Brooo, you weren't supposed to dereference the null pointer, dumbass

>Brooo, you weren't supposed to dereference the null pointer, dumbass.

Attached: 1568414087614.jpg (539x405, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Thom Yorke just called me a dumbass!
This is the best day of my life!

Attached: rainbow amazement.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Is that Elon Musk?

where's the video of the profressional wrestler telling a bunch of koders that

Is that the guy from OK radiohead?


Why not?
What's wrong with accessing shit at memory location 0?

Null does not mean zero, brainlet. That's a dumb language construct if it does.

>tfw chad calls you out during the code review

Segfault because that memory belongs to the OS.

>that smack at the end

Attached: 1568109084320.jpg (500x500, 56K)

>Chad doesn't even throw an insult
>nerdy boy resorts to violence
Says a lot about our society.

OK Computer

Give me a valid Null value for statically typed languages.

class anus {
private int anus;

public bool isGaping(){
return anus == null;

public bool isShitting(){
return anus == 0;

print anus.isGaping(); //true
print anus.isShitting(); //false

null could be used in case where 0 mean something useful but you need to know if the variable or whatever have been set yet

install gentoo

no it's me after shagging your mum

then i wrote ok computer

Attached: kpopnigga.jpg (770x1014, 94K)

Thom Yorke and the Radioheads

The best songwriter to ever walk this planet user, he can call me a dumbass all he wants

NULL is of type void * and isnt a valid memory location


Python is a dynamically typed language.


>What is python

Attached: qwe_download.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

that's not python, that's pseudo-code I pulled out of my ass

Works in C
#define print printf
#define class int
class anus {
private int anus;

public bool isGaping(){
return anus == null;

public bool isShitting(){
return anus == 0;

print anus.isGaping(); //true
print anus.isShitting(); //false

what the fuck?

class anus {
private $anus;

public isGaping() :bool {
return $this->anus === null;

public isShitting() :bool {
return $this->anus === 0;

What can I say

Attached: qwe_download.png (185x156, 18K)

Is that Radiohead man?

Virtual Address 0x0 is never mapped to a Physical Address so if you try to try to find its corresponding Physical Address your computer calls you a monkey and kills your program.
Physical Address 0x0 is part of space reserved for BIOS or EFI stuff. There's nothing wrong with using Physical Address 0x0 after your OS kills your EFI during boot but Linux doesn't bother mapping anything to it so you'll just have vestigial bootcode in your first MB or so of memory the whole time your system is on. Not sure what Windows does with that space.

Python uses indentation for code blocks not curly braces.

It's the headman of Radiohead yes.

Imagine using a language where you can dereference a null pointer

Thats John Carmack, dumbass.

> Not getting an access violation.