have nothing to do with RMS as a person. He has said many intelligent things (and some dumb shit as well) but he is likely not a person you or I would ever want to meet.
2. The screenshot article is retarded, completely misrepresenting his words. Ignore it.
He is enabler of everything, and so takes a stand that doesnt fit with the common clowns ruling us
>ignore that Richard is a pedophile apologist
Ok I'm leaving too. I actually do have shit to do and rape is bad for sure definitely
But GPL is the freeest license
corrupting the youth deserves death.
Yes (if that is what you believe, anyway). Better yet, ignore RMS.
>libtards vehemently attacking other libtards
Not sure if extremely based or clown world
why is he against OpenBSD? there isn't a more free license than the BSD license.
Straights do that way more than gays. For example, Jeffrey Epstein
Except GPL
Yes. Associating a philosophy with one of the unrelated beliefs of a propagator is retarded.
Goes to show that stallman is nothing but a false prophet.
Accept him in your heart and your glownigger ways may be forgiven.
What exactly is free about donating code for use in nonfree products?
>For example, Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein certainly is a good representation of the average straight white male.
based fat hippie boomer
now i understand why Jow Forums loves him so much
Separate his good ideas from him as a person. Everyone involved in the FSF and most people using free software on an ideological basis have known he's a weirdo with weird things to say about pedophilia for years, but it doesn't affect the idea of free software so no ones really bothered to "remove" him until some retard who's first exposure to tech was after being accepted to MIT based on their gender and skin color found out about him and is too stupid to separate ideas and products from people and crimes from wrongthink.
damn, your positions on software are informed by unsourced unrelated screenshots? please be a troll
He is actually. Hope they put you in jail, pedo apologist
What is free about forbidding people to do whatever they want with a certain piece of code?
They can't stop us.
GPL doesn't do that, the nonfree licenses that you support do.
>He is actually.
Yep, the average straight white male is a Jewish billionaire.
>pedo apologist
Where did you jump to that?
oh its like the "hate speech is not free speech" bullshit.
its either free or it isn't. BSD license is the chad IDGAF license.
The best possible freedom a license can offer you is an equitable compromise between respecting your freedom and respecting sublicensees' freedom.
>there isn't a more free license than the BSD license.
I don't know this story but tha's probably the point. The GPL is more restrictive. You may have heard people saying that the GPL is contagious. It's designed to be that way and RMS (myself as well but I'm not a lunatic about it) believe that this is what it takes for free software to thrive in the long term.
>GPL doesn't do that
So I can take any GPL licensed code and do whatever I want with it?
Like including it in my proprietary software?
Well, they were willing
Yes BSD is a free license, but the nonfree licenses that it's intentionally compatible with are not.
>opemBSD just works
It's extremely disingenuous to reduce macOS to its BSD base
Yes, you can use GPL for any purpose. Restricting use is against the GPL.
You can use it in your proprietary software as long as that proprietary software isn't a derivative of the GPLed program.
It's usual clow world.
You have shit stirring by literal who's about "who the fuck cares" opinions of a barely relevant neck beard voicing his weird opinions.
I'd like to think they're not talking about macos
>described Epstein Victims as 'Entirely Willing'
I'm no fan of Stallman but that's just straight up libel
What the fuck am I reading.
So I can use GPLed code in proprietary software as long as it isn't GPLed.
Good to know.
*hits pipe*
>RMS writes in defense of a pedophile
>his fanboys pretend it didn't happen because of muh SJW
It is absolutely nothing new that Stallmann defends pedophiles, but where is the pedophilia in this case?
It's participating in sex slavery that he is defending.
Time to speak less and do something. Defending pedophiles is not something that should be tolerated.
No you just need to make sure it isn't a derivative work. Communicate with the GPL program through a pipe or socket.
It's worth noting that in that case it's actually your insistence on writing proprietary software that you can't combine them as a derivative work. Not the fault of the GPL.
you can't do that I'm pretty sure
So can I use GPLed CODE, not software, CODE in a proprietary software or not?
>OpenBSD were right
That sign is shopped you gullible retard.
No, but like I said, that is the fault of the proprietary software. Not the GPL.
>Defending pedophiles
Where is the pedophilia and where were you all this years Stallmann defending pedophiles is nothing new.