>friend tells me his pc randomly stops working
>take off side panels
>see this
went to a friends house cause his pc stopped working and we found a family of dead baby roaches inside. we tried 2 different power supplies and got no power. could the roaches be what killed the computer or just a coincidence?
Friend tells me his pc randomly stops working
i should also say that yes we did take out the psu to try another so that's why it isn't in these pics
i like it
>Roaches can survive a nuclear war, they can survive radiation, they can survive decapitation, they thrive in environments too toxic for us to even imagine, they can eat things that would instantly kill us
>But even the mighty roach cannot survive for more than 10 seconds near an intel CPU
Try installing gentoo
>could the roaches be what killed the computer
They definitely can be. Insect poo and remains can work similar to liquid damage.
take everything out, clean it all and put it back together, that's fucking disgusting
based and amdpilled
hahaa epik!!!!
intel btfo!!
nice one bro ;-)
i think your system needs debugged
Put me in screencap
Is this the new eBay PS3 joint?
No. Thats normal behavior for intel machines. Youre lucky it didnt blow up and kill your friend. If you have an intel pc, you better check and throw it out if you do.
Reseat the RAM, clean everything, if still not working it is the mobo
fuck, this gave me flashbacks of a pc I had to fix that was just like this back in the day. It was a SFF though. Another machine I worked on that was a rats' nest with a few corpses inside. There be some dirty ass mofuckas out there.
Buy him this.
Also use one in your house if you opened that up.
Also buy a liter of isopropyl alcohol and pour that shit in on the motherboard, case, the guy desk and the guy itself.
I see roach shit in the PCIe ports.
Atleast its not rat pee.
Offer him 10k yen, get another friend.
Trash like that need to GFTO of my US of A.
I once had an ant nest in my router, and yeah - they ruined it.
Smart little fuckers probably enjoyed the warmth.
What in the fuck do you guys do to get your computers infested with bugs? FUCKING CLEAN YOUR HOUSE YOU FUCKING BUNCH OF UNKEMPT NIGGERS!!
>not using your PC outdoors
Onboard video is dead
Ants aren't that bad, they don't shit and create corrosive stuff and shorts like roaches do.
Something about Louis Rossmann makes me really mad, but he'd know how to fix this mess.
Pour 10 liters of amtech flux on it.
5 liters of isopropyl alcohol.
Get the fuck out of my store.
I clean mine once a month
thats so awful op
left the stock intel heatsink on top of that too
Guess the latest Intel patches really killed all the bugs.
>Imagine the smell
He would tell you no.
looks like he installed the latest mitigation but suffers from performance loss
Do roaches really crawling on these components when it's turned on?
Now there's a good argument for having a glass side panel on your case.
we had to take the pc outside cause his mom didn't want me going inside the house. when i was finished helping i had to wash my hands outside with dawn dishwashing soap and a bottle of water
So his mother is a hoarder. I feel bad for him
I had this same problem. I wonder why?
get him the fuck out of his parents house before he's consumed by insects
this, tell his mum to clean the house, she's a lazy biatch
Yeah I've worked on cockroach computers before, just imagine that cockroaches tend to stay close to food sources and like tight spaces and warmth, the rest of the house is probably a hundred times worse given how many there are in the case. There were probably still live ones hiding in the dark places like the PSU and behind the motherboard while OP was still working on it, the dead ones are the ones that haven't been eaten yet.
why do ameriburgers live like pigs
>wireless card in a desktop
Every single time.
I haven't yet worked out the correlation, but every single person I've dealt with which used wi-fi on their desktop was a lazy-ass piece of shit unable of taking proper care of their things. Maybe it has something to do with how using wireless is the lowest effort solution to a problem. Maybe they take that path for every decision they have to make.
>his mom didn't want me going inside the house.
sounds like you dodged a bullet with all the roaches there.
>could the roaches be what killed the computer or just a coincidence
yes, that is why bugs are called that way, it was an insect causing a fault.
Is this payback for Armenia?
the system needs to be nuked