What's a good debugger since OllyDbg doesn't update their website anymore?
What's a good debugger since OllyDbg doesn't update their website anymore?
delided cpu and microscope
Alternatively x64dbg
IDA has a free version, but it's full of limitations.
Then there's Ghidra, but it's made by glowies.
x64dbg is apparently good, but I find it a nightmare to operate.
What are you debugging these days, user?
IDA is for static analysis. No one unironically debugs with it. Just pirate the full thing. It's like the top 3 results on google if you look for it.
Hey you dumb tard, that's not a debugger.
But anyway, your looking for ghidra.
Here's my usual setup
>always have calc running
This is how you sort the men from the boys.
I prefer the old Win32 calc.exe though.
But srsly - gdb, ddd and jed
That's first grade stuff.
Haven't used dvorak in like 2 months and I'm down to 15 WPM or something like that
I mean free ones, IDA costs a fuckton of money.
>Just pirate the full thing.
last time I did that it came with a virus. I want to use freeware so I don't risk my computer getting bricked again or someone spying on me.
>I want to use freeware
>because i don't understand that if something's free
>i am the product
People/groups make freeware all the time. Now everyone is out to make a gain. Some people or groups make freeware because they believe software should be free. Not everyone is out to gain something.
>>because i don't understand that if something's free
>>i am the product
What the everloving fuck? I can understand if you're talking about alpha/beta testing but that's just fucking retardo thinking.
I'm sure Google and Facebook love you, user.
there's a freeware version of ida
and there's ghidra
>he doesn't understand the difference between using a tool regardless of it's cost and marketing a service...
It's clear from your speedy response that you're just looking for a pointless argument with a stranger online.
t. dev who's open sourced sw not because I had to or even wanted to but because I could.
>development on Windows
The fact that you need to specify and bask in the fact that you're different means you know, deep down, that the vastest majority are exactly how I describe.
Stop trying to be so intellectually dishonest user, you're not very good at it.
>t. freetard who only makes free C terminal software for his neckbeard friends to see
Quit being a fag. This is what's wrong with you zoomers.
Do I really want to use a program developed by the NSA? Wont they spy on me?
I'm millennial and last time I downloaded free it fucked up my computer.
Now you just not making any sense.
Gud talking.
IDA Pro has a good debugger, Windbg is complex but decent and there's x64dbg.
Ahhh I see. You're one of those insufferable CSci personalities that walked in knowing nothing about computers or logic.
We had a handful of those. One was this obese kid we all called "Grimace" because he looked like the purple mcdonald's retard. He died from a diabetic coma. He didn't know he had diabetes lol.
Je suis Jiang Ying
Will the real Jiang Ying please stand up?
What do you guys do with disassembled?
Not OP, but usually static analysis for vulnerability research.
Sometimes play with CTF and cracking.
I hear some scientific software uses proprietary formulas. It'd be fun to publicize some of that.
Hack games
cracking games when I was younger.
now just debug stuff.
>now just debug stuff
doubt that.
You have a reason. Are you debugging your own assembly? Are you trying to understand how someone else's code works?
Torrent it then, weirdo.
Not him, but most of my debugger use has been protection/version check/whatever bypass lately.
For example, the Microsoft Plus! screensavers were version-checked - I hacked them en masse last year.
Yeah, I like screen savers.
I occasionally (prefer not to) do code injection (asm or c) and/or disassm on old proprietary sw for clients (old dbs for eg.). It's messy work and rarely goes smoothly - I'm literally tidying up someone elses old shitty code.
So, yes - very rarely if I can help it.
You're actually doing God's work, user.
Hang in there.
Kek, I wasn't even gunning for those digits.
The last project I did was to have to tinker with a handwritten db application writtne in the late 80's to allow the client (a spots club) to add fields for email and mobile phone numbers.
Sometimes it pays to have an old beige box running xp and dos6.22
& yeah - noice quads.
I think you get a job and U.S. citizenship if they spy on you and you're doing good work in there.
>Blank notepad
>Unregistered Windows
Boomer Winhax0r detected.
In YOOL 2020 - (3.5/12), that's a compliment.,
whatever. That was when I was younger. God meant for me to take a different path. I have learned a lot about the world since them. I thought I could hack my way into everything. But if you go high enough you run into the powers that be, and they can snatch you up and offer you a deal you literally can't refuse. To Jow Forums a remote viewer is someone using a RAT, to /x/ a remote viewer means a psychic who spy on you by supernatural means. I was saved from a lot of trouble by not becoming an expert in computers, by God, I know a lot more now. I don't even care about being the best programmer/hacker/computer expert anymore, now that I am older I jut want to learn it, learn what I can just to better myself, not to be the best or for power over others. Once I learn I will willingly teach too, I will freely give what I have freely received.
then* spies*
Having this kind of set up where I could accidentally move one of the windows and the arrangement could be broken makes me very nervous. I maximize all windows or use OS-assisted window splitting (in vertical halves) and alt-tab between them only because of this.
>what's a good debugger
yeah and this atomic bomb is good for mowing the lawn
It is.
You'll never have to mow it again.
At least, in your lifetime.
meant for
*sips* yep, ollyDBG
I just want something to learn with, then I can graduate to IDA.
>pirating a tool used by people to reverse engineer and modify binary programs
Relyze, Hopper or Binary Ninja (if you got the money) or Ghidra.
Stopped reading
Will the NSA spy on me if I use this?
messing with games until i knew cheatengine
sometimes """cracking""" shit. Once i was working in a project that required commitioning some old netwrok protocol and there was a licensed software that would work great for that. Used limited license for 40 days, and then it didnt allowed me to save what i was doing (limitations after trial time). So i made a patch that let me keep working normally as if i had bought the license. All this because the company i was working wouldn't mind paying the license.
It's open source, so ask the people who've audited it.
>then the bsa kicked in the door
>you went to jail
>the end
I'm all for hacking software for backcompat reasons or whatever, but doing it on a business level, purely for piracy reasons, is risky shit. The company will sell you down the river in a heartbeat.
bsa? boyscouts of america? lol
i no longer work there, and the patch never went out of my own machine, so bassically it doesn't exist anymore. And it was that or praying for the best expecting that shitty protocol worked for some miracle reason. No user, it wasn't for piracy reasons, it was to save up my ass making the company earn a shit ton of money, sticking to a damn project schedule, while the owners didn't give a fuck about their own employees necessities. What if a tell you i had to use a student autocad license? Office licence? my sides. Yep, those cheap bastards still exist, even when the get millionaire contracts in industry. It's sad to remind those times.
>so bassically it doesn't exist anymore
All I needed to hear, user.
Okay can someone just link the good torrent for IDA.
rutracker.org -> ida pro
and get a 0day-infested piece of shit?
no thanks
>No user, it wasn't for piracy reasons,
It literally was.
> it was to save up my ass making the company earn a shit ton of money, sticking to a damn project schedule, while the owners didn't give a fuck about their own employees necessities.
>The company will sell you down the river in a heartbeat.
I mean, yea.
But which one is the confirmed good/safe one?
Just post the magnet.
don't get the leaked ida7
i'm pretty sure it's fucked
what if i use ghidra offline?
>doesn't update their website anymore