Chair Thread

What chair do you use at your battlestation?

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Other urls found in this thread:

generic chair, I'm a masochist and a jew who doesn't want to buy an ergonomic chair

aeron miller

Subaru Legacy

Ikea Markus, like probably a third of this board. Its the only chair I've ever found that will lock in the reclined position, most will only lock upright.

An embody

Staples hyken

My chair

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Came to say this. Get rid of that chair before it assblasts you.

I like the chair I don’t think It will ass blast me

Attached: images.jpg (70x76, 2K)

Some mesh lawn chair I got in the clearance section of Lowes.

>every "office" or "gaming" chair is shit even more expensive ones
>chinkshit seats in a 3k civic are max comfy
how does this work?

some 1992 Steelcase Strafor

My eternal fear

My gf's dick

That's what they all say, until their beloved chair shanks them in the ass anyway.

i sit on your moms face

The guy was probably fat

The chair was probably Chinese

I also wonder this.

So, can we get Civic seats and mount them on posts?

how to recognize people over 6 feet tall(180cm for europeans)
they have to buy gaymer chairs because they're taller than anzu futaba
i'm going to tell you a secrit : they like it...

Fucking wheels keep breaking,

laying in bed on a bunch of pillows with a laptop ahem notebook

miller embody

I switch between an aeron Miller and a swopper Classic

Attached: 812bh2ukxoL._SL1500_.jpg (1200x1500, 106K)

My current chair

My mobile laptop for general surfing and email


Good ergonomic chairs are worth the investment.

Herman Miller, Humanscale, Steelcase etc...have good models. The best of the best I've found is a company called Lifeform and especially the Ultimate Executive model.

My living room couch.

The guy who got assblased was chinese, so not fat

no chair