Hey Jow Forums I need to save all the pics posted in a thread here,
what easy tool can I use automate that process?
Image download on Jow Forums
your penis
>I need to save all the pics posted in a thread here
No, you do not.
That's simple.
Run a wget query for the page, then grep all the full size image link URLs into another file (or variable), then run a wget loop that grabs them all
Surprised you had to ask, dumbass
retard, just right click > save page with name
Kuroba for android, dl it from github. Click on an image, then the menu, then select "download album".
This, go play outside
I mean i could say hydrus, but then again because you are seemingly unable to search for basic information, you probably cannot manage to read the documentation either.
Save the page with a browser at this point.
Use python and the Jow Forums api: github.com
script.py "
Adjust the script (note the last part where I open images using sxiv), install pip dependencies until it work. Lazy to post requirements.txt
Just use the Dollchan Script. It can either download the whole Thread or just the images.
downthemall has always worked, and still does
Nice digits
Thread Watcher
CTRL+A then CTRL+S on firefox
GNU comes to help:
wget -qO- | grep -Po 'a href="//\Ki.*?[^"]+' | xargs wget
Thank kind stranger this works well
I got the firefox extension and seems to be what I was looking for
I vaguely recall either clover or overchan being able to do this, so if you have an android device lying around that could be a quick way to do that.
Fuck off coomer
There are several programs designed for this very thing that can be found with a quick google
this should do the trick
rm -rf ~/Downloads ~ # boards.4channel.org
replace the url with any other url and it will download all the cute pictures for you.
>no mention of the kind of thread user needs to download pictures from
>automatically assumes it's about sex anyway
It's like you are the one obsessed about sex
Leave this board, cuck
If I change Downloads to Pictures will it save the downloaded stuff to Pictures?
I use this
For 4channel threads you need to change the url to Jow Forums for it to work.
best solution
waste of trips
>right click
>save image as
lazy pizza shit
My Jow Forums thread scraper
Too long for more than 20 images
I feel like a brainlet now:
curl 'a.4cdn.org