Do you guys know an app that restricts wifi to specific apps?
I have a couple of apps that are ridden with ads but don't need wifi to function at all
Do you guys know an app that restricts wifi to specific apps?
I have a couple of apps that are ridden with ads but don't need wifi to function at all
??? Isn't that built into Android?
If you are rooted, use AFWall+. It can be found on both F-Droid and the app store
yes OP is a faggot or an iToddler, which is the same thing
Op here I only have Android 8.0 it doesn't have that feature
I really don't want to root this phone but I guess I'll have to
What's so bad about rooting the phone?
Tech-ignorant rootlet here. I was in the impression that rooting was roughly the same as jailbreaking one of the old iPhones. In short it makes it better.
Am I wrong?
Might void the warranty I'm just a lazy fuck that's too lazy to unroot it
Nothing wrong with it otherwise
Rooting is getting admin access. Imagine buying a laptop and you can never type "sudo", and it looks like there's no way around that because every single distro is the same - but some autists have put together some arcane workarounds to allow you to enable sudo.
This is kind of the situation with phones. There's literally nothing wrong with rooting, except that phone manufacturers will hate you (let alone withold support), and you have to rely on community-made hobby solutions.
Cool, thanks guys. Planning on rooting a shitty Samsung tablet I picked up in a pawn shop as an afterthought. Hoping to somehow make it not suck.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean
Shitty hardware will always be shitty hardware
There's really good 2 year old phones on eBay for just 200 these days
Don't waste 50 bucks on a tablet that'll perform like a dinosaur
Download Blokada
Android 8.1 lineageos has this not sure if this is the case for stock as well
Mine just looks like this
Go to the specific app
Adblocking is stealing.
>not downloading files is stealing
shit bait 1/10
>that pic
Alright who the fuck is this guy? I keep seeing him on various boards. He looks like that yellow skinned villain from Sin City.
It's the guy that went to the blacked convention
pic very related
Your mom stole my cum last night
Tried typing it in I can't find it
Ah ok I remember seeing this pic before. Thanks
NetGuard is racist. There is an audience of white men who enjoy watching white women have sex with black men, the same way that some men enjoy watching animals have sex with women. There is actually an overlap with these communities. The fans of these videos are enjoying them because they like to see women "degraded" by having sex with entities they consider less human. This basically equates black men to non-human animals. knows this and doesn't care, they're just trying to make money.
There's nothing wrong with interracial relationships. There is something deeply disturbing about enjoying that pornography because you think the woman is being harmed or degraded by it.
I feel like liberals and conservatives should be able to team up to oppose this
Won't happen for the same reason Japan still pixellates their porn. Nobody wants to be *that* politician.
No your retard, banning porn is easy, unbanning it is what's hard
NetGuard on Android. It's on FDroid and GPlay.