Is this Jow Forums approved?
Is this Jow Forums approved?
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Jow Forums only approves tranny memes and consumer tech fanboyism
Learn lisp.
ive heard this is actually a very good book
Eloquent Javascript, You Don't Know Javascript and are all pretty good.
Yes user it's a good book
But I want a job.
The fact that Javascript gets used everywhere now is because of the 1st edition of this book. Before this book Javascript was just a dumb clunky language people used to make hover effects on webpages. This book opened everyones mind to how prototype OO worked and high order functions and suddenly you had a million web frameworks for doing asynchronous callbacks and whatever else. It made the average web programmers into a better functional programmer than most Haskell larpers.
Don't know how true what you said is, in my experience most people don't really understand prototypal inheritance and just recommend using the newer class syntactic sugar for it whenever someone mentions it.
Best JS book by far. Feels like K&R
javascript is a lisp (albiet, not in appearance).
>Learn lisp.
The first language I learned was clojure using lighttable. I love REPL's!
Then I took the lisp nested syntax to javascript and I was able to think in computational space forever more.
(fn x (fn x y))
it just naturally made sense to me where the C style syntax did not.
So I agree learn lisp to learn js, originally it was meant to be Scheme for the browser.
>javascript is a lisp (albiet, not in appearance).
Scheme for the browser
function add(a,b){ return a +b }
add(4, add(1,3))
You ever tried Clojure?
What's the best advanced JS book, like Effective Java but for JS
If your learning JS I recommend the following:
Learn why the language is designed the way it is.
124 JSJ The Origin of Javascript with Brendan Eich
You Don't Know JS Yet (book series)
This book series goes in depth into the language and is also free online.
Javascript: The Definitive Guide
everything after ES5 is syntactic sugar so this book is still 100% relevant
>everything after ES5 is syntactic sugar
That's not true, ES6 has meta programming via Proxy Objects
This seems like a very relevant thread to a question I was going to ask on /wdg/ or /dpt/
So lately I have been looking for a new job or internship and one of the most frequent questions is 'Do you know Javascript ES6?". As an intern doing front end dev work I use a lot of javascript and have been adapting to the latest es6 standards but what is a good answer to that question? I dont know what to really say other than "well I use it on a daily basis so yeah".
>I dont know what to really say other than "well I use it on a daily basis so yeah"
I'd say yes?
The language is pretty large now, no one is really proficient in all parts of it.
it baffles me that they are asking this question at all. I feel like a lot of these people interviewing me are mistaking it as a different language from javascript and not realizing its just new/improved tools added to it.
>I feel like a lot of these people interviewing me are mistaking it as a different language from javascript
Their most likely just confused. So I'd just say yes confidently to put them at ease, you should be confident you know 10 times more about than they do.
>Using JS when typescript is a thing
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
But then they probe me more with "can you give an example?" and its not like there is some kind of amazing info I can tell them about es6. I mean there is "let" and "const" as opposed to var or arrow functions for short syntax. Other than that the rest is shit you will probably rarely if ever use or dont really have to use.
Are they happy with that answer? If not what else do they ask?
>Using JS when typescript is a thing
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this
It's really warnScript, I'd rather use ReasonML than typescript.
I'm betting on a language thats everywhere.
Typescript could easily be the next coffeescript.
Are you using
Javascript is a very powerful language, no matter what Jow Forums thinks
not really. if I ask them what they are trying to fish for they never really give an answer. the only time someone did they asked "what is a fetch?".
js is not a lisp as lisps are defined by their homoiconicity
Yes'm I knows the ES6 Vuejs React Redux Web Worker Flexbox Grid Layout Progressive Web App Event Stream Canvas SVG D3 thing
>what is a fetch
The replacement for XHR
1 point for me.
Yeah, their just nervous because they can't figure out if you know what your doing. In relation to them you 100% know what your doing.
eval user!!!!
console.log(eval('2 + 2'));
what about this new thing I've heard of "jQuery", do you know that?
Is that like Bootstrap
It's even more cutting edge.
It seems pretty cool. I can just do things with elements by doing $(".cool-element") instead of doing refs
>muh lisp
Is it even close to the performance and beauty of C++?
Martin Thompson has found cache invalidation is the biggest factor effecting performance today.
>beauty of C++
see image
>Yeah, their just nervous because they can't figure out if you know what your doing. In relation to them you 100% know what your doing.
thats what github and a portfolio site is for. if they cant bother to go and check out either of those then I could just be lying out of my ass for all they know.
Could be worse, I guess.
whats better overall, js or python?
js for web-related. python for everything else.
Javascript was supposed to be a scheme dialect but bloody Suns did some shit with Mozilla and Mozilla thought it was a good idea to create a language that looks like Java and call it Javascript.
Eloquent Javascript is the first book on JS to really click for me, approved by me so it must be good.
>not using TypeScript
Come on, retards.
Google YDKJS
Rust 4 everything!