Tfw born too early to be true tech nomads

>tfw born too early to be true tech nomads

Imagine this
-RV powered entirely via solar power
-RV is driven automatically by AI, so you don't need a driver's license or insurance
-You pay no rent, you just have the RV programmed to keep moving you so you don't violate any loitering laws
-3D printing technology will have advanced to the point where you can print anything you need, including replacement parts for your RV
-Zeronet-based mesh network worldwide, resulting in completely FREE decentralized internet forever
-Only ever need part-time work to pay for food and raw material for your 3D printer

Attached: f053b586a1307a022ac3a003a8445007[1].jpg (736x431, 36K)

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So, a driving modern prison cell?

That could be said about regular home ownership as well. A home is a ball and chain that you're anchored to and the government knows where to find you to collect their tax dollars.

ugly futuristic look
just give me this

Attached: ivecoastrahd86528x6expeditiontruckfront.jpg (540x360, 56K)

yeah i don't see this thing moving more than like 3 kilometers a day on just solar


You cant power such a thing with solar power. Thats the most retarded thing I’ve reas on Jow Forums today

If not solar, then the whole thing runs on a nuclear battery that lasts for 50 years

Attached: 8369366339_7a64d478ab_o[1].jpg (550x326, 151K)

replace solar with nucular power

yeah i don't see this thing moving more than 20 meters a day on an rtg

Yeah, they're still going to make you have a license and insurance to buy an autonomous vehicle for personal use.


Once self-driven cars are completely established and zero accidents happen per year, there won't be a need to gate people out of traveling

>imagine this
>high tech fully loaded RV
>pros pay no rent, electricity, insurance
>cons costs $300,000 and have to keep moving
You didn't think this through

There's no need for licensing or insurance now. It's just a Jewish trick to seperate you from your shekels. Did you need a license or insurance to ride a horse or drive a buggy? Fuck no. How about captaining a massive ship outfitted with enough cannons to destroy a port city? Also no. But you can bet they'll keep requiring that bullshit even after everyone has a self driving car "for your own safety goyim"

Automation makes things cheap

Or you could just buy a sailboat and get most of that right out the box

.05 vodka dollars have been deposited into your account by opec

fuck off

Attached: 1562717430525.png (1118x173, 393K)

Fuck that. You can't step out of a boat to walk around and explore, you're just going to see WATER everyday. it'll be a huge pain in the ass getting supplies and it'll get so fucking lonely. I think with the self-driving RV's, you can schedule it along with your friends to rendezvous every so often so you can hang out.

>the producing company can't be held responsible for accidents caused by its driving software, goy, we're keeping the mandatory insurance so you can't suddenly get faced with huge payments from an accident, we're just doing this to keep you safe! *hands start smoking from friction*

Why wouldn’t you need insurance?


I'm not driving, I'm not responsible.

Agreed sail boat is a much better idea, and people do this today, you can always earn a living through charters out of your own home, self driving cars also big and cool now but boats have been reliably driving themselves for quite a while now (not fully autonomous but if you don’t keep your eyes on the water what’s the point)

>get boat with anchor
>anchor up somewhere
>grab your handy dandy canoe attached to the side of the boat
>can get to the shore anywhere without having to get to an actual dock
>get to shore
>get your handy electric scooter attached to the side of your canoe
you can go anywhere

Attached: 46345734637.jpg (1038x660, 71K)

I used to live aboard and you meet shitloads of cool people, the yachtie community is fantastic. You also don't run the risk of getting smashed up and robbed by niggers.

This post made me sad

>Automation should* make things cheap
Jews are greedy


>entirely via solar panel
If you're okay with 10-20 miles of travel per day, sure.

Hello CIA

>You also don't run the risk of getting smashed up and robbed by niggers.

Attached: y-crop.jpg (800x383, 101K)

When we finally nail fusion, energy will be free.

>free energy
Not gonna happen. Someone needs to make profit.


>Why? (copied from git)

We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it.
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Works with any browser

>How does it work?

When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent network so it can download the site files from them.
Each visited site is also served by you.

ZeroNet -

>Related technologies:

Freenet -
Urbit -
Beaker Browser -
GNUnet -
libp2p -
MIX Acuity -


i2p -
Tor -

Attached: 1567756105600.png (800x850, 347K)

>there won't be a need to gate people out of traveling
Death, Taxes, and government mandated INSURANCE.

Don't sail to Somalia dumb cunt

A lot of work to shitpost in privacy.

*gets stolen*

Thats not how that works buddy.

Still need to offload the poop tank and fill up on water

what about poo?

what will you do without a utility hookup

I keep clicking the picture but im not getting more information, it just alternates between big and small.

Aerate it in to the sky.

You won't be saying that when it gets to the point that its the only way to shitpost at all.

>Each visited site is also served by you.
I don't want to serve someone else's weird shit.

You only serve what you watch, stop spreading FUD about things you don't understand.

the sun gives you about 1300 watts per square meter of power, max
solar cells have efficiencies of 30% best case scenario, so that drops you down to 400 watts
assuming there's absolutely no loss in transmission or storage, youd get about 1 horsepower for every two square meters
what would that be, like 10 horsepower for the whole roof of an RV? the tinniest econobox has more power than that
and it drops every time theres a single cloud, or a tree, or for the 70% time of day in which the sun doesnt shine directly on to the roof of the RV

if your idea had merit, we would have dropped ICE cars a long time ago, just slapped a few cells on top of your car roof and drive for ever
solar cells on RVs are only useful to keep the battery charged or run a few appliances without having to keep a generator going, you cant power the whole thing with solar

unimog expedition vehicles

basicly a small house

ah yeah i thought i saw one of this on youtube
shit is literally a driving house for a family

>Aerate it in to the sky

no ranjit, poo must go into the loo, into the loo

>Imagine magic
Cool, now back to reality, also self-driving cars would mean banning manual cars because they will be considered dangerous for regular people.